Quality Control Experiment

Owners: Amber Spackman JonesiUTAH Data Manager
Type: Resource
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Created: Feb 22, 2018 at 11:37 p.m.
Last updated: May 25, 2018 at 7:50 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: May 25, 2018 at 7:50 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.31f30d14c88748d986842d278d125a5c
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These are data resulting from and related to an effort to examine subjectivity in the process of performing quality control on water quality data measured by in situ sensors. Participants (n=27) included novices unfamiliar with and technicians experienced in quality control. Each participant performed quality control post processing on the same datasets: one calendar year (2014) of water temperature, pH, and specific conductance. Participants were provided with a consistent set of guidelines, field notes, and tools. Participants used ODMTools (https://github.com/ODM2/ODMToolsPython/) to perform the quality control exercise. This resource consists of:
1. Processed Results: Each file in this folder corresponds to one of the variables for which quality control was performed. Each row corresponds to a single time stamp and each column corresponds to the processed results generated by each participant. The first column corresponds to the original, raw data.
2. Survey Data: The files in this folder are related to an exit survey administered to participants upon completion of the exercise. It includes the survey questions (pdf), the full Qualtrics output (QualityControlSurvey.pdf), data and metadata files organized and encoded for display in the Survey Data Viewer (http://data.iutahepscor.org/surveys/survey/QCEXP) (QCExperimentSurveyDataFile.csv, QCExperimentSurveyMetadata.csv), and a file used to organize data for plots for the associated paper.
3. Field Record: Participants were provided this document, which gives information about the field maintenance activities relevant to performing QC.
4. Scripts: Each file in this folder corresponds to a script automatically generated by ODMTools while performing quality control. The files are organized by user ID and by variable.
5. Code and Analysis: Script used to generate the figures for this work in the associated paper. It is important to note that novice users correspond to IDs 1-22 and experienced users correspond to IDs 25-38. This folder also includes subsets of the data organized in supporting files used to generate Figure 6 (ExpGapVals.xlsx) and Table 5 (NoDataCount.xlsx).


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Related Resources

This resource is referenced by Jones, A.S., Horsburgh, J.S., Eiriksson, D.P. (2018). Assessing subjectivity in environmental sensor data post processing via a controlled experiment, Ecological Informatics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2018.05.001.


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation iUTAH-innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability 1208732

How to Cite

Jones, A., D. Eiriksson, J. S. Horsburgh (2018). Quality Control Experiment, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.31f30d14c88748d986842d278d125a5c

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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