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Examining the Effects of Climate Change on Managed Lowland Rivers in the California Bay Delta Watershed

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Created: Apr 09, 2024 at 12:05 a.m.
Last updated: Jul 30, 2024 at 3:10 a.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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Water that is released from reservoirs can affect the downstream thermal regimes of rivers. During the summer months, these flow releases can lower the river temperature downstream of dams in an extension that mainly depends on the volume and temperature of these releases and the energy exchange with the overlying atmosphere. The benefit of this cooling effect has been suggested as an approach to mitigate the effects of climate change in downstream-regulated rivers. However, anticipated climate change conditions may weaken these cooling benefits, especially in managed lowland rivers (MLRs), as they are subjected to large withdrawals, are shallow, and convey clear water. Here, we show that MLRs in the California Bay Delta Watershed are vulnerable to water temperature increases, especially during future summer months subjected to a future high-emission greenhouse scenario. Low-flow conditions exacerbate this vulnerability, especially at locations downstream of high-flow diversions. By using a physical energy balance model (FLUVIAL-EB) paired with a downscaled climate regional model (CRCM5-RCP8.5), we found that for summer months between 2030 and 2100, longwave and latent heat fluxes will contribute to water temperature increases, while absorbed solar radiation will likely decrease under future climate scenarios. Despite the warming effects of climate change on MLRs in the California Bay Delta Watershed, our findings suggest that increasing the release of hypolimnetic water from reservoirs during summer months can be a viable solution to mitigate the river temperature increase.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
San Joaquin River downstream of Friant Dam
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:



River Temperature Modeling

Note: This code uses and was modified from the original version of the FLUVIAL-EB model (Bray & Dozier, 2023) and is available at

This MATLAB script is designed to model river temperature using an explicit numerical solution. It allows for the simulation of river temperature over a specified time period, considering various parameters such as flow discharge, boundary conditions, and grid spacing.

1. Prerequisites

MATLAB R2022b installed on your system.

2. Setup

Download this repository to your local machine.
Open MATLAB and navigate to the directory where the script is located.

3. Usage
Open the run_model.m file in MATLAB.

Set the desired parameters in the script:

inidate: Start date and time of simulation.
enddate: End date and time of simulation.
CRCM: Choose between CRCM (true) or CIMIS (false).
dx: Grid spacing in meters.
Q: Flow discharge in cubic feet per second (cfs).
disend: Distance to end in kilometers.
bc: Upstream boundary condition. This can be either a CSV file path or a constant value.
initialtemp: Initial temperature in the river. This can be a constant value or a time series.
Save the changes to the script.

Run the script in MATLAB. This will execute the river temperature modeling with the specified parameters.

4. CRCM_RCP8.5

Gridded weather time-series are selected in file getWeatherFromCRCM.m
Comment line 34 or 35 for weather data CCCma-CanESM2 or MPI-ESM-MR, respectively. 

5. Outputs

The script will generate the following outputs:

time: Time vector of the simulation.
distanceVector: Vector of distances along the river.
temp: Matrix of temperatures at different distances and times.
solNoAdvect: Solution without advection.
AllFlux: All fluxes calculated during the simulation.


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
State Water Contractors Science Program 24-15

How to Cite

Rojas Aguirre, A., E. Bray, J. Dozier (2024). Examining the Effects of Climate Change on Managed Lowland Rivers in the California Bay Delta Watershed, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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