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Created: | Jun 25, 2020 at 1:08 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jun 25, 2020 at 1:27 p.m. | |
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This resource includes hydrometric data collected within the Gibson Jack watershed, located in Pocatello, Idaho, USA in the northern Rocky Mountains. These data were collected with the purpose of assessing three-dimensional connectivity in an intermittent stream reach. Stage was measured via Onset U-20 water level loggers at 13 locations within the stream, riparian area, and adjacent hillslopes, and corrected for barometric pressure. For sites within the stream, stage was converted to a hydrograph via a stage-discharge relationship derived from occasional discharge measurements. Discharge measurements were made with a SonTek FlowTracker as well as using dilution gaging methods with an Onset U-24 electrical conductivity logger, which was used to quantify the breakthrough curve for known additions of salt. Local discharge gains and losses in flow along the stream network were calculated using the methods outlined in Payn et al. 2009. Precipitation was measured using a Texas Electronics Rain Gage (0.254mm) recorded by a Campbell Scientific CR1000 datalogger. Temperatures were also recorded at the stream sites using the Hobo U-24 sensors.
Subject Keywords
README for four files associated with GibsonJack connectivity in 2018: GJOutletWeirDischarge2018 - a time series of 15-min stream discharge data from the outlet of Gibson Jack in WY 2018 during the seasonal recession from 1 Apr through 3 Sep and precipitation data from the Gibson Jack weather station during the same period. QgainQlossEstimatesGJ2018 - a table of gains and losses in flow in four reaches above the outlet of Gibson Jack for seven dates during the seasonal recession of WY2018; includes tracer mass added at the upstream and downstream locations, M_U and M_D, respectively. The integrated concentrations in breakthrough curves at the upstream and downstream end of each reach (C_U(t)dt and C_D(t)dt), respectively, and the estimated discharges (Q_U and Q_D) in each reach. In addition, the estimated change in discharge (deltaQ), mass loss (M_LOSS), and the estimated maximum and minimum gains and losses in discharge (Q_LOSS,min and Q_LOSS,max as well as Q_GAIN,min and Q_GAIN,max) following the methods in Payn et al. (2009) and detailed in Dohman et al. (in review). HillslopeRiparianStreamWellLevelsGJ2018 - time series of water levels in 12 total wells, organized in 4 transects of sets of 3 hillslope-riparian-stream wells. These record water levels over the seasonal recession in WY 2018 from 1 Apr through 3 Sep. Wells were installed to refusal and capture saturated soil moisture storage changes. S2 was linearly corrected for an offset in May due to instrument placement. Data are gap-filled using linear interpolation if gaps are less than 1 hour in length as indicated in the notes field. Longer data gaps are indicated by -9999. StreamTemperatureGJ2018 - temperature data from 6 sensors in the water column (or in the air, if the site dried) across an intermittent to perennial transition in Gibson Jack creek during the seasonal recession in WY2018. Linear interpolation was used to fill short gaps of 1 hour or less in length as indicated in the notes field. Longer data gaps are indicated by -9999.
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