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MODFLOW datasets for simulations of groundwater flow with downscaled global climate model data for the Suwannee River Basin, Florida

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Created: Mar 27, 2018 at 3:57 p.m.
Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 at 6:33 p.m.
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Content types: Model Instance Content 
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***USGS TEST ENTRY*** Contact Todd Koenig at for more information.
A previously-developed groundwater model of the Suwannee River Basin was modified and calibrated to represent transient conditions. A simulation of recent conditions was developed for the 372-month period 1970-2000, and was compared with a simulation of future conditions for a similar-length period 2039-2069, which uses downscaled GCM (Global Climate Model) data. The MODFLOW groundwater-simulation code was used in both of these simulations, and two different MODFLOW boundary condition “packages” (River and Streamflow Routing Packages) were used to represent interactions between surface-water and groundwater features. The parameters for the simulation of future conditions were developed from dynamically downscaled precipitation and evapotranspiration data generated by the Community Climate System Model.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
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Data Release:
MODFLOW datasets for simulations of groundwater flow with downscaled global climate model data for the Suwannee River Basin, Florida
Swain, E.D., and Davis, J. H., 2016, Applying Downscaled Global Climate Model Data to a Suwannee River Basin Groundwater Model: American Journal of Climate Change 5(4), pp. 526-557
05/20/2016 Model archive created
06/27/2016 Sent for OGW review
07/06/2016 Archive modified based on review by Eve Kunainsky
This application includes transient models based on the steady-state model covering the Upper Suwannee River Basin in south Georgia and northern Florida developed by Mike Planert (2007) published in: Planert, Michael, 2007, Simulation of Regional Ground-Water Flow in the Suwannee River Basin, Northern Florida and Southern Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5031, 50 p. 
Future rainfall and evapotranspiration representations are developed from downscaled Community Climate System (CCSM) model data as described in: Collins, W.D., Bitz, C.M., Blackmon, M.L., et al. (2006) The Community Climate System Model Version 3 (CCSM3). Journal of Climate, 19, 2122-2143.
The 1970-2000 and 2039-2069 simulations include the river package representation of the waterways and are implemented with the 64 bit version of MODFLOW2005 with the HDF5 input format option as used in Groundwater Modeling Systems The 1981-1990 and 2050-2059 simulations use MODFLOW2000 The streamflow routing package SFR2 is used in place of the RIV1 package for major rivers as described in the documenting journal article. Executables are in the corresponding simulation folders.

The underlying directories contain all of the input and output files for the simulations described in the report, including source code for MODFLOW2000 and MODFLOW2005 used for the various simulations. Reconstructing the data release from the online data release:
          This data release is available from:

        The models, along with post-processing tools, will run successfully only if the original directory structure is correctly restored. The data release is broken into several pieces to reduce the likelihood of download timeouts. Small files (readme.txt and modelgeoref.txt) are available as uncompressed files. All other files are zipped at the directory level. For example, the files in the "georef" subdirectory are zipped into a zip file named "". All zip files should be unzipped into a directory with the same name as the zip file name without the .zip extension. All zip files should be unzipped into subdirectories created at the same top level as the "georef" subdirectory created from "".
The highest-level directory structure of the original data release is:
with top level files:
modelgeoref.txt - Text file containing model grid information and UTM coordinates for grid location.

The zipped directories MODEL\ contains two subdirectories with input for the different duration models, 113 month and 372 months:
Simulations113month  Input for the 1981-1990 and 2050-2059 periods (9 years and 5 months); major rivers represented with SFR2 package
Simulations372month  Input for the 1970-2000 and 2039-2069 periods (31 years) ; major rivers represented with RIV1 package. 

The zipped directory OUTPUT\ contain subdirectories for the four different simulations:
Simulation1970-2000 - Recent conditions, simulation period 372 months (31 years); calibrated model.
Simulation2039-2059 - Future conditions, simulation period 372 months (31 years); uses downscaled rainfall and evapotranspiration from CCSM3 as described in the documenting journal article.
Simulation1981-1990 - Resent conditions, simulation period 113 months (9 years and 5 months); major rivers represented with SFR2 package.
Simulation2050-2059 - Future conditions, simulation period 113 months (9 years and 5 months); major rivers represented with SFR2 package.

