Estimated streamflow, measured suspended sediment concentration, spatial land use data, and associated R scripts for evaluating total maximum daily load (TMDL) of turbidity in the South Fork Clearwater River, Idaho, USA
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Created: | May 02, 2023 at 5:50 p.m. |
Last updated: | Feb 27, 2025 at 3:06 p.m. |
Published date: | Feb 27, 2025 at 3:07 p.m. |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.4fc104e85b4e4948a8a68ab73321a066 |
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This Model Instance provides a file structure and R scripts for estimating trends in suspended sediment concentration and investigating those trends with a record of disturbances to determine correlative relationships, as described in K.M. Humphreys and D.C. Mays (2025) Evaluating Trends and Insights from Historical Suspended Sediment and Land Management Data in the South Fork Clearwater River Basin, Idaho County, Idaho, USA, Hydrology (Volume 12).
Subject Keywords
Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
South Fork Clearwater River, Idaho County, Idaho, USA
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude
Start Date: | 10/01/1985 |
End Date: | 09/30/2011 |

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README.TXT This folder contains the scripts, input files, and supporting files reported in K.M. Humphreys and D.C. Mays (2025) Evaluating Trends and Insights from Historical Suspended Sediment and Land Management Data in the South Fork Clearwater River Basin, Idaho County, Idaho, USA, Hydrology (Volume 12). All codes run on R v4.1.2. CONTENTS 1. Instructions 2. Subfolders 3. Files 1. INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the wrapper script _Wrapper.R is to perform a complete analysis of the South Fork Clearwater River stream gage and water quality data for the Johns Creek, Red River, and South Fork Red River basins during the period 1986-2011. All codes developed and run on R v4.1.2. The analysis consists of: 1st loading in synthetic hydrographs (created using the USGS MOVE.1 regression technique via the SREF application). 2nd creating modeled sediment concentration and loading trends using the WRTDS statistical algorithm via the EGRET R package. 3rd loading in land management, precipitation (GridMET), and snow water equivalent (SWE) (snotel) data. 4th performing regressions (multi-variable linear and random forest) to test relationships between modeled sediment trends and disturbance data to determine if we can predict changes in sediment trends. Each step of the analysis is completed using a unique script called by this wrapper, allowing for a "one-click" execution of the complete analysis. File structure must be as follows: /base_dir /Input_Data /Regressions /Plots /Results /Scripts WARNING: The wrapper script _Wrapper.R requires the user to update the variable base_dir to match the path and name of their base directory. This script will take several minutes to run completely, and warnings are printed to console. 2. SUBFOLDERS /Model_Instance /Input_Data /QC_and_Supporting /Regressions /SREF /Plots /Results /Scripts 2.1. /Input_Data (input data required for model analysis) Stream data provided by United States Forest Service, Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest. 2.1.1. /Input_Data/QC_and_Supporting (sensitivity analysis results, calibration results, hypothesis testing adjustments, and QC files) These files are not directly called by any script but provide supporting information and documentation and supplementary procedures for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC). 2.1.2. /Input_Data/Regressions (inputs and supporting files for regression analysis) Land management data provided by United States Forest Service, Region 1. Precipitation data from GridMET (Abatzoglou, 2011). SWE data from SNOTEL, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2.1.3. /Input_Data/SREF (supporting files, inputs, and outputs from the MOVE.1 analysis in SREF) SREF v1.0 by USGS, Granato (2009) 2.2. Plots (figures output from scripts) 2.3. Results (figures and datasets output from scripts) 2.4. Scripts (scripts to run full analysis, developed and run in R v4.1.2) R package dependencies: EGRET v3.0.7, tidyverse v1.3.2, lubridate v1.8.0, ggpubr v0.4.0, randomForest v4.7-1.1, see v0.7.4, writexl v1.4.1, and dataRetrieval v.2.7.11. 