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Type: | Resource | |
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Created: | Apr 18, 2024 at 2:05 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Apr 18, 2024 at 4:59 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Geographic Feature Content |
Sharing Status: | Public |
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This study investigates the water storage dynamics in the Weber River Basin, one of the subbasins within the Great Salt Lake Basin, using historical reservoir data sourced from the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The collected data provides a detailed look at reservoir storage capacities and fluctuations, which could serve as a valuable resource for conducting water balance analyses.
The consolidation of USBR and USDA data presents a unique opportunity for researchers interested in identifying water storage deficiencies and potential losses in the subbasin. Such analyses are essential for developing effective water management strategies and ensuring the sustainable use of water resources in the region. This study not only sheds light on current water storage trends but also establishes a critical resource base that can be utilized by other researchers to further explore water balance dynamics in the Weber River Basin.
Subject Keywords
This resource holds Reservoirs data for the Weber River Basin. 4/18/24 Reservoir Storage raw data could be downloaded from two sources; USDA and USBR. There is some overlap between them. It is important to mention that USDA provide data more completely with longer period and coverage. For this basin, USDA provides data for 8 reservoirs that listed below: Causey Reservoir.txt East Canyon Reservoir.txt Echo Reservoir.txt Lost Creek Reservoir.txt Pineview Reservoir.txt Rockport Reservoir.txt Smith And Morehouse Reservoir.txt Willard Bay.txt All raw text files downloaded from . This repository contains a collection of Jupyter notebooks and data files related to reservoir storage and streamflow analysis. These analyses are focused on the Weber reservoirs, examining trends, storage capacities, and regulated streamflows over time. Repository Contents Jupyter Notebooks: 1- Aggregated_Reservoirs_Storage.ipynb This notebook aggregates storage data across multiple reservoirs within the Weber system, analyzing overall trends and capacities. 2- Regulated_Streamflow_Reservoir.ipynb Focuses on the analysis of regulated streamflows from these reservoirs, which helps in understanding the management of water releases and their timing. 3- ReservoirTrendAnalysis.ipynb Provides trend analysis of reservoir levels over time, identifying patterns or anomalies in the data. 4- Single_Plot_Weber_Reservoirs.ipynb Generates a plot for a single reservoir, illustrating individual storage data over a specified time period. 5- Total_Storage_Weber_Reservoirs.ipynb Combines storage data from all Weber reservoirs to analyze total storage and capacity utilization. 6- Weber-Reservoirs-storage-Timeseries.ipynb Examines time series data of storage levels across the Weber reservoirs, providing insights into seasonal variations and long-term changes. Data Files: 1- GIS .shp Contains GIS shapefiles for the reservoirs and associated geographic data. 2- Includes metadata and general information about the reservoirs, such as location, capacity, year built, etc. 3- Raw data files containing historical records of water levels, streamflows, and other relevant measurements for the reservoirs.
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