HydroLearn Food Energy Water Nexus Learning Module

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Created: May 25, 2023 at 6:55 p.m.
Last updated: May 25, 2023 at 7:01 p.m.
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This module revolves around the Food-Energy-Water Nexus (FEW). It is designed based on education research methods using learner-based pedagogy to provide training for undergraduate students about global and national perspectives regarding the FEW Nexus.

The module provides students opportunities to engage in a hands-on experience using Hydroviz, a data visualization tool that provides data about different variables of water availability and consumption, food production, and energy production in the country, to help students discover, explore, and apply critical thinking skills in a decision-making task for planning about a new carbon-free energy matrix in a selected region in the United States. The link to Hydroviz is: https://hydroviz.org/Lessons/Index/National/Nexus.

In this sense, throughout the course, students will work on a project which consists of four parts. In Part 1 of the project, students explore water, energy, and agriculture in a region of their choice in the United States. In Part 2, they will explore the food-water nexus in their region. In Part 3, they will explore the energy-water nexus in their region. Then, they will use this information to decide in Part 4 about a plan to address a problem described in a scenario.

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Published, Public, Discoverable, Private

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How to Cite

Ames, D. (2023). HydroLearn Food Energy Water Nexus Learning Module, HydroShare, http://www.hydroshare.org/resource/244f91bffc3c4049bb8e74319cbc9591

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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