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Water in the Human Body: The Importance Of Staying Hydrated

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Created: Dec 05, 2021 at 8:52 a.m.
Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 at 8:56 a.m.
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We have been told that drinking water is healthy for us, but how exactly? For the most part, an adult human body is about 60% water. Every cell, tissue, and organ in our body relies on water to function properly and keep our body going.

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We have been told that drinking water is healthy for us, but how exactly? For the most part, an adult human body is about 60% water. Every cell, tissue, and organ in our body relies on water to function properly and keep our body going.

Based on the Journal of Biological Chemistry, water is a vital nutrient and building block of our body. Our lungs consist 83% of water, while our brain and heart are made up of 73% water. Even our bones contain up to 31% of water.

If you don't drink enough water every day, you are at risk of becoming dehydrated. This can result in several issues like headaches, fatigue, and sluggish bowel functions. To avoid this, you need o know how much water you should drink every day.

How much water should you drink daily?

It depends. The amount of water we need to consume varies according to age, gender, and where someone lives. Generally, the recommended water intake for an average adult male need is about 3 liters a day, while an adult female should drink about 2.2 liters.

The amount can change depending on each individual situation. For example, drinking less water is actually better for someone with heart failure. This is because you don't want your body to retain too much fluid and keep forcing your heart to work harder.

Of course, it is not just about how much water you drink. We are getting about 20% of our fluid intake from our food. So the best indicator when it comes to checking if you are getting enough water is through looking at the color of your urine.

Your water intake is sufficient if your urine is colorless or light yellow. Though the truth is, you would really want to drink water for its benefits, and here're the reasons why.

Drink water for healthy hair

Much like how water is vital for a plant to grow, it is also a key ingredient for healthy hair growth. It is the key ingredient that supports the breakdown of the water-soluble vitamin B, otherwise known as Biotin, which contributes to stronger hair growth.

Your hair needs moisture. Water makes up almost 25% of the weight of a single strand of hair, and when a person doesn't drink enough water, it causes the shaft to become fragile, which could lead to split ends and breakage.

Then again, you need to retain the moisture externally as well. To keep your moisture locked in, we recommend using Hers hair products with a system that provides water to repair damaged hair and promote healthier growth. Applying it will also help keep your roots hydrated, eliminating problems like dryness or dandruff.

Stay hydrated for glowing skin

The skin contains 64% of water. When you are dehydrated, the effects can show up on your face in the form of dry lips or ashy skin that looks less radiant or elastic. Drinking water will keep you refreshed and hydrated, which helps you maintain your skin's elasticity.

Study shows that water is beneficial for health, especially when it comes to anti-aging. People who regularly drink large amounts of water are less likely to have wrinkles or soft lines and show lesser signs of aging than those who drink little water.

In fact, we recommend drinking alkaline water for added benefits. It contains antioxidants that n not only hydrates but also filter out free radicals in your body, which can further help reduce signs of aging. This provides a good pH balance in your body that gives your skin a youthful glow.

Plus, just drinking ample amounts of water can help flush harmful toxins out of your body. Many people suffer from pimples and acne due to these toxins clogging their pores, and this can be solved when you keep your skin hydrated.

Water help stabilize the heartbeat

Drinking water does more than just quench thirst; it keeps your body functions running. Nearly all of our body's major organs and systems depend on water to function and survive, but it can be especially critical for your heart health.

Our heart is constantly working and pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood daily. By staying hydrated and drinking more water than you are losing, you maximize your heart's conditions to work ideally.

This can prevent or slow down changes that may lead to heart failure in the long run, according to a study presented in the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2021.


Ultimately, the most important thing we can do for our bodies is to drink water. By consuming the ideal recommendation of water, you are helping your body function better and improving your overall health.

So invest in a big water bottle or plan more fruits and greens in your diet to make sure you are getting enough fluids every day.

How to Cite

Grayson, J. (2021). Water in the Human Body: The Importance Of Staying Hydrated, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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