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Created: | Jan 27, 2022 at 3:58 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jan 30, 2025 at 8:10 p.m. | |
Published date: | Jan 30, 2025 at 8:10 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.24ae4ba3490346e088c5fca5a745b0b9 | |
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Content types: | CSV Content |
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This dataset includes depth to water (m, from ground surface), water temperature (degrees C) and specific conductance (uS/cm) measurements from four monitoring wells at the Maryland Agricultural site (Crisfield Farm) for the CZNet Coastal Cluster. Pressure, temperature and electrical conductivity were measured continuously in the field at 15-minute intervals with Solinst Levelogger 5 Model 3001s installed in each monitoring well. The Leveloggers were attached to a nylon cord and installed at the approximate depth of the well screen mid-point. Depth to water measurements were converted from Levelogger-measured pressure values. Pressure values were corrected for barometric pressure fluctuations and converted to depth to water values using reference manual depth to water measurements collected at the start and stop of each Levelogger deployment. No correction was done to the temperature values. Specific conductance values were calculated from Levelogger-measured electrical conductivity using the equation given by Standard Method 2510B. Between deployments, each Levelogger was submerged in a calibration solution with a known SC and the real-time reading was recorded. If the real-time reading was +/-5% of the calibration solution concentration, the sensor was calibrated according to manufacturer specifications. SC values were adjusted for sensor drift by adding a correction factor to the sensor-measured value. Leveloggers were occasionally swapped between wells to allow for sensor maintenance and calibration. Because the Leveloggers were periodically stopped to download data before being redeployed, there may be gaps in the record between deployments. This work was conducted on private property with the cooperation and trust of landowners and farm operators who have requested to remain anonymous. We have removed select coordinates and information that could be used to identify their operations.
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | |
End Date: |
CZNet Cluster: Coastal
File description(s):
CrisfieldFarm_DTW_SC_TE_210526-240711.csv - Depth to water (DTW), specific conductance (SC), and temperature (TE) from ground surface at monitoring wells. Each column header is the name of a monitoring well (site id) plus the variable (DTW, SC, or TE). Index column is date and time of measurement (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) in Eastern Standard Time. File name includes the date range (start date-end date as YYMMDD) of the dataset.
CFsites.csv - Monitoring well names (site ids), well construction information, location coordinates, and measuring point description and vertical elevations.
Keywords: Depth to Water; Water Temperature; Specific Conductance; Hydrology; Water Quality; Maryland; Crisfield Farm; Critical Zone; CZNet
Date start (YYYY-MM-DD): 2021-05-26
Date end (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-07-11
Location: Crisfield Farm
Site description: Maryland Agricultural site
Installation date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2021-05-26 to 2021-11-19
Site type: Groundwater
Variable type: Hydrology
Variables: Depth to Water; Water Temperature; Specific Conductance
Variables ODM2: groundwaterDepth; temperatureDatalogger; specificConductance
Variable abbreviations: Depth to Water - DTW; Water Temperature - TE; Specific Conductance - SC
No data value: NAN
Data flag: 999
Data flag meaning: Only one field measurement was used to validate sensor deployment data
Units type: Depth to water; Temperature; Specific conductance
Units name: Depth to water - meters; Temperature - degrees Celsius; Specific conductance - microSiemens per centimeter
Units abbreviation: meters - m; degrees Celsius - C; microSiemens per centimeter - uS/cm
Status: Ongoing
Sample medium: Water
Aggregation statistic: Continuous
UTC Offset Information: 5 hours (05:00:00)
Method name: Datalogger, Solinst Levelogger Edge M3001
Method type: Instrument deployment
Method description: The Levelogger was set to record continuously at 15-minute intervals and record pressure, temperature and electrical conductivity. Data were periodically downloaded from the Levelogger by stopping the Levelogger, downloading, then restarting a new deployment. There may be gaps in the data Timestamps that occurred during this downloading period.
Processing information: Temperature data have not undergone any user processing and are direct output as downloaded from the Solinst Levelogger software. Pressure data were corrected for barometric fluctuations using the Solinst Levelogger software, then converted to depth to water using reference manual depth to water measurements made at the start and stop of each deployment using a Solinst electric tape. Electrical conductivity measurements were converted to specific conductance using the standard equation given by Standard Methods 2510B.
Data validation and quality assurance: All depth to water values for each logger deployment were assigned an accuracy value. Accuracy values are the difference, in meters, between the last logger-measured depth to water value in each deployment and the manual depth to water measurement made at that time. An accuracy value of 0.075 meter was used as a threshold and data from deployments with accuracy values of greater than 0.075 meters are not included in this dataset.
Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
Units | Depth to water - meters (m); Temperature - degrees Celsius (C); Specific conductance - microSiemens per centimeter (uS/cm) |
Method | Data collected using a Solinst Levelogger 5 Model 3001 |
Frequency | 15-minute intervals |
TimeStamp | Times in this dataset are in Eastern Standard Time (EST); YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS; UTC Offset - 5 hours |
Variables | Depth to Water; Temperature; Specific Conductance |
Dataset Type | Multi-time series |
Sample Medium | Water |
Processing Level | Depth to water has been converted from pressure, corrected for barometric pressure fluctuations, and set to reference depth to water manual measurements made at the start and stop of each logger deployment. Specific conductance has been converted from logger-measured electrical conductivity. |
Related Resources
This resource is described by | Dannielle Pratt, Rachel W. McQuiggan, Eva Snell Bacmeister, Amanda Sprague-Getsy, Holly A. Michael, Groundwater and soil moisture data collected in the Coastal Critical Zone of the Delmarva Peninsula, United States, Data in Brief, 2025, 111336, ISSN 2352-3409, ( |
Title | Owners | Sharing Status | My Permission |
CCZN Crisfield Farm Data | Rachel McQuiggan · Dannielle Pratt | Discoverable & Shareable | Open Access |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
NSF | Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: The Coastal Critical Zone: Processes that transform landscapes and fluxes between land and sea | 2012484 |
People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.
Name | Organization | Address | Phone | Author Identifiers |
Rachel McQuiggan | University of Delaware;Delaware Geological Survey | Delaware, US |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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