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Created: | Nov 19, 2019 at 6:28 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 21, 2019 at 8:05 p.m. | |
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This is water chemistry data for stream samples collected monthly from July 2014-December 2018 within the Tyger River and Enoree River watersheds, including Holcombe’s Branch, Padgett’s Creek, Isaac Creek, Johns Creek, and Sparks Creek. These grab samples were obtained by dipping new 50mL polypropylene (PP) tubes into the stream channel. Care was taken to sample upstream of any disturbance caused by entering stream channel. Three tubes were filled at each sampling location and returned to the lab for filtration and analysis. Beginning in 2015, pH and conductivity were measured directly when collecting samples. In the lab, the 3 tubes from each sampling location were composited for vacuum filtration using Whatman Nuclepore 0.4 um polycarbonate membranes. The filtered sample was divided into 3 new PP tubes and stored at 4C prior to analysis. To analyze: 1) Dispense 20mLs of sample into glass tube; 2) Allow sample to reach equilibrium with room temp; 3) Calibrate temperature correction on YSI Model 32 Conductance Meter using 0.0001N, 0.0005N, and 0.001N KCl; 4) Immerse conductivity cell into sample, and swirl to eliminate air pockets; 5) Check range and temperature correction for each sample, adjust if necessary; 6) Allow reading to stabilize, record result in uS after stable for 30 sec; 7) Remove cell, place stir bar in tube, place tube on stir plate and mix for at least 15 minutes to allow sample to reach equilibrium with atmospheric CO2; 8) After calibrating pH meter (Brinkmann Model Phi 360) on pH 4 and 7 buffers, immerse pH electrode; 9) Reading may take several minutes to stabilize; 10) Record pH when change in value is less than 0.02 units on successive readings; 11) While continuously stirring, place titrator (Metrohm Model 665 Dosimat) dispensing tip in tube; 12) End of tip should align with bulb of electrode without touching; 13) Dispense titrant (0.005N HCl) until pH 5.00, 4.5, and 4.2 are reached; 14) Record volume when endpoint is stable for 15 sec; 15) Convert volume to meq/L alkalinity. 16) Measure Anions and cations of filtered samples by ion chromatography (IC) and inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP). 17) Measure TOC/TN by TOC-V CSH/CSN (Shimadzu).
Date Range Comments: monthly
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CCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry -- Calhoun CZO -- (2014-2018)
This is water chemistry data for stream samples collected monthly from July 2014-December 2018 within the Tyger River and Enoree River watersheds, including Holcombe’s Branch, Padgett’s Creek, Isaac Creek, Johns Creek, and Sparks Creek. These grab samples were obtained by dipping new 50mL polypropylene (PP) tubes into the stream channel. Care was taken to sample upstream of any disturbance caused by entering stream channel. Three tubes were filled at each sampling location and returned to the lab for filtration and analysis. Beginning in 2015, pH and conductivity were measured directly when collecting samples. In the lab, the 3 tubes from each sampling location were composited for vacuum filtration using Whatman Nuclepore 0.4 um polycarbonate membranes. The filtered sample was divided into 3 new PP tubes and stored at 4C prior to analysis. To analyze: 1) Dispense 20mLs of sample into glass tube; 2) Allow sample to reach equilibrium with room temp; 3) Calibrate temperature correction on YSI Model 32 Conductance Meter using 0.0001N, 0.0005N, and 0.001N KCl; 4) Immerse conductivity cell into sample, and swirl to eliminate air pockets; 5) Check range and temperature correction for each sample, adjust if necessary; 6) Allow reading to stabilize, record result in uS after stable for 30 sec; 7) Remove cell, place stir bar in tube, place tube on stir plate and mix for at least 15 minutes to allow sample to reach equilibrium with atmospheric CO2; 8) After calibrating pH meter (Brinkmann Model Phi 360) on pH 4 and 7 buffers, immerse pH electrode; 9) Reading may take several minutes to stabilize; 10) Record pH when change in value is less than 0.02 units on successive readings; 11) While continuously stirring, place titrator (Metrohm Model 665 Dosimat) dispensing tip in tube; 12) End of tip should align with bulb of electrode without touching; 13) Dispense titrant (0.005N HCl) until pH 5.00, 4.5, and 4.2 are reached; 14) Record volume when endpoint is stable for 15 sec; 15) Convert volume to meq/L alkalinity. 16) Measure Anions and cations of filtered samples by ion chromatography (IC) and inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP). 17) Measure TOC/TN by TOC-V CSH/CSN (Shimadzu).
