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Going with the (Fish) Flow: Contrasting Implementation of Additional Environmental Fish Flows and Natural Flows in Select Reservoirs of the Upper Colorado River Basin

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Created: Apr 23, 2020 at 12:59 a.m.
Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 at 6:27 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Apr 23, 2020 at 6:27 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.38e6ec942aa143b2af93fdb74d91db83
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The Green River is the Colorado River’s largest tributary, contributing a substantial volume of water to the Colorado River Basin that may be retained in reservoirs and utilized to generate hydroelectric power while maintaining important riparian and ecological habitat. Recently, two environmental fish flows for Flaming Gorge Dam along the Upper Green River have been proposed. The primary objective of this study was to assess the effect of these proposed environmental fish flows, in addition to a “run-of-the-river" alternative, on reservoir storage and hydropower generation at Fontenelle, Flaming Gorge, and Lake Powell Reseroirs. Results obtained from Colorado River Simulation Software (CRSS) multi-run simulation models reveal that, for the years 2020-2060, implementation of both proposed environmental fish flows at Flaming Gorge Dam will decrease average monthly storage by 1.6% and increase annual hydropower generation by 0.1%. The environmental fish flow promoting elevated summer baseflows to advantage native Colorado pikeminnow had greater influence on these findings than did the environmental fish flow aimed to disadvantage non-native smallmouth bass. Over the same time period, the “run-of-the-river” alternative will decrease average monthly storage 2.2% and decrease annual hydropower generation 2.7%. These results provide Colorado River Basin water managers, scientists, and stakeholders with additional context regarding the potential future implementation these alternatives.

See readme.txt for explanation of resource contents.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
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Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Upper Colorado River Basin
North Latitude
East Longitude
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Going with the (Fish) Flow: Contrasting Implementation of Additional Environmental Fish Flows and Natural Flows in Select Reservoirs of the Upper Colorado River Basin
A Hydroshare Resource
By: Luke Gommermann

readme.txt - explanation of Hydroshare resource
Gommermann_Jukes_WATS6330_FinalPaper.docx - final written report
GommermannJukes_WATS6330_Assessing Management Alternatives for Select Reservoirs of the Upper Colorado River Basin.pptx - final oral presentation powerpoint
FinalResults_updatedMR.xlsx - data summaries obtained from CRSS models to create figures and tables used in final written report and oral presentation powerpoint
CRSSinstructions.txt - explanation of how to run the models in CRSS
CRSS model - CRSS.V4.1.1.2020.Aug2019.mdl
CRSS rulesets - 
		i. CRSS.Baseline.2017IGDCP_GroupProject.v4.2.0_Alt1.rls
		ii. CRSS.Baseline.2017IGDCP_GroupProject.v4.2.0_Alt2a.rls
		iii. CRSS.Baseline.2017IGDCP_GroupProject.v4.2.0_Alt2b.rls
		iv. CRSS.Baseline.2017IGDCP_GroupProject.v4.2.0_Alt2c.rls
		v. CRSS.Baseline.2017IGDCP_GroupProject.v4.2.0_Alt3.rls
CRSS control files - 
		i. OutputGroupProject.control
		ii. OutputGroupProject2a.control
		iii. OutputGroupProject2b.control
		iv. OutputGroupProject2c.control
		v. OutputGroupProject3.control	
DirectionsToInstallRiverwareCRSSv2.docx - explanation of Riverware installation by Dr. David E. Rosenberg, Utah State University

How to Cite

Gommermann, L. (2020). Going with the (Fish) Flow: Contrasting Implementation of Additional Environmental Fish Flows and Natural Flows in Select Reservoirs of the Upper Colorado River Basin, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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