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Streamwater pH, sulfate, copper, and zinc concentration data collected from 1980 to 2021 in mineralized watersheds throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA
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Created: | Jan 25, 2024 at 11:18 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jan 26, 2024 at 12:28 a.m. | |
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Increasing stream metal concentrations apparently caused by climate warming have been reported for a small number of mountain watersheds containing hydrothermally altered bedrock with abundant sulfide minerals (mineralized watersheds). Such increases are concerning and could negatively impact downstream ecosystem health, water resources, and mine-site remediation efforts. However, the pervasiveness and typical magnitude of these trends remain uncertain. We aggregated available streamwater chemistry data collected from late summer and fall over the past 40 years for 22 mineralized watersheds throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Temporal trend analysis performed using the Regional Kendall Test indicates significant regional upward trends of ~2% of the site median per year for SO4, Zn, and Cu concentrations in the 17 streams affected by acid rock drainage (ARD; median pH ≤5.5), equivalent to concentrations roughly doubling over the past 30 years. An examination of potential load trends utilizing streamflow data from eight “index gages” located near the sample sites provides strong support for regionally increasing SO4 and metal loads in ARD-affected streams, particularly at higher elevations. Declining streamflows are likely contributing to regionally increasing concentrations, but increasing loads appear to be on average an equal or greater contributor. Comparison of selected site characteristics with site concentration trend magnitudes shows the highest correlation for mean annual air temperature and mean elevation (R^2 of 0.42 and 0.35, respectively, with all others being ≤0.14). Future research on climate-driven controlling mechanisms should therefore focus on processes such as melting of frozen ground directly linked to site mean temperature and elevation.
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Title Streamwater pH, Sulfate, Copper, and Zinc Concentration Data Collected from 1980 to 2021 in Mineralized Watersheds Throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA Authors Tanya N. Petach: Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Dept., University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA Andrew H. Manning: U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA Robert L. Runkel: U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA Diane M. McKnight: Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Dept., University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA General Information Regarding this Database This database was collated from publicly available sources to support the study presented in Manning et al. (in press). The purpose of the study was to evaluate temporal trends in the chemistry of headwater streams in Colorado, USA, draining mineralized (hydrothermally altered) areas affected by acid-rock drainage. The database contains pH and sulfate, zinc, and copper concentration data for streamwater samples collected from 1980 to 2021 during late summer and fall (July 15 through November 30) at 22 different sites. Additional details regarding data aggregation provided in Manning et al. (in press). Definition of Column Headers and Abbreviations Site_ID = Site name Source = Data source. Referenced sources are listed below in ?References? Org = Organization responsible for collection of data obtained from the Water Quality Portal EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency USGS = U.S. Geological Survey CDPHE = Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CRW = Colorado River Watch Org_Site = Sampling site identifier listed in the data source, if available Stream = Name of stream where sample site is located Date = Date of sample collection in the format YYYY-MM-DD Latitude and Longitude = Latitude and longitude of sampling location in digital degrees Analyte = Analyte measured Result = Reported concentration of analyte Unit = Unit of concentration mg/L = milligrams per liter ug/L = micrograms per liter Flag = Code indicating special case applying to sample, including: 1 = Sample is unfiltered such that the total constituent concentration was measured rather than the dissolved constituent concentration (see Manning et al., in press, for details on specific conditions under which unfiltered samples were included) 2 = Sampling location >200 m (but <600 m) from the site location listed in Table S1 in Manning et al. (in press) References Bove, D.J., Wilson, A.B., Barry, T.H., Hon, K., Kurtz, J., Van Loenen, R.E., Calkin, W.S., 1996. Geology, alteration, and rock and water chemistry of the Iron, Alum, and Bitter Creek areas, upper Alamosa River, southwestern Colorado. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-39, 34 p. Boyer, E.W., McKnight, D.M., Bencala, K.E., Brooks, P.D., Anthony, M.W., Zellweger, G.W., Harnish, R.E., 1999. Streamflow and Water Quality Characteristics for the Upper Snake River and Deer Creek Catchments in Summit County, Colorado: Water Years 1980 to 1999. University of Colorado Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research Occasional Paper 53, 81 p. BPMD CAG, 2023. Animas River Stakeholders Group Combined Water Quality Data, available at Bonita Peak Mining District Community Advisory Group website: CDPHE, 2021. 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