3. FILES Metadata format: Filename; Description /Input_Data/ /QC_and_Supporting; Subdirectory /Regressions; Subdirectory /SREF; Subdirectory JohnsDaily.csv; Synthetic discharge record, Johns Creek JohnsEstimatedQ.csv; Estimated discharge, Johns Creek JohnsInfoSSC.csv; Site information (SSC), Johns Creek JohnsInfoTurb.csv; Site information (turbidity), Johns Creek[MD1] JohnsQ.csv; Observed discharge, Johns Creek JohnsSSC.csv; Observed SSC, Johns Creek JohnsTurb.csv; Observed turbidity, Johns Creek RedDaily.csv; Synthetic discharge record, Red River RedEstimatedQ.csv; Estimated discharge, Red River RedInfoSSC.csv; Site information (SSC), Red River RedInfoTurb.csv; Site information (turbidity), Red River[MD2] RedQ.csv; Observed discharge, Red River RedSSC.csv; Observed SSC, Red River RedTurb.csv; Observed turbidity, Red River SFRedDaily.csv; Synthetic discharge record, South Fork Red River SFRedEstimatedQ.csv; Estimated discharge, South Fork Red River SFRedInfoSSC.csv; Site information (SSC), South Fork Red River SFRedInfoTurb.csv; Site information (turbidity), South Fork Red River[MD3] SFRedQ.csv; Observed discharge, South Fork Red River SFRedSSC.csv; Observed SSC, South Fork Red River SFRedTurb.csv; Observed turbidity, South Fork Red River /Input_Data/QC_and_Supporting/ /Bulletin17B; Subdirectory Adjusted_Pvalues_Bonferroni.csv; P-value adjustments by the Bonferonni method, output from p.adjust in R Adjusted_Pvalues_FDR.csv; P-value adjustments by the False Discovery Rate method, output from p.adjust in R JohnsSSC.xlsx; Observed SSC QAQC, Johns Creek PowerFunction_Fits_WithEquations.txt; Power function fitting to observed data, all three tributary basins RedSSC.xlsx; Observed SSC QAQC, Red River Sensitivity_Johns.xlsx; Time lag sensitivity analysis, Johns Creek SFRedSSC.xlsx; Observed SSC QAQC, South Fork Red River WRTDS_Calibration.xlsx; Calibration of WRTDS parameters for all three tributary basins /Input_Data/QC_and_Supporting//Bulletin17B All files (including input, HEC-SSC, and output) related to Bulletin 17B analysis to determine Q1.5 effective discharge in each subbasin /Input_Data/Regressions/ GridMET_SFCWR_1986-2011.csv; GridMET precipitation for a polygon approximating the SFCWR basin, accessed via USGS Geo Data Portal Johns_Anthro_Disturbances.csv; Filtered land management records, Johns Creek Johns_ChannelBuildingFlows.csv; time series of annual channel building flow events, Johns Creek Red_Anthro_Disturbances.csv; Filtered land management records, Red River Red_ChannelBuildingFlows.csv; time series of annual channel building flow events, Red River RegressionData.xlsx; Regression model data summary, all three tributary basins Regressions_Compare.xlsx; Regression model results comparison, all three tributary basins SFRed_Anthro_Disturbances.csv; Filtered land management records, South Fork Red River SFRed_ChannelBuildingFlows.csv; time series of annual channel building flow events, South Fork Red River Snotel_MountainMeadows.csv; SWE from NRCS Mountain Meadows #650 tuneRF_Johns.txt; Random forest regression tuning (via tuneRF in randomforest R package), Johns Creek tuneRF_Red.txt; Random forest regression tuning (via tuneRF in randomforest R package), Red River tuneRF_SFRed.txt; Random forest regression tuning (via tuneRF in randomforest R package), South Fork Red River /Input_Data/SREF/ 11111111-PeriodOfRecordDates.txt[MD4]; Period of record date range, Johns Creek 11111111by13338500MV1Q.txt; MOVE.1 estimated discharge, Johns Creek by USGS Stites 11111111DAT.txt; Input data to MOVE.1 regression, Johns Creek and USGS sites 11111111MOV.txt; MOVE.1 results and model statistics, Johns Creek by USGS Stites 13336500Q.txt; Observed Discharge, USGS at Selway 13337000Q.txt; Observed Discharge, USGS at Lochsa 13338500Q.txt; Observed Discharge, USGS at Stites 22222222-PeriodOfRecordDates.txt; Period of record date range, Red River 22222222by13338500MV1Q.txt; MOVE.1 estimated discharge, Red River by USGS Stites 22222222DAT.txt; Input data to MOVE.1 regression, Red River and USGS sites 22222222MOV.txt; MOVE.1 results and model statistics, Red River by USGS Stites 33333333-PeriodOfRecordDates.txt; Period of record date range, South Fork Red River 33333333by13338500MV1Q.txt; MOVE.1 estimated discharge, South Fork Red River by USGS Stites 33333333DAT.txt; Input data to MOVE.1 regression, South Fork Red River and USGS sites 33333333MOV.txt; MOVE.1 results and model statistics, South Fork Red River by USGS Stites IndexStations.txt; List of index sites (Stites, Lochsa, Selway) JohnsPR.txt; Partial record observed discharge, Johns Creek LochsaDailyDischarge.xlsx; Index observed discharge, USGS Lochsa RedPR.txt; Partial record observed discharge, Red River SelwayDailyDischarge.xlsx; Index observed discharge, USGS Selway SFRedPR.txt; Partial record observed discharge, South Fork Red River StitesDailyDischarge.xlsx; Index observed discharge, USGS Stites /Plots/ Comparison_Johns.png; Plot comparing observed SSC, WRTDS estimated SSC, and WRTDS flow normalized SSC. Includes smoothed line of annual estimated means at[MD5] Johns Creek Comparison_Red.png; Plot comparing observed SSC, WRTDS estimated SSC, and WRTDS flow normalized SSC. Includes smoothed line of annual estimated means at Red River Comparison_SFRed.png; Plot comparing observed SSC, WRTDS estimated SSC, and WRTDS flow normalized SSC. Includes smoothed line of annual estimated means at South Fork Red River EP_Q_Johns.png; Exceedance curve, observed and synthetic discharge, Johns Creek EP_Q_Red.png; Exceedance curve, observed and