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Streamflow and Stage Data-ECCC (1400+ sites)

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Created: Feb 24, 2025 at 2:53 p.m.
Last updated: Feb 24, 2025 at 5:34 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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Hydrometric Data from Environment and Climate Change Canada for Research and Development
This dataset comprises hydrometric data sourced from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), provided under the ECCC Data Servers End-use Licence (Version 2.1 - September 2022). The data includes stage (water level) and discharge (flow rate) measurements for over 1400 sites across Canada. The dataset is structured into two compressed archives:
1. 15-minute interval data
2. 1-hour interval data

On average, each site contains up to 10 years of data, though preprocessing may be required to ensure completeness. The dataset also includes a separate metadata file, which provides key information for each site, including:
1.Site ID
2.Station Name
4.Latitude & Longitude

This data is provided for research and development purposes only and is not an authoritative source of hydrometric data. Users must acknowledge the data source by including the following attribution in any derived works:
"Data Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada."
Additionally, where applicable, any third-party data contributions should be credited accordingly. For more details on data usage terms, please refer to the ECCC Data Servers End-use Licence at [insert link if available].

Disclaimer: The dataset is made available as is, without warranty, and ECCC is not liable for any errors, omissions, or damages resulting from its use. The dataset does not imply endorsement by ECCC or the Government of Canada.

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How to Cite

Haq, I. U. (2025). Streamflow and Stage Data-ECCC (1400+ sites), HydroShare,

This resource contains data from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and is shared under the ECCC Data Servers End-use Licence (Version 2.1 - September 2022).
The data is provided for Research and Development purposes only and is not an authoritative source of hydrometric data.
Users must acknowledge the source by stating: "Data Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada."


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