Data for "Managed vs Natural Recharge of pre-Alpine Phreatic Aquifers", Udine (Italy)

Owners: Pietro Teatini
Type: Resource
Storage: The size of this resource is 45.3 MB
Created: May 04, 2020 at 9:39 p.m.
Last updated: May 05, 2020 at 6:46 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: May 05, 2020 at 6:46 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.024d498535ff42e9ad88432a219e6134
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Content types: Single File Content 
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This dataset includes:
1) time series data collected during the MAR test carried out at Mereto di Tomba, Udine;
2) the digital elevation model of the regional and local study area
3) the finitite-element grid developed to simulate the groundwater flow at the regional and local scale



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Mereto di Tomba
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


    No files to display.


Data related to observations and simulations associated to the study 
"Managed vs Natural Recharge of pre-Alpine Phreatic Aquifers" 

CSV_data (csv file of monitoring data):

Piezometer_A1.csv - .csv file containing the depth to the water table recorded by means of a Diver at piezometer
A1. Column headers are described in the header of the file. 

Piezometer_A2.csv - .csv file containing the depth to the water table recorded manually with a phreatimeter at
piezometer A2. Column headers are described in the header of the file. 

Deep_piezometers.csv - .csv file containing the difference between the piezometeric level recorded in deep 
boreholes around the infiltration pond and one piezometers 1 km far from the pond. Column headers are described 
in the header of the file. 

MAR_level.csv - .csv file containing the height of the water level in the pond over the MAR test. Column 
headers are described in the header of the file.

Water_chemistry.csv - .csv file containing Electrical Conductivity (muS/cm). Nitrates (ppm), Solphates (ppm) 
in the surface water and in the shallow and deep piezometers over the MAR test. Column headers are described 
in the header of the file. 

Regional-model_DEM.csv - .csv file containing the digital elevation model of the study area at the regional scale. 
Coordinates are in Gauss-Boaga, elevation in meter above mean sea level. Column headers are described 
in the header of the file. 
MAR-model_DEM.csv - .csv file containing the digital elevation model of the study area at the local scale. 
Coordinates are in Gauss-Boaga, elevation in meter above mean sea level. Column headers are described 
in the header of the file. 

ZIP_data (zip file of modelling data):
-------------------------------------- - .zip file containing the file MAR-model.mesh with the finite element mesh of the local model.
File structure is the following:
number of noded ; number of elements
for i=1,nodes
    node_id; east_coord; nord_coord; elevation
for i=1,elements
    element_id; #node1; #node2; #node3; #node4; #material - .zip file containing the file MAR-model.mesh with the finite element mesh of the local model.
File structure is the following:
number of noded ; number of elements
for i=1,nodes
    node_id; east_coord; nord_coord; elevation
for i=1,elements
    element_id; #node1; #node2; #node3; #node4; #material


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
European Union LIFE+ WATER RE-BORN - Artificial Recharge: Innovative Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources

How to Cite

Teatini, P., G. Martelli, A. Comerlati, G. Piero, C. Zoccarato (2020). Data for "Managed vs Natural Recharge of pre-Alpine Phreatic Aquifers", Udine (Italy), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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