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Created: | Nov 05, 2020 at 4:58 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 18, 2020 at 2:43 p.m. | |
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[You can run this model with the notebook at in CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water platform]
WRFHydro Test Case -- Croton River, NY
#Overview This test case includes prepared geospatial data and input files for a
sample domain (region of interest) and prepared forcing data. This domain is a small region (15km x 16km) encompassing the West Branch
of the Croton River, NY, USA (USGS stream gage 0137462010) during hurricane
Irene, 2011-08-26 to 2011-09-02. The simulation begins with a restart from a
spinup period from 2010-10-01 to 2011-08-26. The forcing data
prepared for this test case is North American Land Data Assimilation System
(NLDAS) hourly data. There are 3 basic routing
configurations included in the test case, National Water Model (NWM), Gridded,
and NCAR Reach. See the WRF-Hydro V5 Technical Description located at for a more detailed description of model
physics options, configurations, and input files.
Subject Keywords
#Overview This test case includes prepared geospatial data and input files for a sample domain (region of interest) and prepared forcing data. This domain is a small region (15km x 16km) encompassing the West Branch of the Croton River, NY, USA (USGS stream gage 0137462010) during hurricane Irene, 2011-08-26 to 2011-09-02. The simulation begins with a restart from a spinup period from 2010-10-01 to 2011-08-26. The forcing data prepared for this test case is North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) hourly data. There are 3 basic routing configurations included in the test case, National Water Model (NWM), Gridded, and NCAR Reach. See the WRF-Hydro V5 Technical Description located at for a more detailed description of model physics options, configurations, and input files. However, some non-standard files will be described below. For instructions on how to set up and run this test case see the Test Case User Guide available from #Directory contents Croton_NY: directory containing all input files for the Croton, NY example test case | -FORCING: Directory containing all NLDAS hrldas formatted hourly forcing data for the simulation period. -Gridded: Directory containing all files required for the gridded routing configuration with lakes included | -DOMAIN: Directory containing all geospatial data and input files for the Gridded routing option. -lake_shapes: directory containing shape files that define lakes -RESTART: Directory containing model restart files for the Gridded routing option. -referenceSim: Directory containing restart files and a hydrograph from a successful run for reference -hydro.namelist: Fortran namelist file for the hydro model. -namelist.hrldas: Fortran namelist file for the Noah-MP land surface model. -croton_frxst_pts_csv.csv: .CSV formatted file of gage locations in latitude/longitude coordinates (WGS84) -Gridded_no_lakes: Directory containing all files required for the gridded routing configuration without lakes | -DOMAIN: Directory containing all geospatial data and input files for the Gridded routing option -RESTART: Directory containing model restart files for the Gridded routing option. -referenceSim: Directory containing restart files and a hydrograph from a successful run for reference -hydro.namelist: Fortran namelist file for the hydro model. -namelist.hrldas: Fortran namelist file for the Noah-MP land surface model. -croton_frxst_pts_csv.csv: .CSV formatted file of gage locations in latitude/longitude coordinates (WGS84) -NWM: Directory containing all files required for the National Water Model (NWM) routing configuration | -DOMAIN: Directory containing all geospatial data and input files for the NWM routing option. | An edited route link file with one gage removed from nudging -DOMAIN_LR: Directory containing all geospatial data and input files for the NWM routing option for long-range forecasts. The primary difference is that a number of the LR files are 1km grid cells instead of 250m. -RESTART: Directory containing model restart files for the NWM routing option. -RESTART_LR: Directory containing model restart files for the NWM routing option for long-range domain files. -referenceSim: Directory containing restart files and hydrograph from a successful run for reference -nudgingTimeSliceObs: Directory containing nudging "time slice" observation files. -hydro.namelist: Fortran namelist file for the hydro model. -namelist.hrldas: Fortran namelist file for the Noah-MP land surface model. -Reach: Directory containing all files required for NCAR reach routing configuration | -DOMAIN: Directory containing all geospatial data and input files for the NCAR reach routing option. -stream_network: directory containing files that define the stream network. -RESTART: Directory containing model restart files for the NCAR reach routing option. -referenceSim: Directory containing restart files and hydrograph from a successful run for reference -hydro.namelist: Fortran namelist file for the hydro model. -namelist.hrldas: Fortran namelist file for the Noah-MP land surface model. -Supplemental: Directory containing supplemental files used to create the example case, including forcing files used for spinup | -supplimental_forcing.tar.gz: Tar ball containing additional forcing data for spinup -namelist.wps: Reduced namelist.wps used to create the geogrid file using the WRF-Hydro geogrid Docker utilitiy. -supp_precip.tar.gz: Supplemental regridded StageIV precipitation data. -USGS-Obs.csv: csv files containing USGS 15 minute streamflow data for gages in the domain. -study_map.PNG: Study area map -namelist_patches.json: json file used by wrfhydropy python package for namelist parsing
How to Cite
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Molly McAllister 4 years, 4 months ago
The attribution for this test case for the Croton River in New York state is NCAR|UCAR WRF-Hydro Development Team.
ReplyFor further information and guidance on how to run the testcase see
Zhiyu/Drew Li 4 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for pointing this out. I just updated the author field. I also made you an owner of this resource and welcome to update the metadata.
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