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Supporting Information datasets for article: "Explicit simulation of reactive microbial transport with a dual-permeability, two-site kinetic deposition formulation using the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model HydroGeoSphere"

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Created: Dec 02, 2024 at 8:06 a.m.
Last updated: Jan 16, 2025 at 2:49 p.m.
Published date: Jan 16, 2025 at 2:49 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.401dedd41b7040808482019759abc42c
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Sharing Status: Published
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This repository contains the Supporting Information Datasets DS1 and DS2 for Currle F., Therrien R. & Schilling O.S. (2025, under review): Explicit simulation of reactive microbial transport with a dual-permeability, two-site kinetic deposition formulation using the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model HydroGeoSphere. Under review for publication in Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. EGUsphere [preprint],

Subject Keywords



This repository contains the Supporting Information Datasets DS1 and DS2 for Currle F., Therrien R. & Schilling O.S. (2025, under review): Explicit simulation of reactive microbial transport with a dual-permeability, two-site kinetic deposition formulation using the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model HydroGeoSphere. Under review for publication in Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. EGUsphere [preprint],

The Supporting Information dataset DS1 contains a zip-file with the HydroGeoSphere model input files required to simulate the verification example as described in the main manuscript using the base case parameter set. The Supporting Information dataset DS2 contains a zip-file with the HydroGeoSphere model input files required to simulate the illustration example as described in the main manuscript. The HydroGeoSphere input files are provided in a general structure such that interested readers have maximum flexibility in adapting them to any experiment or calibration tool of their choice. To run the models, an up-to-date version of HydroGeoSphere as well as a valid license are necessary. Both can be obtained from The following files are included in the zip file: 

1) DS1: Verification HGS model files:
•	the basic model setup file (filename: colHGS.grok)
•	a porous media properties file representing the high-permeability subsurface region (filename: dc_colloid.mpropos)
•	a dual-continuum properties file representing the low-permeability subsurface region (filename: dc_colloid.dpropos)
•	an array-sizes information file (filename: array_sizes.default)
•	a batch file that provides HGS with the name of the model file to execute (filename: batch.pfx)
•	the initial head input files (located in the subfolder \IC\ from the model spin-up run)
•	simulated concentrations at the column outlet and along the column profile (.z10.colloid.dat and .z_00_10.colloid.dat files)

2) DS2: Illustration HGS model files:
2.1) subfolder \HGS\
•	the basic model setup file (filename: Transport.grok)
•	an array-sizes information file (filename: array_sizes.default)
•	a batch file that provides HGS with the name of the model file to execute (filename: batch.pfx)
•	simulated heads and concentrations in the high- and low-permeaility regions at the observation point (filenames: .observation_well_conc.obs_x275_y250.)
•	water balance of the simulation (filename: Transporto.water_balance.dat)
2.2) subfolder \Mesh\
•	all grid input files
•	element selection files (located in the subfolder \Selections\)
2.3) subfolder \Parameters\
•	a porous media properties file representing the high-permeability subsurface region (filename: props_pm.mpropos)
•	a dual-continuum properties file representing the low-permeability subsurface region (filename: props_dual.dpropos)
•	a surface properties file (filename: props_olf.opropos)
2.4) subfolder \IC\
•	complete set of initial conditions for the high-permeability subsurface (pm), low-permeability subsurface (dual) and overland (olf) domains. The initial conditions are provided as head, concentration and concentration_solid output files from the respective spin-up run and loaded into the model during model preprocessing with grok (filenames: .head_pm, .head_dual, .head_olf, .conc_pm., .conc_dual., .conc_olf., .concsolid_pm. and .concsolid_dual.)


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
Swiss National Science Foundation Strategic Japanese-Swiss Science and Technology Programme (SJSSTP) 214048
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Strategic Japanese-Swiss Science and Technology Programme (SJSSTP) 214048

How to Cite

Currle, F., R. Therrien, O. S. Schilling (2025). Supporting Information datasets for article: "Explicit simulation of reactive microbial transport with a dual-permeability, two-site kinetic deposition formulation using the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model HydroGeoSphere", HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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