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Hydroinformatics: Intro to Hydrologic Analysis in R (Bookdown and Code)

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Created: Jun 15, 2021 at 12:05 p.m.
Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 at 12:14 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Content types: Single File Content 
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The linked bookdown contains the notes and most exercises for a course on data analysis techniques in hydrology using the programming language R. The material will be updated each time the course is taught. If new topics are added, the topics they replace will remain, in case they are useful to others.

I hope these materials can be a resource to those teaching themselves R for hydrologic analysis and/or for instructors who may want to use a lesson or two or the entire course. At the top of each chapter there is a link to a github repository. In each repository is the code that produces each chapter and a version where the code chunks within it are blank. These repositories are all template repositories, so you can easily copy them to your own github space by clicking *Use This Template* on the repo page.

In my class, I work through the each document, live coding with students following along.Typically I ask students to watch as I code and explain the chunk and then replicate it on their computer. Depending on the lesson, I will ask students to try some of the chunks before I show them the code as an in-class activity. Some chunks are explicitly designed for this purpose and are typically labeled a “challenge.”

Chapters called ACTIVITY are either homework or class-period-long in-class activities. The code chunks in these are therefore blank. If you would like a key for any of these, please just send me an email.

If you have questions, suggestions, or would like activity answer keys, etc. please email me at jpgannon at

Finally, if you use this resource, please fill out the survey on the first page of the bookdown ( This will help me get an idea of how people are using this resource, how I might improve it, and whether or not I should continue to update it.

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How to Cite

Gannon, J. P. (2021). Hydroinformatics: Intro to Hydrologic Analysis in R (Bookdown and Code), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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