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Data for "Incorporating Network Scale River Bathymetry to Improve Characterization of Fluvial Processes in Flood Modeling"
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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 1.8 GB | |
Created: | Nov 06, 2022 at 8:48 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 07, 2022 at 6:50 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Geographic Feature Content |
Sharing Status: | Public |
Views: | 1267 |
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This resource contains the data used in the study "Incorporating Network Scale River Bathymetry to Improve Characterization of Fluvial Processes in Flood Modeling" published in Water Resources Research (doi: 10.1029/2020WR029521)
Abstract of the journal article:
Several studies have focused on the importance of river bathymetry (channel geometry) in hydrodynamic routing along individual reaches. However, its effect on other watershed processes such as infiltration and surface water (SW)‐groundwater (GW) interactions has not been explored across large river networks. Surface and sbsurface processes are interdependent, therefore, errors due to inaccurate representation of one watershed process can cascade across other hydraulic or hydrologic processes. This study hypothesizes that accurate bathymetric representation is not only essential for simulating channel hydrodynamics but also affects subsurface processes by impacting SW‐GW interactions. Moreover, quantifying the effect of bathymetry on surface and subsurface hydrological processes across a river network can facilitate an improved understanding of how bathymetric characteristics affect these processes across large spatial domains. The study tests this hypothesis by developing physically based distributed models capable of bidirectional coupling (SW‐GW) with four configurations with progressively reduced levels of bathymetric representation. A comparison of hydrologic and hydrodynamic outputs shows that changes in channel geometry across the four configurations has a considerable effect on infiltration, lateral seepage, and location of water table across the entire river network. For example, when using bathymetry with inaccurate channel conveyance capacity but accurate channel depth, peak lateral seepage rate exhibited 58% error. The results from this study provide insights into the level of bathymetric detail required for accurately simulating flooding‐related physical processes while also highlighting potential issues with ignoring bathymetry across lower order streams such as spurious backwater flow, inaccurate water table elevations, and incorrect inundation extents.
Subject Keywords
This resource contains data used in the study "Incorporating Network Scale River Bathymetry to Improve Characterization of Fluvial Processes in Flood Modeling" published in Water Resources Research (doi: 10.1029/2020WR029521). There are two subfolders in the Data folder: UWR and WHR. They correspond to the two watersheds used in this study - Upper Wabash Basin (UWR) and White River Basin (WHR). Data corresponsing to each study area is shared separately in these subfolders. Following is the description of files in each subfolder: The DEM.7z files contains the DEM with corrected bathymetry. This is the DEM corresponsing to "Control" configuration in the study. The vector files contain some of the vectors used in this study such as the bathymetry survey points, channel centerlines, channel control volumes, pond control volumes, and study area. The name of the files should be self-explanatory. Majority of the data used in the hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling study are already available in the public domain. These have not been shared in this resource to reduce redundancy. The sources of such datasets are mentioned in the journal publication. Examples:landuse (NLCD), soil (gSSURGO), precipitation (NLDAS), streamflow (USGS) etc.
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This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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