EU-MOHP v013.1.1 Dataset

An older version of this resource is available.
Owners: Maximilian Nölscher
Type: Resource
Storage: The size of this resource is 75.5 GB
Created: May 18, 2022 at 2:59 p.m.
Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 at 12:10 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Jun 27, 2022 at 12:10 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.0d6999591fb048cab5ab71fcb690eadb
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Sharing Status: Published
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The presented dataset EU-MOHP v013.1.1 provides cross-scale information on the hydrologic position (MOHP) of a geographic point within its respective river network and catchment as gridded maps. More precisely, it comprises the three measures “lateral position” (LP) as a relative measure of the position between the stream and the catchment divide, “divide to stream distance” (DSD) as sum of the distances to the nearest stream and divide and “stream distance” (SD) as an absolute measure of the distance to the nearest stream. These three measures are calculated for several hydrologic orders to reflect different spatial scales. Its spatial extent covers major parts of the European Economic Area (EEA39) which also largely coincides with physiographical Europe. Although there are multiple potential use cases, this dataset serves predominantly as valuable static environmental feature or predictor variable for hydrogeological and hydrological modelling such as mapping or forecasting tasks using machine learning. The generation of this dataset uses free open source software only and therefore can be transferred to other regions or input datasets.



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


    No files to display.


The presented dataset EU-MOHP v013.1.1 provides cross-scale information on the hydrologic position (MOHP) of a geographic point within its respective river network and catchment as gridded maps. More precisely, it comprises the three measures “divide to stream distance” (DSD) as sum of the distances to the nearest stream and catchment divide, “lateral position” (LP) as a relative measure of the position between the stream and the divide and “stream distance” (SD) as the distance to the nearest stream. These three measures are calculated for several hydrologic orders to reflect different spatial scales from local to continental. Its spatial extent covers major parts of the European Economic Area (EEA39) which also largely coincides with physiographical Europe. Although there are multiple potential use cases, this dataset serves predominantly as valuable static environmental descriptor or predictor variable for hydrogeological and hydrological modelling such as mapping or forecasting tasks using machine learning. The generation of this dataset uses free open source software only and therefore can be transferred to other regions or input datasets.


The EU-MOHP v013.1.1 dataset was developed and generated as part of the MACRO project.

This repository hosts the dataset EU-MOHP v013.1.1 as single GeoTIFF files with .tif file extension, but compressed to .7z files for download. Further details are listed as follows:

  • File format: GeoTIFF
  • File extension: .tif
  • Compressed file extension: .7z
  • Grid/raster cell size: 30m
  • Temporal characteristic: static
  • Coordinate Reference System (PROJ string): +proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs
  • Coordinate Reference System (EPSG): 3035

For more background information, see the corresponding publication of the data descriptor.

Download Instructions

The data descriptor also explains the file naming scheme. You can use the search bar above to subset the total dataset. The two following examples help defining a search term to subset the dataset for your study area or the required EU-MOHP measures or specific hydrologic orders by combining the the terms in the column Value of the table further down.

  • Example 1: If you are interested in all measures of all hydrologic orders for the island Sardinia, enter italy2 in the search bar.
  • Example 2: If you are interested in the measure lateral position (LP) of all hydrologic orders for the island Sardinia, enter italy2_lp in the search bar.

Note, however, that not every region or spatial coverage applies to all hydrologic orders. If you want to check more in detail whether your study area is covered by this dataset and which files are relevant, please use this interactive map.

Placeholder in output file name Value (use this in search bar) Description
region name for spatial coverage europemainland Raster data covers the contiguous land area of continental Europe, …
finland-norway-sweden …the Scandinavian countries Finland, Norway and Sweden
france …Corsica
greece …Creta
iceland …Iceland
italy1 …Sicily
italy2 …Sardinia
turkey …Turkey
unitedkingdom …United Kingdom
unitedkingdom-ireland Ireland and Northern Ireland
abbreviation of the EU-MOHP measure dsd Divide to stream distance
lp Lateral Position
sd Stream distance
hydrologic order hydrologicorder1 Hydrologic order (increasing order translates to larger catchments and therefore a larger scale)
spatial resolution 30m Spatial resolution

The corresponding code can be found on Hydroshare and the actively developed code at this github repository.

R package eumohpclipr

Alternatively, you can download the whole dataset and use the R package eumohpclipr (available on github) to subset, clip and plot this dataset.

Related Resources

This resource updates and replaces a previous version Nölscher, M., M. Mutz, S. Broda (2021). EU-MOHP v013.1.0 Dataset, HydroShare,

How to Cite

Nölscher, M., M. Mutz, S. Broda (2022). EU-MOHP v013.1.1 Dataset, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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