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Station level observed meteorological variables for US

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Created: Jul 12, 2017 at 5:44 p.m.
Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 at 6:02 p.m.
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Hourly meteorological data, such as precipitation, temperature, radiation, wind speed, pressure, relative humidity, cloud cover, etc., are downloaded from WebMET ( and cleaned. The hourly data cover the period of 1961 to 1990 over the whole US. All the data are prepared in matlab format.

Subject Keywords



Data_"State_Number"_ORI.mat: original hourly meteorological variables recorded from 1961-1990 for 188 point station over whole US.
Data_"State_Number".mat:     partial duration data for different locations are extracted due to the consideration of data quality.

D:    matlab time stamp
Ws:   Wind speed                   [m/s]
U:    Relative humidity            [%]
Tdew: Dew point temperature        [degC]
Ta:   Dry bulb temperature         [degC]
Rsw:  Global horizontal radiation  [W/m^2]
Rdir: Diffuse horizontal radiation [W/m^2]
Rdif: Diffuse horizontal radiation [W/m^2]
Pre:  Station pressure             [mb]
Pr:   Hourly precipitation amount  [mm]
N:    Total cloud cover            [0-1]

"State_Number"_observationsFP_ORI.mat: monthly precipitation and air temperature averaged over 1961-1990 period based on the original data.
"State_Number"_observationsFP.mat:     monthly precipitation and air temperature averaged over 1961-1990 period based on the 'cleaned' data (i.e., Data_"State_Number".mat).

Ta_obs: monthly air temperature averaged over observation period [degC]
Pr_obs: monthly precipitation depth averaged over observation period [mm]
Ele_obs: elevation for the station [m]

How to Cite

Xu, D. (2017). Station level observed meteorological variables for US, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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