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Created: | Jun 11, 2021 at 11:58 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Jun 11, 2021 at 12:12 p.m. | |
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This resource contains data from Niwot Ridge used in the development of the Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Snowmelt model. This data was provided by Mark Williams. The Niwot Ridge Subnivean snow laboratory is on the eastern slope of the Front Range of Colorado (3517 m above MSL, 40 deg 03’ N, 105 deg 35’ W). Data were collected during the 1995~1996 winter seasons. The instrument site is located in a relatively flat area above the treeline within a broad saddle of the ridge. The high elevation and exposure of Niwot Ridge, and typically dry atmospheric conditions result in large clear-sky atmospheric transmissivity, increased solar insolation, and low magnitudes of incident longwave radiation, low air temperatures, and high wind velocities. The dataset includes measurements of air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and incident shortwave radiation from April 28, 1996 to September 30, 1996 with a time step of 2 hours. Measured lysimeter data is also available although there are concerns as to how representative it is due to preferential flow paths (finger-flow) in the snow resulting in under-catch of meltwater (Cline DW, 1997, Effect of seasonality of snow accumulation and melt on snow surface energy exchanges at a continental alpine site. Journal of Applied Meteorology 36: 22-41).
This work is described in
You, J., Tarboton, D. G., and Luce, C. H.: Modeling the snow surface temperature with a one-layer energy balance snowmelt model, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 5061–5076,, 2014.
You, J., (2004), "Snow Hydrology: The Parameterization of Subgrid Processes within a Physically Based Snow Energy and Mass Balance Model," PhD Thesis, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State University,
Subject Keywords
subniv_wy96_10min.txt ********************* Ascii data set containing 18 space-delimited fields and 48,166 records. File contains Level 1 (10-minute) meteorological data from the Subnivean Station, Niwot Ridge, Colorado (3517 m a.s.l., 40 03'N, 105 35'W). See for a description of the Subnivean site, instrumentation, data collection, and QC procedures applied to the data set. This file contains only a small subset of the fields of the full Level 1 data set described at the above Internet site. Also, this file contains data collected prior to the Level 1 data set described at the above Internet site. The column headers are as follows: 1 Serial Record Number 2 Year 3 DOY Day of Year 4 HourMin Military Time 5 DOY-Time DOY + HourMin fraction of 24 hours 6 Temp3 Air Temperature [C], 2.0 m 7 RH3 Relative Humidity [%], 2.0 m 8 Wind3 Wind Speed [m/s], 2.0 m 9 Kdown Incident Shortwave [W/m^2] 10 Kup Reflected Shortwave [W/m^2] 11 Ldown Atmospheric Longwave [W/m^2] 12 Lup Terrestrial Longwave [W/m^2] 13 Global Global Solar Rad. [W/m^2] (2nd sensor) 14 Direct Direct Beam Solar Rad. [W/m^2] (2nd sensor) 15 Diffuse Diffuse Solar Rad. [W/m^2] (2nd sensor) 16 Depth Snow Depth (m) 17 Lysim1 Snowmelt, Lysimeter 1 [mm] 18 Lysim2 Snowmelt, Lysimeter 2 [mm] --eof--
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