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Model results presented in HESS-2022-7

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Created: Jan 06, 2022 at 10:38 a.m.
Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 at 9:09 a.m.
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This repository contains the model results presented in the paper HESS-2022-7 submitted on January, 6 2022.

The data folder is composed of four subfolders that contain the results four the four cases of slope angle \beta = [0 0.1 0.2 0.5].

Each subfolders contain five text files with results for the five values of hydraulic conductivities ratios r_K, named slope-LC_Kexp_D=0.2L_beta=0.0_alpha_zeta=1_r_K=###.
The file is composed of 3 columns with time, discharge (Q) and rate of change in discharge (-dQ/dt). This data has been used to generate Figures 3-6.

In subfolder data/beta=0.5/water_table/ is present the files with the water table profiles for cases r_K = 1 and 64.
The file 'wt_D=0.2L_beta=0.5_alpha_zeta=1_r_K=###' present time values in rows and water table elevations in columns along the x coordinates.
The actual values of x coordinates are compiled in a separate file called xgrid_D=0.2L_beta=0.5_alpha_zeta=1_r_K=###. This data has been used to generate Figure 8.

Matlab code used to process the data are available from request to the authors.

Subject Keywords



This repository contains the model results presented in the paper HESS-2022-7 submitted on January, 6 2022.

The data folder is composed of four subfolders that contain the results four the four cases of slope angle \beta [0 0.1 0.2 0.5].

Each subfolders contain five text files with results for the five values of hydraulic conductivities ratios r_K, named  slope-LC_Kexp_D=0.2L_beta=0.0_alpha_zeta=1_r_K=###.
The file is composed of 3 columns with time, discharge (Q) and rate of change in discharge (-dQ/dt). This data has been used to generate Figures 3-6.

In subfolder data/beta=0.5/water_table/ is present the files with the water table profiles for cases r_K = 1 and 64. 
The file  'wt_D=0.2L_beta=0.5_alpha_zeta=1_r_K=###' present time values in rows and water table elevations in columns along the x coordinates.
The actual values of x coordinates are compiled in a separate file called xgrid_D=0.2L_beta=0.5_alpha_zeta=1_r_K=###. This data has been used to generate Figure 8.

Matlab code used to process the data are available from request to the authors.

How to Cite

Roques, C. (2022). Model results presented in HESS-2022-7, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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