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Using Temperature to Infer Real-time Changes in Beach Bathymetry - Fiber Optics in the Nearshore

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Created: Mar 17, 2020 at 6:21 p.m.
Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 at 11:47 p.m.
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We present a new method for using temperature to infer bathymetric change of an artificial beach placed in the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory Large Wave Flume at Oregon State University. The temperature latency technique compares recorded temperature measured within the sediment with modeled temperatures expected to result from surface water temperature changes through time. Because surface-driven temperature changes are attenuated and lagged in time with deeper burial, we can estimate depth of burial by examining the time series of temperatures measured within the sediment relative to surface temperatures. Temperatures are recorded at more than 900 cross-shore locations across two depths using a fiber optic distributed temperature system (DTS) and at 2 cross-shore locations at two depths using stacked point thermocouples for DTS verification.

Data will be available in October 2021 by request from

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory


Start Date:
End Date:


Basic components of study

Site: O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory Large Wave Flume

DTS: Silixa Ultima

Cables: BRUsens temperature 85°C, armored with 12 stainless steel wires, 3.8 mm outside diameter, red PA jacket, stainless steel loose tube, 2 multimode fibers, 2 single mode fibers, length ~545 m

AFL Flat Drop, 5 x 8.5 mm cable, black jacket, two strength members, gel-filled buffer tube, 2 multimode fibers, original length: ~250 m, length after cable cut during Brugg cable install: ~224 m

Resolution: Temporal: Traces over 5 minute periods(7/24-9/23/2019); Spatial: 0.1271 m

Calibration baths: + Cold bath was a chest freezer set on warmest setting running 2 hours at a time every 8 hours (7/23/2019 - 7/29/2019); 1 hour at a time every 8 hours (7/29/2019 - 9/16/2019); constantly running resulting in frozen coil (9/16/2019 - 9/23/2019). Freezer was filled with water with the cables wrapped in figure eights around four posts, an RBR soloT, PT100 connected to DTS, and a bubbler.

  • Heated bath was a 90 qt cooler filled with water with the cables wrapped in figure eights around four posts, an RBR soloT, PT100 connected to the DTS, and a bubbler; heater was set for a constant output to keep the bath at 30°C.

  • Ambient bath was a 90 qt cooler filled with water with the cables wrapped in figure eights around four posts, an RBR soloT, and a bubbler. Due to severing the flat drop cable during installation of the brugg cable, there is no data for the flat drop cable in the ambient bath.

Points of interest along cables:

Flat drop cable + Pigtail splice: cable marking ~1004 m, channel 2 LAF 9.013 m + Cold bath: Cable marking 1104-1114 m, channel 2 LAF 109.295 - 121.496 + Heated bath: Cable marking 1119-1134 m, channel 2 LAF 124.038 - 139.163 m + Inside flume laying horizontally from point A-B: cable marking 1144 - 1170 m, channel 2 LAF 149.007 - 175.005 + Repair splice at channel 2 LAF 176.912 + Inside flume laying horizontally from point C-D: cable marking 1172 - 1198 m, channel 2 LAF 177.166 - 203.094 + Inside flume laying horizontally from point E-F: cable marking 1200 - 1225 m, channel 2 LAF 205.128 - 230.166 + End of data: channel 2 LAF 232.963

Brugg cable + Pigtail splice: cable marking ~2647.3 m, channel 1 LAF 3.3206, channel 3 LAF 4.6 m + Cold bath: Cable marking 2881 - 2893 m, channel 1 LAF 239.853-248.623, channel 3 LAF 240.878 - 250.538 + Heated bath: Cable marking 2895 - 2910 m, channel 1 LAF 254.215 - 265.527, channel 3 LAF 255.113 - 267.315 + 3 horizontal sections 17-20 m long at two heights + Height change loop: cable marking 2990, channel 3 LAF 346.752 + Ambient bath: Cable marking 3074 - 3084 m, channel 1 LAF 431.9 - 442.831, channel 3 LAF 433.688 - 443.856 + Turnaround splice between two multimode fibers within cable: Cable marking 3193 m, channel 1 LAF 550.612, channel 3 LAF 552.272

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Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation 1832170
National Science Foundation 1756449


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers

How to Cite

Wengrove, M., J. Smith, C. Walter, F. Selker, J. Selker (2020). Using Temperature to Infer Real-time Changes in Beach Bathymetry - Fiber Optics in the Nearshore, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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