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Unimpaired Flow Calculation Data for Three San Joaquin Basin Tributaries in California’s Central Valley
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Created: | Oct 12, 2021 at 10:01 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Oct 18, 2021 at 6:19 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Single File Content |
Sharing Status: | Discoverable (Accessible via direct link sharing) |
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This technical report details methods used to estimate daily unimpaired flow (UF, but often referred to as “Full Natural Flow” or FNF in this report) on the Stanislaus River at Goodwin Dam, Tuolumne River below La Grange Dam, and Merced River at New Exchequer Dam and aims to replicate the methods used to produce daily FNF values published on the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) website. For each FNF station, these FNF methods are used to reproduce CDEC’s published values for daily FNF for two months (April 2018 and April 2019), and for an 11-year period (October 2008-September 2019). Reproduced daily FNF values were then compared to those reported on CDEC. Results of this study show that for these locations on the Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Merced Rivers, daily FNF computations are largely reproducible, but reproducibility declines when flows are low. Methods and data sources used to compute daily FNF varied from those described by DWR for FNF for some tributaries. Public access to data and methods (e.g., published to a public website) is necessary for reliable reproducibility of FNF and implementing an instream flow requirement based on daily FNF. Refinements to improve overall reproducibility of daily FNF computations are also proposed for consideration, including more formal publication of calculation methods and the retention of provisional data and intermediate calculations suitable for regulatory purposes.
Subject Keywords
Description: This folder contains data and calculations referenced in Unimpaired Flow Calculations for Three San Joaquin Basin Tributaries in California’s Central Valley (reference herein as "the Technical Report") #folder: Apr18_19_GatheredDataAndCalcs# Contains data and excel sheets used to conduct analysis covered in Section 3 of the study. Of particular note, 1_Data Comparison_Stanislaus_Nov2020_3rdREDOCALC.xlsx 2_Data Comparison_Tuolumne_Nov2020_3rdREDOCALC.xlsx 3_Data Comparison_Merced_Nov2020_3rdREDOCALC.xlsx contain calculations for the Aprils study and, DWR_MID_ April_19 - Merced FNF.xlsx DWR_MID_April_18 - Merced FNF.xlsx DWR_TID_ 04 13 2018 - Tuolumne FNF.xls DWR_TID_ 04 15 2019 - Tuolumne FNF.xls DWR_TID_ 04 17 2018 - Tuolumne FNF.xls DWR_TID_ 04 29 2019 - Tuolumne FNF.xls DWR_TID_ 05 01 2018 - Tuolumne FNF.xls DWR_TID_ 05 01 2019 - Tuolumne FNF.xls DWR_TID__05 01 2018 - Tuolumne FNF.xls contain spreadsheet reports from Turlock and Modesto irrigation districts (as initially reported to CDEC) #folder WY2008-2019_data# contains data downloaded from CDEC, USGS and from Turlock ID used in section 4 of the Technical Report. This data can also be found in the GItHub repository (most up-to-date resource).
Related Resources
This resource is referenced by | Pulido, A., Pasner, Y., Murdoch, L., Hill, A., Lund, J., & Fleenor, W. (2021). Unimpaired Flow Calculations for Three San Joaquin Basin Tributaries in California’s Central Valley. (Report generated for California State Water Resources Control Board) |
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