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Created: | Sep 04, 2019 at 3:07 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Sep 04, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. | |
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Content types: | Single File Content |
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Complex subsurface geology of coastal Louisiana, formed under fluvial, deltaic, and sea level influences, increases the uncertainty in design and construction of hard and natural infrastructure. In this study, twenty-four (24) collocated soil borings and CPTs at the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) in New Orleans, Louisiana were used to construct multiple three-dimensional soil stratigraphy models by ordinary kriging. To explore the spatial distribution of soils at the site, four soil stratigraphy models were established, including the unified soil classification system (USCS) from borings and three constructed using soil behavior type (SBT) correlations.
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### Description of the files (1) CellValue_Robertson86.txt This file contains a column of cell values for the stratigraphy model constructed using Robertson et al. 1986 SBT correlation. Model grid is stored in SBT_models.vtu file. The cell values indicate different sediment types: 1=sensitive fine-grained; 2=organic; 3=clay; 4=silty clay to clay; 5=clayey silt to silty clay; 6=sandy silt to clayey silt; 7=silty sand to sandy silt; 8=sand to silty sand; 9=sand 10=gravelly sand to sand; 11=very stiff fine grained; 12=sand to clayey sand. (2) CellValue_Robertson90.txt This file contains a column of cell values for the stratigraphy model constructed using Robertson 1990 SBT correlation. Model grid is stored in SBT_models.vtu file. The cell values indicate different sediment types: 1=sensitive fine-grained; 2=organic; 3=clay; 4=silt-mixtures; 5=sand-mixtures; 6=sand; 7=gravelly sand; 8=very stiff sand to clayey sand; 9=very stiff fine-grained. (3) CellValue_Saye17_Q13pt5.txt This file contains a column of cell values for the stratigraphy model constructed using Saye et al. 2017 SBT correlation, WITH Q VALUE OF 13.5. Model grid is stored in SBT_models.vtu file. The cell values indicate different sediment types: 1=SP, SW; 2=SP-SM, SP-SC; 3=SM, SC, GM, GC; 4=ML, CL; 5=MH, CH; 6=OL, OH, PT; (4) CellValue_Saye2017_Q15.txt This file contains a column of cell values for the stratigraphy model constructed using Saye et al. 2017 SBT correlation, WITH Q VALUE OF 15. Model grid is stored in SBT_models.vtu file. The cell values indicate different sediment types: 1=SP, SW; 2=SP-SM, SP-SC; 3=SM, SC, GM, GC; 4=ML, CL; 5=MH, CH; 6=OL, OH, PT; (5) CellValue_USCS.txt This file contains a column of cell values for the stratigraphy model constructed using USCS. Model grid is stored in USCS_model.vtu file. The cell values indicate different sediment types: 1=OH; 2=ML; 3=CL; 4=MH; 5=CH; 6=CL-ML. (6) Data_borings.xlsx Geotechnical boring data. (7) Robertson86_qt_Rf.xlsx CPT measurements data of qt and Rf. (8) Robertson90_Qtn_Fr.xlsx CPT measurements data of Qtn and Fr. (9) Saye17_Qt_fs_sigma.xlsx CPT measurements data of Qt, fs, and sigma. (10) SBT_models.vtu Grid for SBT models. (11) USCS_model.vtu Grid for the USCS model. ### Instruction for model visualization The vtu files can be visualized in Paraview, Aquaveo GMS, or similar programs. Use the cell value files (e.g. CellValue_Robertson86.txt) to assign values for all the cells of the grid system. To have better view of the stratigraphy models, the models can be vertically exaggerated.
Related Resources
This resource is referenced by | Li, A., Jafari, N.H. and Tsai, F.T.C., 2019. Modelling and comparing 3-D soil stratigraphy using subsurface borings and cone penetrometer tests in coastal Louisiana, USA. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, pp.1-19. |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
U.S. Geological Survey through Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute | G16AP00056 |
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