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Code and Data: Development of a New Pedotransfer Function Addressing Limitations in Soil Hydraulic Models and Observations
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Type: | Resource | |
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Created: | Mar 14, 2022 at 3:26 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 28, 2023 at 12:47 a.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | May 19, 2022 at 8:27 a.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.2e1d064c765744db9d4b7855671e641d | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource |
Sharing Status: | Published |
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Comments: | 1 comment |
The attached files include all the data and code applied in the paper
Notion: hr in the soil hydraulic model should be -1.0e4 cm, which was written mistakenly as -1.0e3 cm in Wang et al. (2022)
Wang, Y., Zhou, J., Ma, R., Zhu, G., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Development of a New Pedotransfer Function Addressing Limitations in Soil Hydraulic Models and Observations.
Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031406.
The developed pedotranfer function codes for predicting soil hydraulic properties of the FXW and FXW-M1 model from soil texture information are provided in the form of Matlab, Python and R. Please refer to and PTF_FXW&SL_Python& for detail.
The code for improving the predictions of SHPs with the existing PTFs/ or only measurements in high water potential range is provided in
The readme.txt was included in each zip file.
Subject Keywords
1. PTF_FXWSL_PythonR.rar file includes the PTFs developed for predicting the parameters of the FXW-M1 model and the SL of eqaution (12) in Wang et al. (2022) WRR paper -to run the model (1) just provide the soil texture information ((Sand*100%, Silt*100%, Clay*100%,/BD*g/cm^3)) in the 'soil_texture. xlsx' file (2) run to get the parameters of the FXW-M1 model run /SLpredict.R to obtain the value of SL (3) The output is shown in 'FXWJD_Parameter.xlsx'/'slope.xlsx'. 2. PTFs_FXW_Matlab.rar file includes the PTFs developed for predicting the parameters of the FXW model -to run the model (1) Provide the soil texture information (sand,silt,clay,bd (model H3)/sand,silt,clay (model H2)) in "Tex.txt" file (2) run FXW_PTF.m file you can change the index 'i_FXW;i_EXT,i_H' to chose different PTF in the matfile (3) The ouptput is in "Par_PTF.mat" 3. code_for_FXW_SHP_EXT.rar file includes the method for extending exisiting PTFs to dry range -to run the model (1) Preparing the input: -- Providing the soil texture inforamtion in "Tex.txt" file --if the input is the parameters of the VGM model, providing them in the "Par_VG.txt" file; --if the mearsurments of water retetntion and hydarulic conductivity are availiable, providing the meansurements in "SWRC.txt" and "HCC.txt" files (2) run FXW_SHP_EXT.m file you can change the index "i_PTF" in the matfile (3) Output is in Par_FXW.mat [alpha,n,m,ths,Ks,l]
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Natural Science Foundation of China | Nos. 42071045, 41722208 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Yunquan Wang 1 year, 3 months ago
Notion: hr in the soil hydraulic model should be -1.0e4 cm, which was written mistakenly as -1.0e3 cm in Wang et al. (2022). We are seeking a correction to this error in the article.
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