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Groundwater levels in Dead Run watershed, Maryland, USA

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Created: Aug 20, 2023 at 1:50 a.m.
Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 at 1:43 a.m.
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This resource contains groundwater level data from 39 wells in Dead Run watershed near Woodlawn, MD, USA. Boreholes (51-mm diameter) were drilled using a Shaw backpack portable drill, with 25.4-mm ID PVC pipes inserted to serve as wells, each screened 0.3048 m at its lower end. Wells are installed in pairs with bottom elevations differing by about 1 to 3 m. Well pairs are installed either in the riparian zone or at the hilltop, relative to the Dead Run channel. Between 4 and 8 wells comprise a transact perpendicular to the stream. Wells are outfitted with vanEssen Micro-Diver pressure transducers. Barometric pressure is measured at one location using a vanEssen Baro-Diver. Groundwater level below land surface is calculated from site-specific information on location of the pressure transducer sensor point below land surface. Pressure transducer data are recorded at 5-minute intervals. Instruments were deployed in 2015 and maintained until failure or end of a project. Manual downloads of water pressure data are done every 5 months; downloads of barometric pressure data are done every 2.5 months. The wells are located in the Piedmont physiographic province, in suburban Baltimore, Maryland, USA in either saprolite or highly weathered fractured bedrock.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Woodlawn, MD
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:



