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CCZO -- Soil Gas, Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature -- Research area 1 -- (2016-2019)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 6:19 a.m.
Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 at 5:38 p.m.
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Zachary Brecheisen, with help from Dan Richter, Will Cook, and others, augered and install 66 soil gas wells at various depths at 15 locations in the Calhoun CZO. Three of these locations are instrumented and continuously monitored, with data recorded every 30 minutes on a Campbell CR1000 datalogger, the rest sampled manually every 3 weeks. Installation occurred in the winter of 2015 through summer 2016. The continuously monitored gas wells target 3 different land use comparisons on flat upland topography. The land uses consist of a reference hardwood forest minimally degraded by human activity, an old-field secondary succession pine forest ~60 years old, and 1 plowed agricultural plot which has been, to the best of our knowledge, continually cultivated since at least the 1930s. The goal of this sampling is to identify anthropogenic biogeochemical signals in the soil profile of cultivated lands and to evaluate their persistence (or lack thereof) in old-field pine forests relative to reference hardwoods.


Gasses measured include O2 (Apogee) and CO2 (Vaisala) probes located in soil gas wells at 25, 50, and 150 cm depths. Data are logged on a Campbell CR1000 datalogger every 30 minutes. Daily average values are computed.

Measurements (depths in cm):

Soil CO2: 50, 150 (all plots)

Soil O2: 50, 150 (all plots)

Soil temperature: 0 (soil surface temperature probe), 25 (all plots via TDR probe), 50 (all plots via TDR and apogee O2 probe), 150 (all plots via Apogee O2 probe)

Soil moisture (TDR probe): 25 (all plots), 50 (all plots)


R1P1 - pine forest 34.60739,-81.72279

R1C1 - cultivated field 34.61014,-81.72699

R1H1 - hardwood forest 34.60643,-81.72332
Date Range Comments: data collection is ongoing, with data logged every 30 minutes

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1, Research area 1
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


CCZO -- Soil Gas, Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature -- Research area 1 -- (2016-2019)



Zachary Brecheisen, with help from Dan Richter, Will Cook, and others, augered and install 66 soil gas wells at various depths at 15 locations in the Calhoun CZO. Three of these locations are instrumented and continuously monitored, with data recorded every 30 minutes on a Campbell CR1000 datalogger, the rest sampled manually every 3 weeks. Installation occurred in the winter of 2015 through summer 2016. The continuously monitored gas wells target 3 different land use comparisons on flat upland topography. The land uses consist of a reference hardwood forest minimally degraded by human activity, an old-field secondary succession pine forest ~60 years old, and 1 plowed agricultural plot which has been, to the best of our knowledge, continually cultivated since at least the 1930s. The goal of this sampling is to identify anthropogenic biogeochemical signals in the soil profile of cultivated lands and to evaluate their persistence (or lack thereof) in old-field pine forests relative to reference hardwoods.

Methods: Gasses measured include O2 (Apogee) and CO2 (Vaisala) probes located in soil gas wells at 25, 50, and 150 cm depths. Data are logged on a Campbell CR1000 datalogger every 30 minutes. Daily average values are computed.

Measurements (depths in cm): Soil CO2: 50, 150 (all plots) Soil O2: 50, 150 (all plots) Soil temperature: 0 (soil surface temperature probe), 25 (all plots via TDR probe), 50 (all plots via TDR and apogee O2 probe), 150 (all plots via Apogee O2 probe) Soil moisture (TDR probe): 25 (all plots), 50 (all plots)

Sites: R1P1 - pine forest 34.60739,-81.72279 R1C1 - cultivated field 34.61014,-81.72699 R1H1 - hardwood forest 34.60643,-81.72332


Brecheisen, Z. S.|Cook, Charles W.|Richter, Daniel deB.




Zachary Brecheisen, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Box 90328 Durham NC 27708,


Sampled at depths of 0.25 m, 0.5 m, and 1.5 m.



Biogeochemistry|Soil Science / Pedology|Hydrology


Soil Gas|Soil Moisture|Soil Temperature


CO2|O2|soil gas|deep soil|logged|Vaisala|Apogee|Campbell



Variables ODM2

Carbon dioxide|Temperature|Water Content|Oxygen


Date Start


Date End


Date Range Comments

data collection is ongoing, with data logged every 30 minutes


Field Areas

Calhoun CZO Research Area 1


Research area 1

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude





Related datasets

CCZO -- Soil Gas -- Research areas 1, 4, 7 -- (2015-2017)



Gasses measured include O2 (Apogee) and CO2 (Vaisala).

Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Calhoun
czo_id 4658
comments Gasses measured include O2 (Apogee) and CO2 (Vaisala).
keywords CO2, O2, soil gas, deep soil, logged, Vaisala, Apogee, Campbell
subtitle Sampled at depths of 0.25 m, 0.5 m, and 1.5 m.
variables Date, time, site, Treatment, surf_degC, 0.5m_degC, 0.5m_O2, 0.5m_CO2, 0.5m_H2O, 1.5m_degC, 1.5m_O2, 1.5m_CO2, 1.5m_H2O
disciplines Biogeochemistry, Soil Science / Pedology, Hydrology
related_datasets 4659
date_range_comments data collection is ongoing, with data logged every 30 minutes

How to Cite

Brecheisen, Z. S., C. W. Cook, D. d. Richter (2021). CCZO -- Soil Gas, Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature -- Research area 1 -- (2016-2019), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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