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Conditioning digital elevation models for use in the evaluation of river networks and height above the nearest drainage for flood inundation mapping

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Created: Oct 21, 2020 at 1:24 p.m.
Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 at 1:38 p.m.
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Presentation for AWRA Geospatial Technologies Conference held Virtually August 4-13, 2020. This presentation on August 12.

Flood inundation is difficult to map, model, and forecast because of the data needed and the computational demand. Recently an approach based on the relative elevation, or Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND), which is derived from a digital elevation model (DEM), has been suggested for both flood mapping and obtaining reach hydraulic properties and synthetic rating curves. These products are only as good as the underlying DEM from which they are derived and better DEMs offers the potential for improving model representations of streams and parameters derived from DEMs used in hydrologic and flood inundation modeling and mapping. This presentation will review the approach for using relative elevation in flood modeling, describing how HAND is calculated, how it is used to map flood inundation for stream reach catchments and how it is used to determine stream reach properties, identifying shortcomings and giving ideas for improvements. As we obtain more detailed information on bathymetry, topography and hydrography it is important to establish a consistent data model for the river bed that is used in HAND related work that aligns and reconciles elevation and hydrography. This presentation will discuss approaches for using hydrography to remove DEM obstacles, the segmentation of streams used in deriving HAND reach average hydraulic properties and ideas for quantifying reach average roughness based on HAND and flood inundation mapped from remote sensing of previous floods with measured discharges.

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Presentation for AWRA Geospatial Technologies Conference held Virtually August 4-13, 2020. This presentation on August 12.

Flood inundation is difficult to map, model, and forecast because of the data needed and the computational demand. Recently an approach based on the relative elevation, or Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND), which is derived from a digital elevation model (DEM), has been suggested for both flood mapping and obtaining reach hydraulic properties and synthetic rating curves. These products are only as good as the underlying DEM from which they are derived and better DEMs offers the potential for improving model representations of streams and parameters derived from DEMs used in hydrologic and flood inundation modeling and mapping. This presentation will review the approach for using relative elevation in flood modeling, describing how HAND is calculated, how it is used to map flood inundation for stream reach catchments and how it is used to determine stream reach properties, identifying shortcomings and giving ideas for improvements. As we obtain more detailed information on bathymetry, topography and hydrography it is important to establish a consistent data model for the river bed that is used in HAND related work that aligns and reconciles elevation and hydrography. This presentation will discuss approaches for using hydrography to remove DEM obstacles, the segmentation of streams used in deriving HAND reach average hydraulic properties and ideas for quantifying reach average roughness based on HAND and flood inundation mapped from remote sensing of previous floods with measured discharges.

This presentation based on work published in Garousi-Nejad, I., D. G. Tarboton, M. Aboutalebi and A. F. Torres-Rua, (2019), "Terrain Analysis Enhancements to the Height Above Nearest Drainage Flood Inundation Mapping Method," Water Resources Research, 55(10): 7983– 8009,

The data and scripts for this work are in Garousi-Nejad, I., D. Tarboton, M. Aboutalebi, A. F. Torres-Rua (2019). Data For Terrain Analysis Enhancements to the Height Above Nearest Drainage Flood Inundation Mapping Method, HydroShare,

Related Resources

The content of this resource references Garousi-Nejad, I., D. Tarboton, M. Aboutalebi, A. F. Torres-Rua (2019). Data For Terrain Analysis Enhancements to the Height Above Nearest Drainage Flood Inundation Mapping Method, HydroShare,
The content of this resource references Garousi-Nejad, I., D. G. Tarboton, M. Aboutalebi and A. F. Torres-Rua, (2019), "Terrain Analysis Enhancements to the Height Above Nearest Drainage Flood Inundation Mapping Method," Water Resources Research, 55(10): 7983– 8009,


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
Utah Water Research Laboratory Graduate Student Research Assistantship for Irene Garousi-Nejad

How to Cite

Tarboton, D., I. Garousi-Nejad (2020). Conditioning digital elevation models for use in the evaluation of river networks and height above the nearest drainage for flood inundation mapping, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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