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Created: | Oct 27, 2020 at 9:04 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Apr 18, 2023 at 12:54 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Apr 18, 2023 at 12:54 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.0b72cddfc51c45b188e0e6cd8927227e | |
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This resource contains high resolution residential water use data and classified end uses of water for 31 residential homes located in Logan City and Providence City in Cache County, Utah, USA. Data were collected using a low-cost, open source monitoring device that was designed to operate on magnetically driven residential water meters (see Data were recorded with a temporal frequency of 4 seconds and were collected for a period of at least two weeks during the summer when outdoor water use was active and two weeks during the winter when no outdoor water use was expected. The event disaggregation and classification was conducted using the tools available in the HydroShare resource at The data were measured on the meter located on the water supply line to each home and represent a trace of the total water use for each residence. The dataset also includes secondary data about each of the residences at which data were collected. These data have been anonymized to remove any personally identifiable information from participants in this data collection effort.
Subject Keywords
Folders are organized as follows:
1_SecondaryData contains all secondary information collected for each site in a single file (sites.csv) with the following columns:
- SiteID: Identifier assigned to each participant in the study. Type: Integer.
- City: Name of the city where the participant lives. Type: Logan / Providence.
- N_Residents: Total number of residents in the site. Type: Integer.
- N_Residents_0-10: Number of residents in the age range listed. Type: Integer.
- N_Residents_10-25: Number of residents in the age range listed. Type: Integer.
- N_Residents_25-40: Number of residents in the age range listed. Type: Integer.
- N_Residents_40-60: Number of residents in the age range listed. Type: Integer.
- N_Residents_Over60: Number of residents in the age range listed. Type: Integer.
- IrrigationType: Descriptor of the irrigation system in the property. Type: Hose / SprinklerSystem
- MeterBrand: Manufacturer of the meter used by the utility company to record water use at the site. Type: Neptune / MasterMeter
- MeterSize: Size of the meter used by the utility company to record water use at the site. Units: Inches.
- MeterResolution: Volumetric meter resolution for the meter located at the site. Units: Gallons. Multiplying pulses at any location by this value will result in the volume (in gallons) used at the site.
- N_Bathrooms: Number of bathrooms in the site. Type: Integer
- Own/Rent: Indicates if the habitants of a site own or rent the property. Type: Own / Rent.
- LegalAcreage_SqFt: Legal area of the parcel. Units: Square Foot - Rounded to the nearest 10.
- YearBuilt: Year the property was built. Unit: Year - rounded to the nearest 5.
- BuildingSqFt: Built area of each site. Units: Square Foot - rounded to the nearest 10.
- ZipCode: Zip code for each site. Type: 5-digit integer.
- UserPercentile_City_LastYear: Ranking of the participants sites compared with all residential properties, by city, for the last year of data available. Logan (2018), Providence (2019). Units: ranking.
- MonthlyAverageWinter: Average monthly water use during winter months (November - April) at each site. Units: 1,000 Gallons.
- MonthlyAverageSummer: Average water use during winter months (May - October) at each site. Units: 1,000 Gallons.
- Irr_Area: Irrigated Area, computed from satellite imagery. Units: Square Foot.
2_LogFiles contains a log for each site (in CSV format) with the following columns:
- DataCollectionPeriod: An identifier for each data collection period from 1 to n.
- StartDate: The start date of each data collection period. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- EndDate: The end date of each data collection period. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- Meter_WaterUse: Volume of water used in each data collection period, obtained from reading the actual meter installed at each site. Unit: Gallons.
- CIWS-DL_WaterUse: Volume of water used in each data collection period, measured by the CIWS-Datalogger installed at each site. Unit: Gallons.
- PercentError_Vol: Percent error, in volume, of the CIWS-Datalogger measurement. PercentError_Vol = (column 5 - column 4)*100 / column 4. Unit: %.
- N_ExpectedValues: Number of recorded values expected in each data collection period, calculated as (column 3 - column 2)/4 seconds Unit: count
- N_ActualValues: Number of actual values recorded by the CIWS-Datalogger in each data collection period. Unit: count.
- PercentError_Count: Percent error, in count, of the CIWS-Datalogger measurement. PE_count = (column 8 - column 7)*100 / column 7. Unit: %.
- OutdoorWaterUse_Expected: An indication of whether outdoor water use is expected during the data collection period or not. Type: Binary (Yes / No).
The log files are named sitenqc_log.csv, where n represents the siteID for each site where data was collected.
- 3_QC_Data contains all the data collected that passed the quality control procedure defined. There is 1 CSV file per site with the following columns:
- Time: Date and time stamp for each value collected. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- Pulses: The number of pulses recorded in every 4-second time period. Type: integer.
The QC_Data files are named siteNNNqc_data.csv, where NNN represents the siteID for each site where data was collected.
The volumetric meter resolution (volume per pulse) for each meter is included in the SitesInformation_HS.csv file (MeterResolution)
- 4_EventFilesOriginal contains an events file for each site (in CSV format) with the following columns:
- StartTime: Start date and time of each individual event. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- EndTime: End date and time of each individual event. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- Duration: Duration of each individual event (end time - start time). Units: Minutes
- OriginalVolume: Volume of water used in each individual event. Unit: Gallons.
- OriginalFlowRate: Average flow rate of each individual event. Unit: Gallons per minute.
- Peak_Value: Maximum volume value observed in each 4-seconds period within each event. Unit: Gallons
- Mode_Value: Most frequent volume value observed in an event. Unit: Gallons
- Label: Event classification. Values: faucet, toilet, shower, irrigation, clotheswasher, bathtub.
- Site: Identifier assigned to each participant in the study. Type: Integer.
The event files are named LabelledEvents_site_n.csv, where n represents the siteID for each site where data was collected.
The files in this folder were generated from processing the files in the 3_QC_Data folder using the tools contained in the HydroShare resource available at
- 5_EventFiles_Processed contains an events file for each site (in CSV format) with the following columns:
- StartTime: Start date and time of each individual event. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- EndTime: End date and time of each individual event. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
- Duration: Duration of each individual event (end time - start time). Units: Minutes
- OriginalVolume: Volume of water used in each individual event. Unit: Gallons.
- OriginalFlowRate: Average flow rate of each individual event. Unit: Gallons per minute.
- Peak_Value: Maximum volume value observed in each 4-seconds period within each event. Unit: Gallons
- Mode_Value: Most frequent volume value observed in an event. Unit: Gallons
- Label: Event classification. Values: faucet, toilet, shower, irrigation, clotheswasher, bathtub, unclassified, unknown.
- Site: Identifier assigned to each participant in the study. Type: Integer.
The event files are named Events_site_n.csv, where n represents the siteID for each site where data was collected.
These files were processed using the methodology described in the HydroShare resource available at
Related Resources
The content of this resource references | Bastidas Pacheco, C. J., J. S. Horsburgh (2021). Supporting data and tools for "Variability in Consumption and End Uses of Water for Residential Users in Logan and Providence, Utah, USA", HydroShare, |
The content of this resource references | Attallah, N., C. J. Bastidas Pacheco (2023). Supporting data and tools for "An Open-source, Semi-supervised Water End Use Disaggregation and Classification Tool", HydroShare, |
This resource is referenced by | Bastidas Pacheco, C. J., Horsburgh, J. S., Tracy, R. J. (2020). A low-cost, open source monitoring system for collecting high-resolution water use data on magnetically-driven residential water meters, Sensors, 20(13), 3655, |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | Cyberinfrastructure for Intelligent Water Supply (CIWS): Shrinking Big Data for Sustainable Urban Water | CBET 1552444 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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