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Great Salt Lake Level and Volume Time Series

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Created: May 01, 2023 at 12:18 p.m.
Last updated: Nov 04, 2024 at 1:41 p.m.
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Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake from the earliest South Arm level record on 10/18/1847 to 10/5/2024. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels and bathymetry. The bathymetry used is included. Bathymetry is adjusted for the presence or absence of Magnesium corps pond. The area of the evaporation pond is not regarded as part of the lake except prior to its construction and during the time it was overtopped.

GSL_north_arm.txt is measured data from the USGS station 10010100 GREAT SALT LAKE NEAR SALINE, UT
GSL_north_arm_2024-10-06.txt Duplicate of above as run on 10/6/24
GSL_north_arm_2023-10-07.txt Previous file from 10/7/23

GSL_south_arm.txt is measured data from the USGS station 10010000 GREAT SALT LAKE AT SALTAIR BOAT HARBOR, UT
GSL_south_arm_2024-10-06.txt Duplicate of above as run on 10/6/24
GSL_south_arm_2023-10-07.txt Previous file from 10/7/23

GSLLAV.txt is time series of level, computed area and volume from level using bathymetry on the days of each observation
GSLLevelVol.csv is beginning of month time series of level and volume. This is interpolated when there is not an observation on the first day of the month.
WyrAveLevels.csv is time series of average water year level

Headings should be obvious. Note that separate levels in the north arm only started being recorded in 1966 so for dates prior to that the North Arm Level is taken from the South Arm. The bathymetry was then used to compute area and volume in each arm separately and add them up.

LevelVolWork.R is the R script used to process this data
LevelVolPlots.R is the R script used to make plots used to check this data
GSLFunctions.R R functions used by the scripts

GSLLevelRecord.pptx Powerpoint file with some figures of this data

Bathymetry folder. Lake bathymetry used in these calculations. This data is also stored separately in

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Great Salt Lake
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:



Great Salt Lake Level and Volume Time Series  
David Tarboton
Last updated 11/4/2024

Time series of level, area and volume in the Great Salt Lake from the earliest South Arm level record on 10/18/1847 to 6/24/2024. Volume and area of the Great Salt Lake are derived from recorded levels and bathymetry.  The bathymetry used is included.  Bathymetry is adjusted for the presence or absence of Magnesium corps pond.  The area of the evaporation pond is not regarded as part of the lake except prior to its construction and during the time it was overtopped. 

GSL_north_arm.txt is measured data from the USGS station 10010100 GREAT SALT LAKE NEAR SALINE, UT 
GSL_north_arm_2024-10-06.txt  Duplicate of above as run on 10/6/24
GSL_north_arm_2023-10-07.txt  Previous file from 10/7/23

GSL_south_arm.txt is measured data from the USGS station 10010000 GREAT SALT LAKE AT SALTAIR BOAT HARBOR, UT
GSL_south_arm_2024-10-06.txt  Duplicate of above as run on 10/6/24
GSL_south_arm_2023-10-07.txt  Previous file from 10/7/23

GSLLAV.txt is time series of level, computed area and volume from level using bathymetry on the days of each observation
GSLLevelVol.csv is beginning of month time series of level and volume. This is interpolated when there is not an observation on the first day of the month.
WyrAveLevels.csv  is time series of average water year level

Headings should be obvious.  Note that separate levels in the north arm only started being recorded in 1966 so for dates prior to that the North Arm Level is taken from the South Arm. The bathymetry was then used to compute area and volume in each arm separately and add them up.

LevelVolWork.R is the R script used to process this data
LevelVolPlots.R  is the R script used to make plots used to check this data
GSLFunctions.R  R functions used by the scripts

GSLLevelRecord.pptx  Powerpoint file with some figures of this data

Bathymetry folder.  Lake bathymetry used in these calculations.  This data is also stored separately in    

Related Resources

This resource updates and replaces a previous version Tarboton, D. (2017). Great Salt Lake Level and Volume, HydroShare,
The content of this resource references Tarboton, D. (2017). Great Salt Lake Area Volume Data, HydroShare,
This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Collection of Great Salt Lake Data David Tarboton  Public &  Shareable Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
Utah Water Research Laboratory UWRL State Funding to support GSL Analysis
National Science Foundation HDR Institute: Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment 2118329

How to Cite

Tarboton, D. (2024). Great Salt Lake Level and Volume Time Series, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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