# Site Information 
# ---------------------------------- 
# See table below.
# Variable and Method Information 
# ---------------------------------- 
# VariableCode: GroundwaterDepth_BLS
# VariableName: Groundwater Depth
# VariableCode: WaterLevel_ASL
# VariableName: Water Level
# ValueType: Derived Value
# DataType: Continuous
# GeneralCategory: Hydrology 
# SampleMedium: Groundwater
# VariableUnitsName: meters
# VariableUnitsType: length
# VariableUnitsAbbreviation: m
# NoDataValue: -9999  
# TimeSupport: 0.0
# TimeSupportUnitsAbbreviation: min
# TimeSupportUnitsType: Time
# TimeSupportUnitsName: minute
# MethodCode: Micro-Diver
# MethodDescription: Boreholes (51-mm diameter) were drilled using a Shaw backpack portable drill, with 25.4-mm ID PVC pipes inserted to serve as wells, each screened 0.3048 m at its lower end. A deeper well was drilled to refusal (bedrock) and then a shallower well was installed 1-3 m above the deeper well, depending on site conditions. Each well annulus was packed with sand around the screened interval and with a mixture of bentonite and Portland cement from the top of the well screen to land surface.  Well pairs are installed either in the riparian zone or at the hilltop, relative to the Dead Run channel. Between 4 and 8 wells comprise a transact perpendicular to the stream. Wells are outfitted with vanEssen Micro-Diver pressure transducers ( Barometric pressure is measured at one location using a vanEssen Baro-Diver ( Pressure head above the sensor (height of water column above sensor measurement point) is obtained by subtracting barometric pressure from water pressure and scaling by gravity*water density. Groundwater level below land surface is calculated from site-specific information on location of the pressure transducer sensor point below land surface. Water level above sea level is calculated by subtracting groundwater depth from the elevation of the land surface. Land surface elevations are approximated from Maryland lidar DEM and not surveyed in precisely and therefore water levels ASL are not precise.  Pressure transducer data are recorded at 5-minute intervals. Instruments were deployed in 2015 and maintained until failure or end of a project. Manual downloads of water pressure data are done every 5 months; downloads of barometric pressure data are done every 2.5 months. The wells are located in the Piedmont physiographic province in suburban Baltimore, Maryland, USA in either saprolite or highly weathered fractured bedrock.  
# Processing Level
# QualityControlLevelCode: QC0
# QualityControlLevelDefinition: Corrected data. 
# QualityControlLevelExplanation: Water pressure data have been corrected with barometric pressure and converted to groundwater depth using site geometry. Aberrations in sensor data have not been removed. 
# Source Information
# ----------------------------------
# Organizations: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
# SourceCode: UMBC
# SourceDescription: Pressure transducer data are collected and analyzed by UMBC as part of the Urban Critical Zone Network Cluster. 
# ContactName: Claire Welty
# Email:
# Citation: Welty, C., J. Kemper, M. McWilliams (2023). Groundwater levels in Dead Run watershed, Maryland, USA, HydroShare,
# Censor Codes
# ----------------------------------
# gt: greater than
# lt: less than
# nc: not censored
# nd: non-detect
# UTC Offset
# UTCOffset: -5  
SiteCode	SiteName	Latitude	Longitude	LatLonDatum	DepthToWellScreenBottomBLS_m	DepthToWellScreenTopBLS_m	DepthToWellScreenMidpointBLS_m	DepthToMeasurementPointBLS_m	LandSurfaceElevationFromLidarDEM_m	 ElevationDatum	LandscapePositionRelativeToStream	State	County	SiteType
9A	Well9A	-9999	-9999	NAD83	1.50	1.19	1.35	-9999	-9999	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
9B	Well9B	-9999	-9999	NAD83	3.90	3.59	3.73	-9999	-9999	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
9C	Well9C	-9999	-9999	NAD83	3.82	3.51	3.67	-9999	-9999	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
9D	Well9D	-9999	-9999	NAD83	6.36	6.06	6.21	-9999	-9999	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15A	Well15A	39.29592391	-76.74429211	NAD83	4.85	4.55	4.70	3.03	127.3	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15B	Well15B	39.29590622	-76.74430765	NAD83	7.42	7.11	7.26	3.03	127.37	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15C	Well15C	39.29585484	-76.7441787	NAD83	2.53	2.22	2.37	1.83	125.584	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15D	Well15D	39.29584258	-76.74419692	NAD83	5.27	4.97	5.12	1.75	125.596	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15E	Well15E	39.29581108	-76.74410068	NAD83	2.48	2.18	2.33	1.89	125.44	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15F	Well15F	39.29580069	-76.74411149	NAD83	5.16	4.86	5.01	1.64	125.465	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15G	Well15G	39.29575245	-76.74399718	NAD83	4.15	3.84	3.99	3.82	127.462	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
15H	Well15H	39.29573873	-76.74400958	NAD83	7.85	7.54	7.70	3.83	127.344	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
16C	Well16C	39.29328744	-76.74515904	NAD83	2.54	2.23	2.38	1.57	127.857	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
16D	Well16D	39.29327475	-76.74515318	NAD83	5.47	5.16	5.31	1.67	128.04	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
16E	Well16E	39.29328417	-76.74507989	NAD83	2.59	2.29	2.44	1.58	127.936	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
16F	Well16F	39.29330437	-76.74508193	NAD83	5.53	5.23	5.38	1.56	127.875	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17A	Well17A	39.291876	-76.74594032	NAD83	3.19	2.89	3.04	2.95	131.487	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17B	Well17B	39.29187809	-76.74594016	NAD83	5.50	5.19	5.35	3.19	131.421	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17C	Well17C	39.29182515	-76.74579173	NAD83	1.82	1.52	1.67	0.94	130.979	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17D	Well17D	39.29181479	-76.74580092	NAD83	5.01	4.71	4.86	2.28	131.056	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17E	Well17E	39.29180624	-76.74566795	NAD83	2.03	1.73	1.88	1.16	128.728	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17F	Well17F	39.29179725	-76.74567096	NAD83	4.94	4.63	4.79	2.32	128.823	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17G	Well17G	39.29173612	-76.74549907	NAD83	5.86	5.55	5.71	3.35	131.002	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
17H	Well17H	39.29174407	-76.7454872	NAD83	4.11	3.80	3.96	3.42	131.074	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19A	Well19A	39.29018762	-76.74489005	NAD83	3.05	2.75	2.90	2.54	133.424	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19B	Well19B	39.29018732	-76.74492543	NAD83	5.07	4.76	4.91	2.59	133.368	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19C	Well19C	39.29035107	-76.74479668	NAD83	2.88	2.58	2.73	2.41	132.83	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19D	Well19D	39.29035997	-76.74481738	NAD83	5.57	5.27	5.42	2.63	132.672	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19E	Well19E	39.29045083	-76.7447045	NAD83	3.73	3.43	3.58	2.75	133.021	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19F	Well19F	39.29045629	-76.74472129	NAD83	5.86	5.56	5.71	2.85	132.965	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
19G	Well19G	39.29069855	-76.74460271	NAD83	7.43	7.12	7.28	6.45	137.284	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20A	Well20A	39.29020494	-76.74285277	NAD83	2.56	2.26	2.41	1.83	135.976	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20B	Well20B	39.2902039	-76.74281987	NAD83	6.21	5.90	6.05	1.76	135.908	NAVD88 	UpslopeLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20C	Well20C	39.29028998	-76.74286826	NAD83	2.35	2.04	2.19	1.74	135.708	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20D	Well20D	39.29029998	-76.74285033	NAD83	4.90	4.60	4.75	1.45	135.505	NAVD88 	RiparianLHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20E	Well20E	39.29043073	-76.74286759	NAD83	2.46	2.15	2.31	1.95	135.905	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20F	Well20F	39.29044028	-76.7428524	NAD83	5.35	5.04	5.19	1.98	136.001	NAVD88 	RiparianRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20G	Well20G	39.29058381	-76.74284721	NAD83	3.15	2.84	3.00	2.96	137.582	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well
20H	Well20H	39.29057762	-76.74286671	NAD83	5.03	4.72	4.88	3.73	137.481	NAVD88 	UpslopeRHS	Maryland	Baltimore	Well

Related Resources

This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Dead Run Data Collection Claire Welty · John Lagrosa IV  Discoverable &  Shareable Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Urban Critical Zone processes along the Piedmont-Coastal Plain transition 2012340


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Jon Duncan Penn State University PA, US 8148657554
John J. Lagrosa IV Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Maryland, US
Benjamin Glass-Siegel UMBC (former employee) Baltimore, MD

How to Cite

Welty, C., J. Kemper, M. McWilliams (2023). Groundwater levels in Dead Run watershed, Maryland, USA, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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