BuPuSa Community
About this community:
This Community is to be used for sharing transboundary water data between the BuPuSa Mozambique and BuPuSa Zimbabwe groups. The site development was supported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with support from UNESCO.
The Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZnet)
This community is a landing page for shared CZnet datasets from each of the 9 thematic clusters
About this community:
This community includes the 9 thematic clusters of the critical zone collaborative network. Clusters can share datasets across the network to this community for the purposes of synthesis, data sharing, collaboration, ect.
Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH)
This community brings together the CIROH working groups in HydroShare for easier data access and sharing
About this community:
CIROH, a partnership between NOAA and The University of Alabama, is a national consortium committed to advancing water prediction – the forecasting of streamflow entering water systems, extreme events such as floods and droughts, and water quality – and building community resilience to water-related challenges. CIROH scientists, from 28 different institutions—academic, government, and private, work to improve the understanding of hydrologic processes, operational hydrologic forecasting techniques and workflows, community water modeling, translation of forecasts to actionable products, and use of water predictions in decision making.