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SUMMA and pySUMMA Training Tutorial for Beginners

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Created: Oct 21, 2020 at 7:27 p.m.
Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 at 1:26 a.m.
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This resource created to understand how to use pySUMMA for SUMMA simulation step-by-step. Each notebook explains with SUMM online document ( to understand SUMMA at first, then how to use pySUMMA for each part of SUMMA simulation. I recommend users to use "CyberGIS-Jupyter for water" for this pySUMMA training Tutorial.

The first five notebooks are created to understand how to set and manipulate SUMMA input configuration files.
In the SUMMA model, "file manager" is a master configuration file; therefore the first notebook (A. Explore file manger of SUMMA 3.0.3.ipynb) explains how to set and manipulate the file manager file.
The second notebook (B. Explore decision file of SUMMA 3.0.3.ipynb) explains how to set and manipulate the decision file which controls different parameterization in the SUMMA model.
The third notebook (C. Explore forcing data of SUMMA 3.0.3.ipynb) explains how to set and plot the forcing data as SUMMA input.
The fourth notebook (D. Explore local attributes, local parameters (global hru) and basin parameters (global gru) of SUMMA 3.0.3.ipynb) explains how to set and manipulate local attributes, local parameters, and basin parameters.
The fifth notebook (E. Explore Trial parameters, Output control and Noah-MP tables of SUMMA 3.0.3.ipynb) explains how to set and manipulate trial parameters and output control text file.

Then, the next seven notebooks are created to understand how to execute SUMMA with different cases.
The sixth notebook (F-1. SUMMA simulation using Output Control.ipynb) demonstrate the comparison of SUMMA output with different set of output control text file (hourly vs daily simulation)
The seventh notebook (F-2. Ensemble simulation using different parameterizations (decisions).ipynb) demonstrates how to execute SUMMA using different parameterizations.
The eighth notebook (F-3. Ensemble simulation using different values of a Local Parameters (Global HRU).ipynb) demonstrates how to execute SUMMA using different local parameter settings.
The ninth notebook (F-4. Ensemble simulation using different values of a Local Attributes.ipynb) demonstrates how to execute SUMMA using different local attributes settings.
The tenth notebook (F-5. Ensemble simulation using different values of a Trial Parameters.ipynb) demonstrates how to execute SUMMA using different trial parameters settings.
The eleventh notebook (F-6. Ensemble simulation using different file manager files.ipynb) demonstrates how to execute SUMMA using different file manager file settings.
The twelfth notebook (F-7. Ensemble simulation using different decisions and parameter trials setting.ipynb) demonstrate how to execute SUMMA using the combination of different configuration settings (different parameterization using decision file and parameter trial netcdf file).

After understanding these SUMMA and pySUMMA training tutorials, users will understand the next tutorial notebook (Application notebooks) better.

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How to Cite

Choi, Y. (2021). SUMMA and pySUMMA Training Tutorial for Beginners, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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