Data for Continental US Rapid Watershed delineation
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Owners: | David Tarboton |
Type: | Resource |
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Created: | Jan 22, 2019 at 8:15 p.m. |
Last updated: | Jan 22, 2019 at 8:24 p.m. |
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This resource gives links to the data that underpins the Continental US Medium resolution watershed delineation Model My Watershed online watershed delineation system deployed at
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RWDData. Data for Continental US Rapid Watershed delineation. David Tarboton 12/3/16. Updated 1/16/2017 This folder contains the data files needed for Rapid Watershed Delineation across the Continental US based on NHDPlus flow direction rasters. Use unzipall.bat to unzip all the files. There are 85 files named and one file named holds contents of the top level directory hold contents of subwatershed directories. The directory structure is RWDData (This is the target folder for the RWD code) gwgrid.tif (multiple files but only .tif needed. Others are ArcGIS pyramid and additional metadata files) gwmaster.shp (multiple files comprising a shapefile) Masterid.txt (text file giving connectivity between subwatersheds Subwatershed_ALL (Directory) Subwatershednn (there are 84259 of these, one folder for each subwatershed). The nn numbering indexes int gwgrid.tif and gwmaster.shp. The numbers range from 1 to 131133. Numbers were skipped in the processing where different regions were run separately starting from a different number, then merged, and where multiple streams arriving at the same outlet are merged. In each subwatershed there are the following files (nn is subwatershed number) - subwatershed_nn.shp Subwatershed shapefile - Full_watershednn.shp Full watershed draining to the outlet of the subwatershed shapefile - subwatershed_nnad8.tif D8 contributing area file used for watershed area determination. This has edge contamination checks in it. No data values reflect that the process does not merge contributing area across regions. - subwatershed_nndist.tif. Distance to stream used in moving input point to stream. - subwatershed_nnord.tif. Stream order used to populate watershed stream order field. - subwatershed_nnp.tif. Flow direction used in local watershed delineation. - subwatershed_nnplen.tif. Longest path from upstream divide to each grid cell, used to populate flow length field. - subwatershed_nnsrc1.tif. Stream raster grid. Used as the target for move outlets to streams - subwatershed_nntlen.tif. Total upstream length on the stream raster grid, used with ad8 to compute drainage density. - upcatchids. List of upstream catchments used to manage joining of upstream catchments that the delineated watershed may attach to. 1/16/17 - This contains 59 folders named RegionNN. They should be unzipped in the Subwatershed_ALL directory and are used for delineation of watersheds in areas where gwgrid has a 0 value. These are mostly internally draining areas, but also occur in coastal areas. - This contains an aggregated regions.tif file that should be placed in the Main_Watershed folder. This is used in the delineation of watersheds that are not part of the area covered by preprocessing, mostly due to being internally drained. This also contains a domainfromregions.shp (and associated files) file that bounds the area where regions exist. The code should work for any point within the region given in this shapefile. This does include buffer area along the coast where NHDPlus flow directions do exist, and the code does work, but the watersheds delineated are not meaningful.
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
William Penn Foundation | WikiWatershed toolkit | 103-14 |
How to Cite
Tarboton, D. (2019). Data for Continental US Rapid Watershed delineation, HydroShare,
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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