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Dynamic Water-Balance--Linear-Reservoir GW-SW interaction model

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Created: Dec 19, 2019 at 12:52 a.m.
Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 at 12:54 a.m.
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Content types: Model Program Content 
Sharing Status: Public
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Layered heterogeneity in riverbank or aquifer lithology imparts a threshold effect causing nonlinear interactions between river stage and groundwater level that can be simulated as a dynamical system. A simple dynamic water-balance/linear-reservoir model was developed to investigate threshold effects at a location on the Big Sunflower River in the Lower Mississippi River Valley, USA. Four conceptual models, each of which simulates a perched aquifer as a dynamical system that receives recharge from the riverbank and loses water to an underlying regional aquifer, were tested using combinations of zero, one, or two thresholds representing layered heterogeneity in riverbank and aquifer lithology. Models were run using a 382-day period of hourly stream-gauge measurements and calibrated to corresponding measurements in a nearby well. All models matched observed groundwater levels reasonably well, with a maximum root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.49 m for the calibration period. Final model performance was assessed for a 3.5-year period representing varied hydrologic conditions. The heterogeneous models matched high-stage events substantially better than the homogeneous model. The best performance was by the model incorporating threshold effects (RMSE of 0.268 m for the period of record), which elucidated four modes of GW-SW system behavior controlled by both riverbank (riverbed hydraulic conductivity) and aquifer (transmissivity and storage coefficient) properties. The dynamical system modeling approach is relevant to any GW-SW system with layered heterogeneity, and the simple dynamic water-balance/linear-reservoir model has broad applicability to a wide range of hydrogeologic settings.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Sunflower, Mississippi, USA



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09/22/2018  05:52 PM           303,521 Vdata1.txt
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              38 File(s)     19,648,101 bytes

See README.csv for explanation of each file.

Model documented in

O'Reilly, A.M., Holt, R.M., Davidson, G.R., and Rigby, J.R., 2019, A dynamic water-balance/linear-reservoir model of hydrogeologic threshold effects on groundwater-surface water interaction: Water Resources Research -- submitted for review March 2019

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MIGRATED_FROM Model Program Resource

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How to Cite

O'Reilly, A. M., R. M. Holt (2019). Dynamic Water-Balance--Linear-Reservoir GW-SW interaction model, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


Andrew Michael O'Reilly 5 years, 3 months ago

This resource is the linear reservoir analogue of the resource: O'Reilly, A. M., and Holt, R. M. (2019). Dynamic Water-Balance/Nonlinear-Reservoir GW-SW interaction model, HydroShare, The linear reservoir model documentation is only available in an unpublished manuscript, which was the precursor to the nonlinear reservoir model published in the reference provided in the README.txt file.

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