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DWCZ-MEF-Data from Warix et al. (2023), Local topography and hydraulic conductivity influence riparian groundwater age and groundwater-surface water connection
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Created: | Oct 20, 2022 at 3:25 p.m. | |
Last updated: | May 14, 2024 at 8:49 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Geographic Feature Content |
Sharing Status: | Public |
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The western U.S. is experiencing increasing rain to snow ratios due to climate change, and scientists are uncertain how changing recharge patterns will affect future groundwater-surface water connection. We examined how watershed topography and streambed hydraulic conductivity impact groundwater age and stream discharge at eight sites along a headwater stream within the Manitou Experimental Forest, CO USA. To do so, we measured: 1) continuous stream and groundwater discharge/level and specific conductivity from April to November, 2021; 2) biweekly stream and groundwater chemistry; 3) groundwater chlorofluorocarbons and tritium in spring and fall; 4) streambed hydraulic conductivity; and 5) local slope. We used the chemistry data to calculate fluorite saturation states that were used to inform end-member mixing analysis of streamflow source. We then combined chlorofluorocarbon and tritium data to estimate the age composition of riparian groundwater. Our data suggest that future stream drying is more probable where local slope is steep and streambed hydraulic conductivity is high. In these areas, groundwater source shifted seasonally, as indicated by age increases, and we observed a high fraction of groundwater in streamflow, primarily interflow from adjacent hillslopes. In contrast, where local slope is flat and streambed hydraulic conductivity is low, streamflow is more likely to persist as groundwater age was seasonally constant and buffered by storage in alluvial sediments. Groundwater age and streamflow paired with characterization of watershed topography and subsurface characteristics enabled identification of likely controls on future stream drying patterns.
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Manitou_2021_SW_GW_chemistry Dataset contains chemistry data from 8 paired groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) sites along Hotel Gulch in the Manitou Experimental forest. Sample ID describes the site location (GW or SW (n)) and the date the sample was collected. Sample collection time is listed in the second column. Field parameters include specific conductivity (µS/cm), pH, and temperature (˚C). Cations include Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Si, and Sr, all reported in mg/L. Cations data were analyzed with an ICP-AES. Anion data include F, Cl, NO3, SO4, and HCO3. Anion data were analyzed on an IC and HCO3 was estimated from alkalinity data. Alkalinity is reported as mg/L as CaCO3. High charge balance error is hypothesized to be due to underestimating sulfate and/or error associated with alkalinity measurements. Data flags include: NaN = data was not collected BDL = analyte is below detection limit DRY = data was not collected because the stream was dry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ & datacom_F.dbs CrunchFlow input file simulating flow along a 500 m fluorite column for 100 years. Fluorite kinetic data is from: Palandri, J. L., & Kharaka, Y. K. (2004). A compilation of rate parameters of water-mineral interaction kinetics for application to geochemical modeling. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2004-1069. Retrieved from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manitou_Warix_2021_timeseries.csv Dataset for Hotel Gulch discharge, stream specific conductivity, groundwater level, and groundwater specific conductivity at eight paired groundwater and stilling wells. Electrical conductivity was measured with Onset U-24-001 HOBOs and was converted to specific conductivity. Water level was measured with Onset U-20-001 HOBOs in both the stream and groundwater wells. We measured discharge using the salt dilution method and created rating curves to turn stream water level to discharge, only discharge is reported here. NaN values indicate that data is not available because the sensor was not yet launched, the sensor was actively being downloaded, or because of logger error. Discharge values were also converted to NaNs where stage values exceeded manual stage/discharge observations to avoid overestimating discharge during high flows. Discharge = liters/second Groundwater elevation = meters Specific conductivity = microsiemen/centimeter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Temperature Profiles (TS(n)) Temperature data are saved in individual files for each of the 8 sites. File names are TS(n).csv where n = the site ID. Column headers are the depth under the streamed in meters and all temperature data is in Celsius. Temperature was collected with DS1925L-F5# Thermochron iButtons at 0 cm, 10 cm, and 20 cm below the stream bed. At site 7, the 20 cm iButton failed and so we used temperature data from an Onset U-24-001 HOBO recording at the same interval in the adjacent groundwater well at a depth of 1.43 meters.
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Related Resources
This resource is described by | Warix, S., Navarre-Sitchler, A., Manning, A., Singha, K. (2023) Local topography and hydraulic conductivity influence riparian groundwater age and groundwater-surface water connection (in revision) |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
NSF | Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Quantifying controls and feedbacks of dynamic storage on critical zone processes in western montane watersheds | EAR-2012730 |
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This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoCommercial CC BY-NC.
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