Foroughi, M.|Cook, Charles W.|Heine, P.|Richter, Daniel deB.
Maryam Foroughi, University of Georgia
Water Chemistry
Stream Water Chemistry
stream water chemistry|conductivity|pH|alkalinity|
Sample location|Date|Flow/No flow|EC (S/m)|pH|TC (mg/L)|TN (mg/L)|Fluoride (mg/L)|Chloride (mg/L)|Nitrite (mg/L)|Bromide (mg/L)|Sulfate (mg/L)|Nitrate (mg/L)|Phosphate (mg/L)|Ammonium (mg/L)|Alkalinity (meq/L CaCO3)|Lithium(mg/L)|K(mg/L)|Mg(mg/L)|Ca(mg/L)|Mn(mg/L)|Na(mg/L)|Fe57(umol_l)|Al(umol_l)|Mn_umol_l|K_ueq_l|Mg_ueql_l|Ca_ueq_l|Na_ueq_l|Fe57_ueq_l|Al_ueq_l|Mn_ueq_l|H+|Alkalinity_CaCO3_ueq_l|F_ueq_l|Cl_ueq_l|NO2_ueq_l|Br_ueq_l|SO4_ueq_l|NO3_ueq_l|PO4_ueq_l|sum-anions|sum-cations_ICP|sum-cations_IC|error_ICP|error_IC
Variables ODM2
Alkalinity, carbonate|Aluminum|Nitrogen, NH4|Bromide|Calcium, dissolved|Chloride|Electrical conductivity|Iron|Discharge|Fluoride|Potassium, dissolved|Magnesium, dissolved|Manganese, dissolved|Sodium, dissolved|Nitrogen, nitrate (NO3)|Nitrogen, nitrite (NO2)|pH|Phosphorus, phosphate (PO4)|Recorder code|Sulfate|Carbon, total|Nitrogen, total
Date Start
Date End
Date Range Comments
Field Areas
Calhoun Experimental Forest and Eco-hydrology Experiments
Calhoun CZO
North latitude
South latitude
West longitude
East longitude
Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
czos | Calhoun |
czo_id | 4851 |
keywords | stream water chemistry, conductivity, pH, alkalinity, |
variables | Sample location, Date, Flow/No flow, EC (S/m), pH, TC (mg/L), TN (mg/L), Fluoride (mg/L), Chloride (mg/L), Nitrite (mg/L), Bromide (mg/L), Sulfate (mg/L), Nitrate (mg/L), Phosphate (mg/L), Ammonium (mg/L), Alkalinity (meq/L CaCO3), Lithium(mg/L), K(mg/L), Mg(mg/L), Ca(mg/L), Mn(mg/L), Na(mg/L), Fe57(umol_l), Al(umol_l), Mn_umol_l, K_ueq_l, Mg_ueql_l, Ca_ueq_l, Na_ueq_l, Fe57_ueq_l, Al_ueq_l, Mn_ueq_l, H+, Alkalinity_CaCO3_ueq_l, F_ueq_l, Cl_ueq_l, NO2_ueq_l, Br_ueq_l, SO4_ueq_l, NO3_ueq_l, PO4_ueq_l, sum-anions, sum-cations_ICP, sum-cations_IC, error_ICP, error_IC |
disciplines | Water Chemistry |
date_range_comments | monthly |
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