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LCZO -- Soil Biogeochemistry -- landscape-scale soil biogeochemistry and enzymes -- Northeastern Puerto Rico -- (2012-2012)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 7:37 a.m.
Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 at 3:35 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Sharing Status: Public
Views: 2155
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Metadata: See Hall and Silver 2015, Biogeochemistry for details on soil analyses and sites; See Hall et al. 2014 Ecology for details on enzyme analyses and phenolic substances

Hall, S., Treffkorn, J., & Silver, W. (2014). Breaking the enzymatic latch: Impacts of reducing conditions on hydrolytic enzyme activity in tropical forest soils. Ecology, 95(10), 2964-2973. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from

Hall, S., & Silver, W. (2015). Reducing conditions, reactive metals, and their interactions can explain spatial patterns of surface soil carbon in a humid tropical forest. Biogeochemistry, 125(2), 149–165.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Northeastern Puerto Rico
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


LCZO -- Soil Biogeochemistry -- landscape-scale soil biogeochemistry and enzymes -- Northeastern Puerto Rico -- (2012)



Metadata: See Hall and Silver 2015, Biogeochemistry for details on soil analyses and sites; See Hall et al. 2014 Ecology for details on enzyme analyses and phenolic substances Biogeochemistry (2015) 125:149–165 DOI 10.1007/s10533-015-0120-5 Ecology, 95(10), 2014, pp. 2964–2973 DOI 10.1890/13-2151.1


Hall, Steven J.




Miguel Leon,





Soil Biogeochemistry


landscape-scale soil biogeochemistry and enzymes


enzyme analysis|biogeochemistry|phenolics


Depth increment in cm soil slurry pH Fe(II) concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction|in micrograms Fe(II) per gram of dry soil Fe(III) concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction|in micrograms Fe(II) per gram of dry soil Beta glucosidase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Beta glucosidase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Cellobiohydrolase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Cellobiohydrolase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour N-acetylglucosaminidase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour N-acetylglucosaminidase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Xylosidase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Xylosidasepotential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Acid phosphatase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Acid phosphatase potential enzyme activities|micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Aluminum concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction|mg Al per g of dry soil Iron concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction|mg Fe per g of dry soil Manganase concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction|mg Mn per g of dry soil Silica concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction|mg Si per g of dry soil Aluminum concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction|mg Al per g of dry soil Iron concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction|mg Fe per g of dry soil Manganese concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction|mg Mn per g of dry soil Silica concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction|mg Si per g of dry soil Live fine roots|mg per cubic cm Dead fine roots|mg per cubic cm Soil percent N Soil percent C Soil C in mg per cubic cm Soil bulk density|g per cubic cm Aluminum concentrations in citrate/ditihionite extractions|mg per g of dry soil Iron concentrations in citrate/ditihionite extractions|mg per g of dry soil Dissolved organic C concentrations in 0.5M HCl extractions|mg C per g dry soil Dissolved organic C concentrations in deionized water extractions|mg C per g dry soil Soluble phenolics in deionized water extractions|microgram of phenolic C per g dry soil Percent clay Percent sand Percent silt Live fine root percent N Live fine root percent C Aluminum concentrations in oxalate extractions|mg Al per g of dry soil Iron concentrations in oxalate extractions|mg Fe per g of dry soil Silica concentrations in oxalate extractions|mg Si per g of dry soil

Variables ODM2

Water depth|Aluminum|Magnesium|Clay|Extracellular enzyme activity|Cellobiohydrolase


Date Start


Date End



Field Areas

Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains


Northeastern Puerto Rico

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude




Hall et al. LCZO landscape-scale soil biogeochemistry and enzymes (2012)



Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Luquillo
czo_id 6587
citation Hall et al. LCZO landscape-scale soil biogeochemistry and enzymes (2012)
keywords enzyme analysis, biogeochemistry, phenolics
variables Depth increment in cm soil slurry pH Fe(II) concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction, in micrograms Fe(II) per gram of dry soil Fe(III) concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction, in micrograms Fe(II) per gram of dry soil Beta glucosidase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Beta glucosidase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Cellobiohydrolase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Cellobiohydrolase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour N-acetylglucosaminidase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour N-acetylglucosaminidase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Xylosidase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Xylosidasepotential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Acid phosphatase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per gram of dry soil per hour Acid phosphatase potential enzyme activities, micromol MUB per mg soil C per hour Aluminum concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction, mg Al per g of dry soil Iron concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction, mg Fe per g of dry soil Manganase concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction, mg Mn per g of dry soil Silica concentration in citrate-ascorbate extraction, mg Si per g of dry soil Aluminum concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction, mg Al per g of dry soil Iron concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction, mg Fe per g of dry soil Manganese concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction, mg Mn per g of dry soil Silica concentration in 0.5M HCl extraction, mg Si per g of dry soil Live fine roots, mg per cubic cm Dead fine roots, mg per cubic cm Soil percent N Soil percent C Soil C in mg per cubic cm Soil bulk density, g per cubic cm Aluminum concentrations in citrate/ditihionite extractions, mg per g of dry soil Iron concentrations in citrate/ditihionite extractions, mg per g of dry soil Dissolved organic C concentrations in 0.5M HCl extractions, mg C per g dry soil Dissolved organic C concentrations in deionized water extractions, mg C per g dry soil Soluble phenolics in deionized water extractions, microgram of phenolic C per g dry soil Percent clay Percent sand Percent silt Live fine root percent N Live fine root percent C Aluminum concentrations in oxalate extractions, mg Al per g of dry soil Iron concentrations in oxalate extractions, mg Fe per g of dry soil Silica concentrations in oxalate extractions, mg Si per g of dry soil
disciplines Biogeochemistry

How to Cite

Hall, S. J. (2020). LCZO -- Soil Biogeochemistry -- landscape-scale soil biogeochemistry and enzymes -- Northeastern Puerto Rico -- (2012-2012), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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