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Created: | Dec 17, 2021 at 8:46 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Dec 31, 2021 at 12:44 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Dec 31, 2021 at 12:44 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.8409b4a5d40541b684d4bdafc0b16b43 | |
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This resource provides two tables of runoff event characteristics from i) long-term and ii) high-frequency (hourly) data that support the study by Winter et al. (2022) with the title "Explaining the Variability in High-Frequency Nitrate Export Patterns Using Long-Term Hydrological Event Classification". Data stems from six mesoscale (39 km² - 460 km²) catchments in in Germany that are sub-catchments of the Bode catchment, part of the TERestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO, Wollschläger et al., 2017). Runoff events were identified according to Tarasova et al. (2018) and classified according to Tarasova et al. (2020).
Table S2. Runoff event characteristics for 5872 events from daily long-term data (1955 – 2018)
Table S3. Runoff event characteristics for 388 events from hourly data including nitrate concentration data (2013 – 2017)
Tarasova, L., Basso, S., Zink, M., & Merz, R. (2018). Exploring Controls on Rainfall‐Runoff Events: 1. Time Series‐Based Event Separation and Temporal Dynamics of Event Runoff Response in Germany. Water Resources Research, 54(10), 7711–7732.
Tarasova, L., Basso, S., Wendi, D., Viglione, A., Kumar, R., & Merz, R. (2020). A process‐based framework to characterize and classify runoff events: The event typology of Germany. Water Resources Research, 56(5), e2019WR026951.
Wollschläger, U., Attinger, S., Borchardt, D., Brauns, M., Cuntz, M., Dietrich, P., et al. (2017). The Bode hydrological observatory: a platform for integrated, interdisciplinary hydro-ecological research within the TERENO Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(1), 29.
Subject Keywords
Table S2: Event characteristics LT Runoff event characteristics for 5872 events from daily long-term data (1955 – 2018) catchment_ID: Catchment abbreviation start: Starting date of an event (month/day/year) end: End-date of an event (month/day/year) season: Season at the start of an event event.class: Event class: 1) Rain- or Snow-induced; 2) Dry or Wet antecedent conditions; 3) Intesity- or Volume-dominated rainfall volumeM: Event snowmelt volume [mm] volumeP: Total event precipitation volume [mm] Temporal coefficient of variation of precipitation rate Pmax.vol.ratio: Ratio of maximum precipitation rate and total precipitation volume ant_sm: Catchment-averaged antecedent soil moisture [%] Table S3: Event characteristic HF Runoff event characteristics for 388 events from hourly data including nitrate concentration data (2013 - 2017) catchment_ID: Catchment abbreviation start: Starting date of an event (month/day/year) end: End-date of an event (month/day/year) season: Season at the start of an event event.class: Event class: 1) Rain- or Snow-induced; 2) Dry or Wet antecedent conditions; 3) Intesity- or Volume-dominated rainfall Qmedian: Median discharge [mm/h] rc: Runoff coefficient Cmedian: Median nitrate-N concentration [mg/L] C0: Nitrate-N concentration at the start of the event [mg/L] Load: Nitrate-N load exported during an event [kg/ha*yr] Load.t Total nitrate-N load exported during an event [t] slopeCQ: Slope between concentration (C) and discharge (Q) in the log-log space; Fitted parameter b from C = aQ^b a: Fitted parameter a from C = aQ^b + c dq/dt b: Fitted parameter b from C = aQ^b + c dq/dt c: Fitted parameter c from C = aQ^b + c dq/dt CVcCVq: Coefficient of variation (CV) of nitrate-N concentrations against the CV of discharge (Q)
Related Resources
The content of this resource is derived from | Raw discharge data was derived from the State Office of Flood Protection and Water Quality of Saxony-Anhalt (LHW). Meteorological datasets were provided by Germany's Meteorological Service (Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD). Nitrate concentration data was provided by the TERENO observational facilities. |
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