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Laboratory Bed Form Hysteresis Experiments

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Created: Mar 29, 2019 at 3:25 a.m.
Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 at 9:04 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Mar 29, 2019 at 9:04 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.8010620a2ddb459492f118fdf57b59c8
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Recirculating flume experiments tracking the evolution of sand bed forms through repeat 2d sonar scans. Experiments track change in bed form geometries across abrupt and gradual water discharge changes.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
St. Anthony Falls Laboratory


Start Date:
End Date:



For additional information see publication resulting from these experiments.
Full Reference - Martin, R. L., & Jerolmack, D. J. (2013). Origin of hysteresis in bed form response to unsteady flows. Water Resources Research, 49(3), 1314–1333.


"SinglePassRuns" - Experiments with sonar in flume centerline.  Step discharge changes from Q1 => Q2 => Q1
July25 (S1 in paper): Q1 = 39.1 L/s, Q2 = 111.7 L/s
July27 (S2 in paper): Q1 = 39.1 L/s, Q2 = 81.4 L/s
Aug1: Q1 = 39.1 L/s, Q2 = 63.3 L/s
Aug5 (S3 in paper): Q1 = 39.1 L/s, Q2 = 81.4 L/s
Aug17: Q1 = 39.1 L/s, Q2 = 111.7 L/s

"DoublePassRuns" - Experiments with sonar passing alternately at 30 cm and 60 cm (flume width is 90 cm).  Step discharge changes from Q1 => Q2 => Q1
Aug8 (D1 in paper): Q1 = 63.3 L/s, Q2 = 81.4 L/s
Aug10 (D2 in paper): Q1 = 63.3 L/s, Q2 = 111.7 L/s

"FloodRuns" - Experiments with sonar in flume centerline.  Discharge increases and decreases gradually according to a triangular floodwave.  See documentation files for more info.
Aug11 ("slow" wave in paper): Medium duration floodwave
Aug12: Rapid floodwave
Aug16 ("fast" wave in paper): Rapid floodwave


Data for SinglePassRuns, DoublePassRuns, and FloodRuns are in Octave/Matlab text files.  

"Z" files (Z_1 and Z_2 for DoublePassRuns) contain matrices of sonar pass elevations. Rows are individual passes, with 1 cm intervals from 500 cm to 1300 cm from the beginning of the flume.  Successive timesteps are in successive rows.

Corresponding times (from beginning of run) are in the file "sonar_t".

Elevations are in cm (relative to top of flume, so negative values are below the top of the flume).

"massa_Z" (massa_Z_1 and massa_Z_2 for DoublePassRuns) contain matrices of water surface elevations.  Rows are individual passes, with 1 cm intervals from 480 to 1280 cm from the beginning of the flume, and successive timesteps in successive rows.

"transition_times" contains information about when discharge was changed from Q1=>Q2 (Q2_t) and from Q2=>Q1 (Q1_t), except for FloodRuns, where beginning, peak, and ending times for triangular floodwaves are given instead.

Erroneous spikes in the bed and water surface elevations have been removed (and interpolated over), otherwise no other processing has been performed on the data.

DAQ Scripting files
"SAFL_TiltingBed_EightPasses_5to13" does 8 parallel passes with the sonar
"SAFL_TiltingBed_SinglePassAndReturn_5to13" does a single pass, back and forth, with the sonar

Related Resources

The content of this resource is derived from
This resource is referenced by Martin, R. L., & Jerolmack, D. J. (2013). Origin of hysteresis in bed form response to unsteady flows. Water Resources Research, 49(3), 1314–1333.


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation - Division of Earth Sciences Linking scales of geomorphology and solute transport in river corridors 0810270
National Science Foundation - Division of Earth Sciences National Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics - Visitor Program 0120914


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Erik Steen St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Chris Ellis St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Craig Hill St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Gus O'Hanley St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Jim Mullin St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Chris Paola St. Anthony Falls Lab & Department of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota
Ben Erickson St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Craig Eckdahl St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Aaron Ketchmark St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Michael Barros St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota
Antoine Aubeneau Purdue University
Sara Johnson St. Anthony Falls Lab, University of Minnesota

How to Cite

Martin, R., D. Jerolmack (2019). Laboratory Bed Form Hysteresis Experiments, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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