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Aquifer storage and Recovery suitability tool for the Netherlands

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Created: Dec 09, 2020 at 2:56 p.m.
Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 at 3:39 p.m.
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Aquifer storage can help to reduce drought and salinisation stress. Succesfull implementation is, among others, dependent on choosing a suitable location. A novel model based tool was developed to assess the ASR suitabilty on the island of Texel, Netherlands, where fresh water demand is high, but conditions are challenging. Pre-processing of input data is automatised as well as grid optimization and filter placement. The results show more favourable areas as well as the effect of ASR scale. Furthermore, the number of required wells to reach a target recovery is presented. The computation time was brought down within feasible range, and resolution appeared sufficient. The tool requires only a coordinate and an area size, making it easy to use. However, several improvements are suggested to make its use more general applicable.

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author: koen jansen,
MIT license
This code handles pre and processing of an Aquifer Storage and Recovery Suitability tool.
It is based on SEAWAT, in FloPy

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How to Cite

jansen, k. (2020). Aquifer storage and Recovery suitability tool for the Netherlands, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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