synthetic discharge, Red River EP_Q_SFRed.png; Exceedance curve, observed and synthetic discharge, South Fork Red River EP_SSC_Johns.png; Exceedance curve, observed SSC, Johns Creek EP_SSC_Red.png; Exceedance curve, observed SSC, Red River EP_SSC_SFRed.png; Exceedance curve, observed SSC, South Fork Red River EP_Turb_Johns.png; Exceedance curve, observed turbidity, Johns Creek EP_Turb_Red.png; Exceedance curve, observed turbidity, Red River EP_Turb_SFRed.png; Exceedance curve, observed turbidity, South Fork Red River Fit_Johns_SSCbyQ.png; Plot of linear function fit to observed data, SSC by discharge, Johns Creek Fit_Johns_SSCbyQ_Power.png; Plot of power function fit to observed data, SSC by discharge, Johns Creek Fit_Johns_SSCbyTurb.png; Plot of linear function fit to observed data, SSC by turbidity, Johns Creek Fit_Red_SSCbyQ.png; Plot of linear function fit to observed data, SSC by discharge, Red River Fit_Red_SSCbyQ_Power.png; Plot of power function fit to observed data, SSC by discharge, Red River Fit_Red_SSCbyTurb.png; Plot of linear function fit to observed data, SSC by turbidity, Red River Fit_SFRed_SSCbyQ.png; Plot of linear function fit to observed data, SSC by discharge, South Fork Red River Fit_SFRed_SSCbyQ_Power.png; Plot of power function fit to observed data, SSC by discharge, South Fork Red River Fit_SFRed_SSCbyTurb.png; Plot of linear function fit to observed data, SSC by turbidity, South Fork Red River HalfViolin_Discharge.png; Half violin plot of distribution of observed discharge, all three tributary basins HalfViolin_SSC.png; Half violin plot of distribution of observed SSC, all three tributary basins HalfViolin_Turb.png; Half violin plot of distribution of observed turbidity, all three tributary basins QSynth_Johns.png; Synthetic hydrograph (observed augmented by MOVE.1 estimates), Johns Creek QSynth_Red.png; Synthetic hydrograph (observed augmented by MOVE.1 estimates), Red River QSynth_SFRed.png; Synthetic hydrograph (observed augmented by MOVE.1 estimates), South Fork Red River RF_Johns_VarImpPlot.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek full period of record RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_AT.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek post-TMDL RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_AT_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek post-TMDL flow normalized RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_BT.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek pre-TMDL RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_BT_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek pre-TMDL flow normalized RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_D.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek dry years RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_D_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek dry years flow normalized RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek full period of record flow normalized RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_W.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek wet years RF_Johns_VarImpPlot_W_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Johns Creek wet years flow normalized RF_Red_VarImpPlot.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River full period of record RF_Red_VarImpPlot_AT.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River post-TMDL RF_Red_VarImpPlot_AT_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River post-TMDL flow normalized RF_Red_VarImpPlot_BT.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River pre-TMDL RF_Red_VarImpPlot_BT_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River pre-TMDL flow normalized RF_Red_VarImpPlot_D.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River dry years RF_Red_VarImpPlot_D_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River dry years flow normalized RF_Red_VarImpPlot_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River full period of record flow normalized RF_Red_VarImpPlot_W.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River wet years RF_Red_VarImpPlot_W_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, Red River wet years flow normalized RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River full period of record RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_AT.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River post-TMDL RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_AT_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River post-TMDL flow normalized RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_BT.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River pre-TMDL RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_BT_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River pre-TMDL flow normalized RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_D.