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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 235.9 KB | |
Created: | Jul 14, 2020 at 3:45 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jul 15, 2020 at 4:26 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Jul 15, 2020 at 4:26 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.0fc3b9ef257a47728720b51b41f82c80 | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource |
Sharing Status: | Published |
Views: | 1440 |
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The following Resource includes useful data used to study the water thermal alterations of subalpine lotic ecosystems due to the combined effects of high-altitude reservoirs and run-of-river hydroelectric power plants.
The resource includes:
-Water temperature (monitored in nine stations located along the Serio river (north Italy) for more than one year (July 2018-December 2019)
-Air temperature at a daily scale of the Upper Serio catchment coming from ARPA Lombardia website
-Flow estimates and diversion rates of power plants of the ROR hydroelectric power plants
-Transit time, speed, length of riverine stretches subjected to ROR plants
-Data of river morphology (n Manning, Hydraulic radius)
-Information regarding the monitoring sites
This data provided to create quantitative models able to describe and predict the daily water thermal regime and alterations.
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Supplementary information regarding the datasets | There are 3 datasets: A_Serio_Temperature data B_Serio_Morpho-hydraulic data C_Serio_Monitoring sites A) The first file is a matrix with mean daily water and air temperature (columns) on the Upper Serio catchment from the 1st June 2018 to the 29th February 2020 (rows) for nine monitoring sites (SER1, SER2, SER3, SER4, SER5, SER6, SER7, SER8, SER9) along Serio river. Air temperature data in the monitoring stations have been spatialized using Air temperature data at a daily scale. The raw data come from the weather stations of the Regional Environmental Protection Agency (ARPA Lombardia) and they are available here: B) The second file is a matrix with the morpho-hydraulic data (columns) of four riverine stretches of Serio river for the period 1st January 2018-31st December 2019 (rows). The four riverine stretches are: a. SER1-2 (from SER1 to SER2 monitoring sites) b. SER3-4 (from SER3 to SER4 monitoring sites) c. SER6-7 (from SER6 to SER7 monitoring sites) d. SER8-9 (from SER8 to SER9 monitoring sites) And the morpho-hydraulic parameters (columns) are: • Q_DMV= the flow estimates in the diverted stretch subjected to ROR plants diversion (daily mean m3/s) (The estimates have been calculated by the author through a model) • R= the Hydraulic Radius (daily mean) (m) • V= the speed (daily mean) (m/s) • Dt= the transit time (daily time) (h) C) The third file is a table including information (columns) regarding the monitoring sites (rows) Monitoring sites: SER1, SER2, SER3, SER4, SER5, SER6, SER7, SER8, SER9 The information are: • Catchment area (Km2) • Distance from the headwater (the high altitude reservoir) (m) • Elevation (m a.s.l.) • Coordinate X (WGS84) • Coordinate Y (WGS84) • The position in the diverted stretch: o Upstream=at the begging of the diverted stretch subjected to hydroelectric diversion just downstream the weir o Downstream= at the end of the diverted stretch subjected to hydroelectric diversion just upstream to the water release coming from the hydroelectric plant turbine. • The minimum environmental flow discharge in the diverted stretches (10% annual mean flow) (m3/s) |
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