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BCCZO -- Geology, Geomorphology -- Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity -- (2006-2006)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 7:57 a.m.
Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 at 12:25 a.m.
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These data accompany the analysis of regolith weathering across ~940 km2 of the Front Range (Colorado, USA) described by Dethier & Lazarus (2006).

Collected data from 1872 paper records of well-drillers' logs held on file at the Colorado Department of Water Resources (Denver office). We used every interpretable record from the Allens Park, Eldorado Springs, Gold Hill, Nederland, Tungsten, and Ward quadrangles. We recorded the thickness of overburden, alluvium, and highly weathered regolith, along with the total weathered thickness, depth to fresh bedrock, total well depth, and any drillers’ notes. We then digitized well locations (and their associated data) on topographic quadrangles in ESRI ArcMap. The maximum probable location error for any well in the dataset is the area of a 1/16 section (approximately 0.16 km2). See Dethier & Lazarus (2016) a detailed description of the methods.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Boulder Creek Watershed, Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


BCCZO -- Geology, Geomorphology -- Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity -- (2006)



These data accompany the analysis of regolith weathering across ~940 km2 of the Front Range (Colorado, USA) described by Dethier & Lazarus (2006).

Collected data from 1872 paper records of well-drillers' logs held on file at the Colorado Department of Water Resources (Denver office). We used every interpretable record from the Allens Park, Eldorado Springs, Gold Hill, Nederland, Tungsten, and Ward quadrangles. We recorded the thickness of overburden, alluvium, and highly weathered regolith, along with the total weathered thickness, depth to fresh bedrock, total well depth, and any drillers’ notes. We then digitized well locations (and their associated data) on topographic quadrangles in ESRI ArcMap. The maximum probable location error for any well in the dataset is the area of a 1/16 section (approximately 0.16 km2). See Dethier & Lazarus (2016) a detailed description of the methods.


David P. Dethier|Eli D. Lazarus





Geomorphic inferences from regolith thickness, chemical denudation and CRN erosion rates near the glacial limit



Geomorphology|Geochemistry / Mineralogy|Geology / Chronology|Geophysics






OBJECT_ID & NEW_ID (identification index)| WELL_NUMBE (well number assigned by the Colorado Department of Water Resources)| POINT_X (UTM Northing – NAD 1983 UTM Zone 13N)| POINT_Y (UTM Easting – NAD 1983 UTM Zone 13N)| QUADRANGLE (Colorado state 7.5' quadrangle)| TOWNSHIP (township notation in quadrangle)| RANGE (range notation in quadrangle)| SECTION (section number in quadrangle)| QUARTER (quarter location within QUARTER_1)| QUARTER_1 (quarter location within section)| OVERBURDEN & OVRBRDN_M (overburden thickness in ft & m)| ALLUVIAL_ & ALLUVIAL_M (alluvial thickness in ft & m)| HIGHLY & HIGHLY_M (highly weathered thickness in ft & m)| TOTAL & TOTAL_M (total weathered thicknessin ft & m)| DEPTH & DEPTH_M (depth to bedrock in ft & m)| MINIMUM & MINMM_M (minimum drilled well depth in ft & m)| DIST_FLTS (using geologic map of Colorado by Green (1992) distance to nearest fault or dike in m)| DIST_STREAMS (using geologic map of Colorado by Green (1992) distance to nearest third-order stream (or larger) in m)| ROCK_TYPE (code corresponds to geologic unit in geologic map of Colorado by Green (1992): 1 = sedimentary units; 2 = Od; 3 = Ogo; 4 = Yg; 5 = Xg; 6 = Xb; 7 = Xq; 8 = Xfh; 9 = Tki; 10 = Tgv; 11 = water)| SLOPE (approximate local slope in degrees)| NOTES (well drillers' notes)

Variables ODM2

Alluvium depth|Water depth|Distance|Groundwater Depth|Recorder code


Date Start


Date End



Field Areas

Boulder Creek Watershed


Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude




David P. Dethier, Eli D.Lazarus. 2006 Geomorphic inferences from regolith thickness, chemical denudation and CRN erosion rates near the glacial limit, Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity, Colorado, Geomorphology, Volume 75, Issues 3–4, May 2006, Pages 384-399



External Links

Geomorphology article |

Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Boulder
czo_id 6903
citation David P. Dethier, Eli D.Lazarus. 2006 Geomorphic inferences from regolith thickness, chemical denudation and CRN erosion rates near the glacial limit, Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity, Colorado, Geomorphology, Volume 75, Issues 3–4, May 2006, Pages 384-399
keywords regolith, weathering
subtitle Geomorphic inferences from regolith thickness, chemical denudation and CRN erosion rates near the glacial limit
variables OBJECT_ID & NEW_ID (identification index), WELL_NUMBE (well number assigned by the Colorado Department of Water Resources), POINT_X (UTM Northing – NAD 1983 UTM Zone 13N), POINT_Y (UTM Easting – NAD 1983 UTM Zone 13N), QUADRANGLE (Colorado state 7.5' quadrangle), TOWNSHIP (township notation in quadrangle), RANGE (range notation in quadrangle), SECTION (section number in quadrangle), QUARTER (quarter location within QUARTER_1), QUARTER_1 (quarter location within section), OVERBURDEN & OVRBRDN_M (overburden thickness in ft & m), ALLUVIAL_ & ALLUVIAL_M (alluvial thickness in ft & m), HIGHLY & HIGHLY_M (highly weathered thickness in ft & m), TOTAL & TOTAL_M (total weathered thicknessin ft & m), DEPTH & DEPTH_M (depth to bedrock in ft & m), MINIMUM & MINMM_M (minimum drilled well depth in ft & m), DIST_FLTS (using geologic map of Colorado by Green (1992) distance to nearest fault or dike in m), DIST_STREAMS (using geologic map of Colorado by Green (1992) distance to nearest third-order stream (or larger) in m), ROCK_TYPE (code corresponds to geologic unit in geologic map of Colorado by Green (1992): 1 = sedimentary units; 2 = Od; 3 = Ogo; 4 = Yg; 5 = Xg; 6 = Xb; 7 = Xq; 8 = Xfh; 9 = Tki; 10 = Tgv; 11 = water), SLOPE (approximate local slope in degrees), NOTES (well drillers' notes)
disciplines Geomorphology, Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Geology / Chronology, Geophysics
external_links | |

How to Cite

Dethier, D. P., E. D. Lazarus (2019). BCCZO -- Geology, Geomorphology -- Boulder Creek catchment and vicinity -- (2006-2006), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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