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LCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry -- Bisley, Mameyes -- (1986-2012)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 3:46 a.m.
Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 at 2:18 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Content types: Single File Content 
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These long-term Data Sets are made available in the spirit of open scientific collaboration. It is a matter of professional ethics and collegial interaction to acknowledge the scientists who produced these data. Therefore, proper citation and acknowledgement of the source of these data should be included in any publication or report in which they are used. We suggest you use the following acknowledgements:

For Luquillo Experimental Forest data: Funding for data collection came from NSF LTER DEB-0620919, NSF OPUS DEB-0816727, NSF DEB-0108385, the USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry, and the University of Puerto Rico ITES. Data were download from StreamChemDB (

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Bisley, Rio Mameyes, Bisley, Mameyes


Start Date:
End Date:


Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Luquillo
czo_id 2952
citation Funding for data collection came from NSF LTER DEB-0620919, NSF OPUS DEB-0816727, NSF DEB-0108385, the USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry, and the University of Puerto Rico ITES. Data were download from StreamChemDB (
keywords Al Total Aluminum, ANC ANC/alkalinity, Ca Calcium, Cl Chloride, CO3 Carbonate, Cond Conductivity, DIC Dissolved inorganic carbon, DKN Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen, DOC Dissolved organic carbon, DON Dissolved organic nitrogen, F Fluoride, Hardness Hardness, HCO3 Bicarbonate, K Potassium, Mg Magnesium, Na Sodium, NH4 Ammonium, NH4-N Ammonium-N, NO2-N Nitrite-N, NO3 Nitrate, NO3+NO2 Nitrate + nitrite, NO3-N Nitrate-N, NO3-N+NO2-N Nitrate-N + nitrite-N, pH pH, PO4-IC Orthophosphate by IC, POC Particulate organic carbon, Si Silica, SO4-S Sulfate, SRP Soluble reactive phosphorus, TDN Total dissolved nitrogen, TDP Total dissolved phosphorus, TKN-unf Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (unfiltered), TN-unf Total nitrogen (unfiltered), TOC Total organic carbon, TP-unf Total phosphorus (unfiltered)
subtitle StreamChemDB and LTER
variables Al Total Aluminum, ANC ANC/alkalinity, Ca Calcium, Cl Chloride, CO3 Carbonate, Cond Conductivity, DIC Dissolved inorganic carbon, DKN Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen, DOC Dissolved organic carbon, DON Dissolved organic nitrogen, F Fluoride, Hardness Hardness, HCO3 Bicarbonate, K Potassium, Mg Magnesium, Na Sodium, NH4 Ammonium, NH4-N Ammonium-N, NO2-N Nitrite-N, NO3 Nitrate, NO3+NO2 Nitrate + nitrite, NO3-N Nitrate-N, NO3-N+NO2-N Nitrate-N + nitrite-N, pH pH, PO4-IC Orthophosphate by IC, POC Particulate organic carbon, Si Silica, SO4-S Sulfate, SRP Soluble reactive phosphorus, TDN Total dissolved nitrogen, TDP Total dissolved phosphorus, TKN-unf Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (unfiltered), TN-unf Total nitrogen (unfiltered), TOC Total organic carbon, TP-unf Total phosphorus (unfiltered)
disciplines Water Chemistry

How to Cite

Argerich, A., S. Johnson, S. Sebestyen, C. Rhoades, E. Greathouse, P. Wohlgemuth, F. Scatena, W. McDowell, G. Likens, J. Knoepp, J. Jones, G. Ice, J. Campbell, D. Amatya, M. Adams (2020). LCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry -- Bisley, Mameyes -- (1986-2012), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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