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River dry years RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_D_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River dry years flow normalized RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River full period of record flow normalized RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_W.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River wet years RF_SFRed_VarImpPlot_W_FN.png; Plot of random forest regression variable importance, South Fork Red River wet years flow normalized WRTDS_Johns_Flux.png; Plot of WRTDS modeled suspended sediment loading, Johns Creek WRTDS_Johns_SSC.png; Plot of WRTDS modeled suspended sediment concentration, Johns Creek WRTDS_Red_Flux.png; Plot of WRTDS modeled suspended sediment loading, Red River WRTDS_Red_SSC.png; Plot of WRTDS modeled suspended sediment concentration, Red River WRTDS_SFRed_Flux.png; Plot of WRTDS modeled suspended sediment loading, South Fork Red River WRTDS_SFRed_SSC.png; Plot of WRTDS modeled suspended sediment concentration, South Fork Red River /Results/ Hydro.csv; Summary of hydrologic predictor variables for input to regression models Johns_WRTDS_Results.csv; WRTDS model results (SSC), Johns Creek; Multivariable linear regression results and model statistics, Johns Creek; Multivariable linear regression results and model statistics, Red River; Multivariable linear regression results and model statistics, South Fork Red River PowerFunction_Fits.txt; Power function fits to observed data, all tributary basins Red_WRTDS_Results.csv; WRTDS model results (SSC), Red River RegressionData_Johns.csv; Sample regression model input, Johns Creek RegressionData_Red.csv; Sample regression model input, Red River RegressionData_SFRed.csv; Sample regression model input, South Fork Red River Regressions_Compare.csv; Output from Regression_Comparison_Tables.R, regression model statistics summary; Random forest regression model statistics, Johns Creek; Random forest regression model statistics, Red River; Random forest regression model statistics, South Fork Red River SFRed_WRTDS_Results.csv; WRTDS model results (SSC), South Fork Red River WRTDS_Johns.txt; WRTDS model fit statistics, Johns Creek WRTDS_Red.txt; WRTDS model fit statistics, Red River WRTDS_SFRed.txt; WRTDS model fit statistics, South Fork Red River /Scripts/ _Wrapper.R; Wrapper script to establish file structure, load dependencies, and execute all other scripts in analysis (requires user to update the variable base_dir to match their base directory) ComparisonPlot_Johns.R; Generate comparison plot of observed and WRTDS estimated SSC, Johns Creek ComparisonPlot_Red.R; Generate comparison plot of observed and WRTDS estimated SSC, Red River ComparisonPlot_SFRed.R; Generate comparison plot of observed and WRTDS estimated SSC, South Fork Red River ExceedenceCurves.R; Generate discharge, SSC, and turbidity exceedance curves for all three tributary basins Load_Inputs.R; Load required input data into R for water quality modeling Load_Regression_Data.R; Load required input data into R for regression analyses Observed_Fits.R; Fitting of linear functions to observed datasets and plotting, all three tributary basins Observed_Fits_Power.R; Fitting of power functions to observed datasets and plotting, all three tributary basins Observed_ViolinPlots.R; Generate half violin distribution/box plots of observed data, all three tributary basins QSyn_Plot_Johns.R; Generate and plot synthetic hydrograph, Johns Creek QSyn_Plot_Red.R; Generate and plot synthetic hydrograph, Red River QSyn_Plot_SFRed.R; Generate and plot synthetic hydrograph, South Fork Red River Regressions_Comparison_Tables.R; Generate regression model statistic datasets for comparison Regressions_Johns.R; Generate regression models, plot and export results, Johns Creek Regressions_Red.R; Generate regression models, plot and export results, Red River Regressions_SFRed.R; Generate regression models, plot and export results, South Fork Red River tuneRF.R; Tune random forest regression models and print results to txt file USGS_DataRetrieval.R; Retrieve USGS stream data for Stites, Lochsa, Selway WriteHydro.R; Compile hydrologic predictor variable datasets WRTDS_Johns_SSC.R; Generate WRTDS model for SSC and plot results, Johns Creek WRTDS_Red_SSC.R; Generate WRTDS model for SSC and plot results, Red River WRTDS_SFRed_SSC.R; Generate WRTDS model for SSC and plot results, South Fork Red River
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
U.S. National Science Foundation | Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands Scholarship Program | 1742603 |
How to Cite
Humphreys, K. M., D. Mays (2025). Estimated streamflow, measured suspended sediment concentration, spatial land use data, and associated R scripts for evaluating total maximum daily load (TMDL) of turbidity in the South Fork Clearwater River, Idaho, USA, HydroShare,
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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