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Created: | Nov 14, 2023 at 12:40 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 15, 2023 at 9:12 p.m. | |
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This archive includes data and processing codes used in the manuscript "Sensitivity of Slow Landslide Displacement to Precipitation Variability Driven by Climate Change" by Murphy et al., currently in prep. This work applies projections of future precipitation patterns from downscaled climate models to a 1D hydrological model of Oak Ridge Earthflow. The results of the hydrological model are translated into estimations of future landslide movement via an empirical relationship between pore-water pressure and landslide displacement derived from six years of onsite monitoring.
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1_HYDRUS_Models Base_Model Contains input and output files for the base hydrological model of Oak Ridge. Ensemble_Models Contains input and output files for the ensemble of hydrological models of Oak Ridge divided between the historic (1950-2005) and projected periods (2006-2100) Model_With_ET Contains input and output files for a test run of a single ensemble member including ET. 2_Displacement_Models Disp_Pwp_Results_OakRidge Contains csv files with input precipitation, modeled pore-water pressure, and resulting displacement for each historical and projected model. Displacement_Model is an R script for determining landslide displacement from HYDRUS model results based on an empirical relationship between displacement and pore-water pressure. This is the script used to generate the csv files in this directory. TLevel_Output_OakRidge Contains csv files with the model results designated by HYDRUS as "TLevel Output," e.g., runoff, infiltration, and soil storage for each historical and projected model. ExtractTLevelOutput is an R script for obtaining these results from a HYDRUS TLevel output file and determining cumulative fluxes where relevant. 3_Figures Figure2: This directory contains the R script for plotting figure 2 along with two csv files containing model results for all ensemble members. modelresults_OREO_AllModelsAllYears.csv day: numbered day within model timeframe date: calendar date represented by model results prec_mm: daily precipitation in millimeters taken from the CORDEX archive projections and input into HYDRUS pwp_kPa: resulting pore-water pressure calculated by the HYDRUS model. Reported here in kPa (converted from meters of H2O assuming hydrostatic conditions). disp_m: displacement reported in meters, determined from the modeled pore water values using the empirical relationship observed at Oak Ridge (see equation 1 and figure S2 in the paper). cum_disp: cumulative displacement in meters seq: numbered day within model timeframe id: indicates whether each entry (each day) is part of the historic period (hist, 1950-2005) or projected period (rcp, 2006-2100) of that ensemble member model: name of each ensemble member. Letters before the period indicated the global climate model and letters after the period indicate the regional climate model used to generate the rainfall data that were input into HYDRUS cumpr: cumulative precipitation in mm from the start of the model run. Note that for historic data this counts from the start of the model and for projected data this starts from the beginning of the projected period (i.e., 2006) molnum: an alternative way to identify each ensemble member, distinguishing between historic and projected data TLevelOutput_OREO_AllModelsAllYears.csv Day: numbered day within model timeframe precip: daily precipitation taken from the CORDEX archive projections and input into HYDRUS [meters] infiltration: daily infiltration [meters] bottomflux: flux out of the bottom of the model domain [m/day] cum_precip: cumulative precip calculated from the start of the model run for the historic days and from Jan 1 2006 for the projected (rcp) days [meters] cum_infil: cumulative infiltration calculated from the start of the model run for the historic days and from Jan 1 2006 for the projected (rcp) days [meters] cum_bottomflux: cumulative flux out of the bottom of the model domain calculated from the start of the model run for the historic days and from Jan 1 2006 for the projected (rcp) days [meters] hTop: pressure head at the soil surface [meters] hBot: pressure head at the bottom of the soil profile [meters] runoff: runoff from the model domain [m/day] CumRunOff: cumulative runoff from the model domain calculated from the start of the model run for the historic days and from Jan 1 2006 for the projected (rcp) days [meters] soil_stor: the amount of water currently stored in the model domain [meters] Date: date in month/day/year id: designates whether each entry belongs to the historic (hist) or projected (rcp) timeframes model: name of each ensemble member. Letters before the period inidcate the global climate model and letters after the period inidcate the regional climate model used to generate the rainfall data that were input into HYDRUS Figure3: This directory contains the R script and necessary data for plotting figure 3, a snapshot of model conditions from Jan 1 2060 - Dec 31 2067 for a single ensembler member (Global Climate Model: HadGEM2-ES, Regional Climate Model: WRF) HadGEM2-ES_WRF_Jan2060_Dec2067_Pressure_Head_all_Time-Layers.txt: this file contains pressure head data at 301 nodes in the model domain at 501 sequential timesteps column 1: node number column 2: depth in the soil profile [meters] column 3: pressure [meters] HadGEM2-ES_WRF_Jan2060_Dec2067_Water_Content_all_Time_Layers.txt: this file contains water content data at 301 nodes in the model domain at 501 sequential timesteps column 1: node number column 2: depthe in the soil profile [meters] column 3: water content [-] precipitation projections input into HYDRUS modelresults_OREO_AllModelsAllYears.csv: see explanation under Figure2 ObsNod.OUT: HYDRUS results at select observation nodes at every time step TLevel_forImport.csv: TLevel output (runoff, infiltration, etc.) from HYDRUS Figure4 : This directory contains the R script and necessary data for plotting figure 4, a comparison of observed rainfall and displacement measured at Oak Ridge earthflow. GPS.csv: Data from the middle GPS station (OREO) at Oak Ridge earthflow. The four columns are YYMMMDD (Date), yyyy.yyyy (Decimal date), MJD (modified Julian date), and disp (GPS derived horizontal displacement in meters) combined_precip.csv: Rainfall measured at Oak Ridge, supplemented by data from the nearby Poverty Ridge gauge (POV) during period when the weather station at Oak Ridge was unoperational. The two columns are Date and pr_mm (measured precipitation in mm). FigureS1: This directory contains the R script and necessary data for plotting figure S1, a comparison of observed pore-water pressure at Oak Ridge to that modeled in HYDRUS 1_days_Obs_Node.OUT: HYDRUS results at the surface (node 2) and at 2.5 m depth (node 334) at every time step, modeled using precipitation observed at Oak Ridge between 2015 and 2022. time: time in decimal days in the model timeframe h: pore-water pressure [mH2O] theta: water content [-] Crackle_pwp.csv: Pore-water pressure measured at one grouted vibrating-wire piezometer (RST Instruments, model VW2100-0.07) installed at 2.5 m depth adjacent to the OREO GPS antenna. Piezometer accuracy is 0.07 kPa with a precision of 0.0175 kPa. Piezometer readings, collected every 10 minutes, were corrected for changes in ground temperature and atmospheric pressure (from a nearby weather station) via a calibration provided by the manufacturer. days: measurement day in MATLAB date pwp_kpa: measured pore-water pressure [kPa]
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics | RAPID: Exploiting El Nino to Test for Shear Dilation in a Slow Moving Landslide | 1613122 |
National Science Foundation Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics | Investigating Feedbacks Between Deformation and Groundwater Flow in a Slow Moving Landslide | 1658800 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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