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Created: | Mar 19, 2025 at 2:17 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Mar 20, 2025 at 1:22 p.m. | |
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This data contains eddy covariance, soil, and meteorological data collected from the Goose Creek Tower site in central IL from 2016-2024. A 25m tower was installed April 2016 with 15 min measurements, and it was supplemented by a 10m height eddy covariance instrument in August 2021. The "25m" files contain the main tower data (eddy covariance at 25m, soil moisture and temperature, solar radiation and other meteorological variables), and the "10m" is the newer instrument at 30 min resolution. The "raw" files obtained directly from the sensors are provided, with a nomenclature document describing several hundred variable names. We also processed this data using ReddyProc R package ( for carbon flux partitioning estimates at 30 min resolution, and applied the flux-data-qaqc python package ( for daily energy balance corrections. We also provide a solar radiation corrected file, due to some sensor errors in incoming and outgoing radiation, and note that some NDVI and PRI (vegetation indices) values contain errors that are not corrected from the raw data. Please see the Readme file for short descriptions of each file type.
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List of file names and content: FluxTower_Nomenclature_updated_March2025.xlsx: list of variable names for main flux tower (25m height eddy covariance, other meteorological and soil variables) and 2021 addition of 10m eddy covariance instrument. GC_FluxData_RAW_25m_042216_050224.csv This is the raw 15 minute data from the Goose Creek flux tower from April 2016 to May 2024. Variable names and units are provided in the file FluxTower_Nomenclature_updated_March2025. This is RAW data from all sensors, and nomenclature excel file describes several issues with certain variables, including NDVI and solar radiation. FluxData_SolarCorrected.csv Solar radiation data corrections have been applied. These delete some periods of bad solar radiation data, and decrease the incoming radiation to the theoretical maximum value for days with the issue of high overestimates, possibly due to a reflection from the tower. These solar radiation corrections were used to obtain the energy-balance corrected daily evapotranspiration estimates with the flux-qaqc package. Corrected_Daily_EBR_GC10mtower.csv Corrected_Daily_EBR_GC25mtower.csv Daily 10m height and 25m height flux tower data, with energy balance corrections applied based on energy balance ratio method. The python package flux-data-qaqc was used for these corrections. GC_25m_REddyProc_Processed_30min_DaytimePartitioning.csv GC_25m_REddyProc_Processed_30min_NighttimePartitioning.csv GC_10m_REddyProc_Processed_30min_DaytimePartitioning.csv GC_10m_REddyProc_Processed_30min_NighttimePartitioning.csv 30 minute resolution data, processed using REddyProc R package for NEE partitioning into GPP and Reco. The files are for 25m and 10m eddy covariance measurements, and daytime and nighttime partitioning. Nighttime partitioning is done with several options for u* filtering threshold. Data_GCFluxTower_30min.csv This is a cleaned file with resampled 30min data for key variables from the 25m height. Outliers have been removed, and NDVI column is based on MODIS satellite data and not tower data. Some other variables have been calculated such as the Bowen Ratio (B = H/LE) and water use efficiency (WUE = GPP/Transpiration, where GPP is estimated with daytime partitioning method and Transpiration is estimated based on ET) CorrectedDailyEBR_GC10mtower.csv Daily 10m height energy balance corrected data, from Aug 2021 to Dec 2023. The python package flux-data-qaqc was used for these corrections. FluxData_Raw_10m.csv Raw 30min resolution flux tower data from 10m height from Aug 2021-Dec 2023. Variable names and units are provided in the file FluxTower_Nomenclature_updated_March2025. This is RAW data from all sensors. contacts: Allison Goodwell, Praveen Kumar,
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
U.S. National Science Foundation | CZ Cluster: Critical Interface Network for Intensively Managed Landscapes (CINet) | EAR 2012850 |
NASA Earth Science | NASA New Investigator Grant: Leveraging information theory and flux tower footprints towards improved satellite-based evapotranspiration estimates | #80NSSC24K1271 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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