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Standley Lake evaporation, meteorological, and lake conditions, Westminster, CO, USA

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Created: Oct 21, 2022 at 12:58 a.m.
Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 at 5:13 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Jan 10, 2023 at 5:13 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.6c91681df3684d7bb2858b62cff125ea
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This resource includes evaporation, meteorological, and lake condition data for Standley Lake Reservoir, Westminster, CO, USA for two warm seasons (June-October 2020 and April-October 2021). These data were collected with the purpose of quantifying reservoir evaporation and the related meteorological and lake conditions that drive evaporation. Daily evaporation rates were used to determine monthly evaporation rates and water balance assessments.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Standley Lake Reservoir


Start Date:
End Date:


Standley Lake evaporation, meteorological, and lake conditions data, Westminster, CO, USA


Name: Holly A. Roth (corresponding author)


Institution: Department of Geography, University of colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO


Name: Peter D. Blanken


Institution: Department of Geography, University of colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO



Temporal range: 2020-0625 - 2021-10-30

Geographic location: 39.8650 N, -105.1218 W; Westminster, CO, USA

This resource includes evaporation, meteorological, and lake condition data for Standley Lake Reservoir, Westminster, CO, USA for two warm seasons (June-October 2020 and April-October 2021). These data were collected with the purpose of quantifying reservoir evaporation and the related meteorological and lake conditions that drive evaporation. Daily evaporation rates were used to determine monthly evaporation rates and water balance assessments.

Within this resource, there are four (4) separate datasets as described below.


This .csv file includes daily evaporation totals and daily average meteorological conditions.

Number of variables: 11

Number of rows: 121

Missing data codes: NaN

  • doy : day of year
  • EC_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total eddy covariance evaporation
  • Epan_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total Class-A pan evaporation
  • ET_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total evapotranspiration gage evaporation
  • Ta_C ($^oC$): daily average air temperature
  • Tw_C ($^oC$): daily average lake surface water temperature
  • Tw_pan_C ($^oC$): daily average pan water temperature
  • U_ms ($m s^{-1}$): daily average horizontal wind speed
  • Rnet_Wm2 ($W m^{-2}$): daily average net radiation
  • e_a_kPa ($kPa$): daily average actual atmospheric vapor pressure
  • e_s_kPa ($kPa$): daily average saturation vapor pressure at lake surface


This .csv file includes daily evaporation totals and daily average meteorological conditions.

Number of variables: 11

Number of rows: 189

Missing data codes: NaN

  • doy : day of year
  • EC_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total eddy covariance evaporation
  • Epan_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total Class-A pan evaporation
  • ET_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total evapotranspiration gage evaporation
  • E_MT_mm ($mm d^{-1}$): daily total mass-transfer based evaporation
  • Ta_C ($^oC$): daily average air temperature
  • Tw_C ($^oC$): daily average lake surface water temperature
  • Tw_pan_C ($^oC$): daily average pan water temperature
  • U_ms ($m s^{-1}$): daily average horizontal wind speed
  • Rnet_Wm2 ($W m^{-2}$): daily average net radiation
  • e_a_kPa ($kPa$): daily average actual atmospheric vapor pressure
  • e_s_kPa ($kPa$): daily average saturation vapor pressure at lake surface


This .csv file includes sub-daily (every six hours) measurements of lake water temperature profile measurements at aapproximately 1-meter intervals. The depth of the profile varies throughout the period due to water level fluctuations.

Number of variables: 3

Number of rows: 18684

Missing data codes: NaN

  • doy: day of year
  • depth_m ($m$): depth interval
  • T_c ($^oC$): lake water temperature measurement at corresponding depth


This .csv file includes sub-daily (every six hours) measurements of lake water temperature profile measurements at aapproximately 1-meter intervals. The depth of the profile varies throughout the period due to water level fluctuations.

Number of variables: 3

Number of rows: 21405

Missing data codes: NaN

  • doy: day of year
  • depth_m ($m$): depth interval
  • T_c ($^oC$): lake water temperature measurement at corresponding depth

Recommended citation for this dataset

Roth, H. A., P. D. Blanken (2023). Standley Lake evaporation, meteorological, and lake conditions, Westminster, CO, USA, HydroShare,

Publications that use/cite the data:

  1. Roth H.A. and Blanken P.D. Controls and Rates of Evaporation from a Suburban Reservoir in the Colorado Front Range. (Accepted for publication in Journal of Hydrology).

  2. Roth H.A. and Blanken P.D. Variability in Evaporation Estimates: Implications for Water Supplies in the Colorado Front Range. (In preparation to submit to Water Resources Journal).

Related Resources

This resource has been replaced by a newer version Roth, H. A., P. D. Blanken (2025). Standley Lake evaporation, meteorological, and lake conditions, Westminster, CO, USA, HydroShare,


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
Colorado Water Institute grant number 202000000045
College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder

How to Cite

Roth, H. A., P. D. Blanken (2023). Standley Lake evaporation, meteorological, and lake conditions, Westminster, CO, USA, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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