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AMR WRR paper 2020 - model

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Created: May 14, 2021 at 1:41 p.m.
Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 at 8:38 a.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Content types: Model Instance Content 
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This repository contains information about the model that is used in the 10.1029/2020WR029354 paper.
The current version of the model simulates steady state unconfined groundwater flow. It is based on the finite element method using quadrilateral or hexahedral finite elements for the domain discretization. For the mesh generation we use adaptive mesh refinement where we start from a coarse mesh and refine the areas of the domain where there is rapid change in the hydraulic head.
In addition the water table elevation is treated as an additional unknown and the iterations of the unconfined non linear problem are blended with the iterations of the adaptive mesh refinement process.

Subject Keywords


Overview of the AMR repository

Model information

The model can be obtained from the following link

Details on how to obtain and build the model can be found in

Organization of this repository

The repository contains the following folders:

  • Compare with Analytical solution
    This folder contains the input files of the model runs of the 3rd section of the paper which describe the comparison with the analytical solution.

  • Test2D_1

  • Test2D_2
  • Test2D_3
    The folders Test2D_ 1, 2, 3 contain the input files for the 4.1 section of the paper.

  • Compare with MODFLOW
    This folder contains the input and log files for the section 4.2. The file *.mmZLib can be opened with the ModelMuse

  • Test3D
    This directory contains the input files of the hypothetical example described in section 4.3

Additional documentation regarding the input files and usage is given in the following link

Additional Metadata

Name Value
MIGRATED_FROM Model Instance Resource

Related Resources

This resource updates and replaces a previous version Kourakos, G., T. Harter (2021). AMR WRR paper 2020 - model, HydroShare,


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
USDA NRCS NR183A750023C005
California State Water Resources Control Board 19-051-250

How to Cite

Kourakos, G., T. Harter (2021). AMR WRR paper 2020 - model, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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