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Created: | Apr 15, 2022 at 9:08 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Oct 20, 2022 at 3:35 a.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Oct 20, 2022 at 3:35 a.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.53c0ae4cf09b404fb19a77ed2018e186 | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource |
Sharing Status: | Published |
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Rivers and streams are control points for CO2 evasion to the air (fCO2), with rates often exceeding internal metabolic production (net ecosystem production, NEP). The difference is attributed to groundwater inputs enriched in CO2 from upland soil respiration, but this implies a terrestrial-to-aquatic C transfer far larger than estimated by terrestrial mass balance. One explanation is that riparian zones, neglected in most terrestrial mass balances, contribute a disproportionate fraction of observed fCO2, highlighting the integral role of river corridors (i.e., streams plus their adjacent wetlands) in landscape C export dynamics. To test this hypothesis, we measured fCO2, NEP, and the lateral CO2 contributions from both terrestrial uplands (TER) and riparian wetlands (RIP) for seven mid-order reaches in a lowland river network in north Florida, USA. NEP contributed nearly half of fCO2 on average, but the remaining CO2 evaded by the stream was generally far larger than measured TER, suggesting principally river corridor (RIP) origins. The relative importance of RIP vs. TER varied markedly between contrasting hydrogeologic settings: RIP contributed 60% of fCO2 where geologic confinement forces lateral drainage through riparian soils, but only 12% where unconfined karst results in deeper groundwater flowpaths that largely bypass riparian zones. On a unit area basis, the relatively narrow riparian corridor yielded 40 times more CO2 than the terrestrial uplands (33.77 vs. 1.38 g-C m-2 yr-1), resulting in river corridors sourcing the majority of fCO2 (NEP + RIP = 85%) to streams. Including riparian zones in the conceptual model for terrestrial-to-aquatic C transfer implies that true terrestrial CO2 subsidies to streams are smaller than previously estimated.
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all_daily_data.csv is the core data for this paper. Units are provided in units_all_daily_data.csv. The file folders have been numbered roughly by topic and the order which the R files were run. Sites have been renamed for the paper, but I have kept the original names on files so R code will run. Sites are: DRAIN SF700 SF1000 = NEW = NR1000 SF1500 = WS1500 ICHE = ICHE2700 SF2500 SF2800 It has been four years between collecting data and doing the modeling for my dissertation and publishing this paper, so I may have forgotten to include files. I think the logic of the analyses are captured in the code, but if you discover a file is essential and not included, please contact me at, and I can try to find it for you. Thank you for your interest in this project.
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