The zipped directory ANCILLARY\ contains supporting data for the transient applications, including the downscaled precipitation and latent heat (evapotranspiration) data from the CCSM model and the interpolation to the Suwannee River Basin Model. It includes:
GWcomparisonWells.xlsx - Spreadsheet of groundwater well measurements used for model comparison
Subdirectories are:
DownscaledPoints\ - GIS coverage showing location of downscaled rainfall and ET points from CCSM - Compressed file of downscaled rainfall timeseries from CCSM - Compressed file of downscaled latent heat timeseries from CCSM

The zipped directory SOURCE\ contains the model code subdirectories for MODFLOW2000 version 1.19.0, MODFLOW2005 1.11.00, and macros created to processing and extracting data as below:
MODFLOW2000\ - Code and executable for MODFLOW2000 with the SFR2 package as used in the 1981-1990 and 2050-2059 simulations
MODFLOW2005\ - Code and executable for MODFLOW2005 with the 64 bit version of MODFLOW2005 using the HDF5 input format.
MACROS\ contains Fortran programs specifically created to processing and extracting data for the Suwannee River Basin Model. These programs include:
Rainextract - Converts downscaled rainfall data from CCSM model to form daily recharge input. Should be executed in the subfolder \MacroInputs.
ETextract - Converts downscaled latent-heat data from CCSM model to form daily evapotranspiration input. Should be executed in the subfolder \MacroInputs.
dailytomonthly - Converts daily rainfall and daily ET data into monthly net recharge model input. Should be executed in the subfolder \MacroInputs.
RCHspatial - Computes spatial distribution of cumulative recharge from model input data. Should be executed in the subfolder \MacroInputs.
MakeRiv - Creates future-conditions river stages based on spatially distributed adjustment and recent-conditions river stages. Should be executed in the subfolder \MacroInputs.
plotriveradj - Converts computed river-elevation changes between recent and future periods into changes at model river grid locations. Should be executed in the subfolder \MacroInputs.
ReadCCF - Reads the binary flux output in MODFLOW2005 format and outputs fluxes for recharge, storage, constant head boundaries, cell-to-cell flows, wells, drains, ET, and general head boundaries. Should be executed in any of the subfolders in the OUTPUT\ main folder
The subfolder \MacroInputs contains data files used as input to these macro programs.

The zipped directory BIN\ has the compiled MODFLOW model software for PC:
The executable for MODFLOW2000 is A_mf2k.exe and the executable for MODFLOW2005 is mf2k5_h5_64.exe.
The included .dll files are library code for the HDF5 format used to read input files in MODFLOW2005 (mf2k5_h5_64.exe).

System requirements:
The models contained in this data release were run using the executables in the appropriate INPUT\ and also SOURCE\ directories in this data release. They were compiled to be used on a personal computer with various Windows operating systems.
For this study, simulations were run on a personal computer with 16MB Random Access Memory (RAM) and 64-bit Windows 7 OS (Service Pack 1).    
Running the model(s):
In the Simulations372month subdirectory of MODEL\ the model is executed with the batch files Modeling_Suwannee_River1970-2000.bat for the 1970-2000 period and Modeling_Suwannee_River2039-2069.bat for the 2039-2069 period. Both batch files run the mf2k5_h5_64.exe executable with the Modeling_Non_Pest1970-2000.mfn and Modeling_Non_Pest2039-2069.mfn name files respectively.
In the Simulations113month subdirectories of MODEL\ the model is executed with the batch files A_MF2K1981-1990.bat and A_MF2K2050-2059.bat which runs the A_mf2k.exe executable with the MF2K1981-1990.nam and MF2K2050-2059.bat name files respectively.

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How to Cite

Swain, E. (2018). MODFLOW datasets for simulations of groundwater flow with downscaled global climate model data for the Suwannee River Basin, Florida, HydroShare,

No license information was provided. If this work was prepared by an officer or employee of the United States government as part of that person's official duties it is considered a U.S. Government Work.


Todd Koenig 6 years, 6 months ago

Uploaded for USGS test.

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