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AltiMaP v1.0

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Created: Dec 05, 2022 at 12:43 p.m.
Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 at 3:53 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Dec 05, 2022 at 3:53 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.632e550deaea46b080bdae986fd19156
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Content types: Single File Content 
Sharing Status: Published
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Radar altimetry is useful for monitoring water surface dynamics in an era of satellite remote sensing. One of the uses of satellite altimetry is to evaluate/calibrate the hydrodynamic model or to improve river-related variables by optimization/assimilation methods. However, with the discrete nature of the hydrodynamic models, comparing simulated water surface elevation (WSE) with satellite altimetry is challenging due to the difficulty in the exact matching of representative locations by satellite altimetry virtual station (VS) and model grids. We developed an algorithm to assign the VSs to the river network and labeled each VS with a flag according to the characteristics of the allocation to the river network. We presented an altimetry mapping procedure (AltiMaP) to allocate VS locations given in the HydroWeb database ( to the MERIT Hydro ( river network. Each VS was assigned to the nearest river in the MERIT Hydro considering the geometric distance. During the altimetry mapping, flags were added to each VS depending on the method of allocation. The flags were added in cases if the latitude-longitude of VSs is identified as a single-channel river (Flag 10); as a land pixel and allocated to the nearest single-channel river (Flag 20); as a multi-channel river (Flag 30); and as an ocean pixel and allocated to the nearest river (Flag 40). We allocated more than 12000 VSs in which most of the VSs were allocated as Flag 10 which accounts for 71.7% of all VSs. Moreover, most of the Flags 10 and 20 are located up and mid-streams whereas Flags 30 and 40 were in downstream river reaches. The biased VSs which have a large elevation difference between the mean observed WSE with the model elevation were approximately 0.8% of the total VSs and were mostly seen in narrow rivers at high elevations. The error of simulated WSE by a global river hydrodynamic model was reduced by 10.6% by employing the AltiMaP against the allocation VSs by converting longitude and latitude information to the coarse resolution river network. Therefore, the allocation of VSs using the method developed in this study (AltiMaP) to the river network enhanced the comparability of the simulated WSE by the global hydrodynamic model against satellite altimetry. The AltiMaP algorithm and data will be useful for the global hydrological community.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Dataset Varaibles

VS metadata

ID: Identification number of VS station :VS name dataname :dataset name lon :longitude [degrees east] lat :latitude [degrees north] satellite :name of the satellite

MERIT Hydro-related

flag :allocation flag elevation :elevation at VS location on MERIT Hydro [m] dist_to_mouth :distance to the unit-catchment mouth [km] kx1 :best x-coordinate with respect to the 10°×10° higher resolution tile ky1 :best y-coordinate with respect to the 10°×10° higher resolution tile kx2 :second-best option of x-coordinate with respect to the 10°×10° high-resolution tile ky2 :second-best option of y-coordinate with respect to the 10°×10° high-resolution tile dist1 :distance from the second-best location to the VS [km] dist2 :distance from the second-best location to the VS [km] rivwth :River width of the allocated location [m]

Coarse-resolution river network-related

ix :x-coordinate with respect to coarse resolution iy :y-coordinate with respect to coarse resolution EGM08 :EGM 2008 datum elevation[m] EGM96 :EGM 1996 datum elevation[m]

Altimetry Virtual Stations on CaMa-Flood River Network

  1. Allocate virtual stations to the CaMa-Flood map bash sh
  2. Locate biased virtual stations bash sh

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How to Cite

Revel, M., X. Zhou, P. Modi, D. Yamazaki, S. Calmant, J. Cretaux (2022). AltiMaP v1.0, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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