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Created: | May 04, 2021 at 10:10 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Aug 16, 2021 at 8:25 p.m. | |
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This resource contains shapefiles (river, cross section, bounding polygon and more) for Bear Creek, Indiana, USA which is to serve as the sample project for the Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network (UFOKN) informational infrastructure. The goal of UFOKN is to create model is intended for flooding forecast with the considerationg of urban structures.
The HEC-RAS project for Bear Creek was downloaded from the Indiana Hydrology and Hydraulics Model Library (Indiana Department of Natural Resources This HEC-RAS project serves as the starting point for creating outputs. These shapefile ouputs were produced three different ways: generated outputs from AutoRAS1D a Python script, exported as shapefiles directly from the downloaded HEC-RAS within GeoRAS Mapper viewer, and outputs from ArcHydro Tools within ESRI ArcGIS Pro. These outputs are to be considered as inputs to the UFOKN model.
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Bear Creek, Indiana, USA
This resource contains varoius outputs that were generated three different ways - with AutoRAS Python, ArcHydro Tool, and exported from HEC-RAS which could be used as UFOKN inputs. Descriptions are as follows:
1. Original HEC-RAS model This is the HEC-RAS file components downloaded from the Indiana DNR Hydro Website (flow, geometry, plan, project, output files, run files, steady flow files). It is ready to view/run in HEC-RAS. The original project was created with HEC-RAS 4.0.1 (2015), but exported using HEC-RAS vesrion 5.0.7 (2021). The latter excutubale file is included in this folder HEC-RAS_507_Without_Examples_Setup.exe (downloaded August 2021). From the IDNR website: 2-D HEC-RAS simulated flows, water-surface elevations and shear stresses created by IDNR Division of Water. Plan, geometry, flow files downloaded from Indiana Hydrology and Hydraulics Model Library from Indiana Department of Natural Resources Stream Name: Bear Creek County: Switzerland Date : 09/02/2015 Study Type: APPROXIMATE(Zone A) Software: HEC-RAS 4.1.0 Model By: IDNR Division of Water Folder ID: - *Description: Approximate model from OCRA Zone A project
2. ArcHydro HEC-RAS Outputs ArcHydro has two tools that work with HEC-RAS data. The ArcHydro execution file has been included in this folder (executable file ArcHydroToolsforArcGISPro.msi v2.7.33). ArcHydro works with ArcGIS Pro by ESRI (v 2.8 was used at the time of this upload). Once ArcGIS Pro is installed, install the ArcHydro tools, then run the ArcHydro tools this order. 1. SDF to Geodatabase is a tool that converts the exported SDF file from HEC-RAS [resides in folder "Exported files from HEC-RAS"] into an ESRI Geodatabase. The outputs of this tool are "SdfToRAS_new.gdb" and accessible in HydroShare. Contents of the geodatabase include shapefiles: Bank Points, Ice, Velocities, ShearStress, StreamPower, WaterSurfaceExtents, ActiveWaterSurfaceExtents, River2D, XSCutlines, XCCutlines3D, StorageAreas, BoundingPolygons. 2. Flood from Cross Section H uses the outputs from SdfToRas_new.gdb and generates a Water Surface Elevation TIN, Water Surface Elevation, and Flood Depth rasters. USGS_1_n39w086_20210617_STAT_clip.tif a 30m DEM was downloaded from NED and used in this example. There was no DEM file included in the original HEC-RAS file, but the Indiana 2012 LiDAR was used according to the info inside HEC-RAS. The included 30m DEM was used for this example however.
3. AutoRAS Outputs is a Python script written by Sayan Dey of Purdue Univesrity (Indiana) in April 2021. 1. AutoRAS Python Script & Environments. Also in this folder is a word document with environment settings. PyCharm v2021.1.3 was used to run this .py file. 2. AutoRAS Outputs contains the four outputs from the .py script: boundary (BP), centerline (CL), crosssections (XS), CSV file with column for PRJ, GEO, PLAN. HEC-RAS projects listed in the CSV output indicate that a downloaded HEC-RAS project contains all the necessary files to run the script.
4. HEC-RAS Exported Files These files were exported using HEC-RAS v 5.0.7 while inside the GeoRas viewer. Files exported include: bankstations, crosssections, rivers, SDF file with coordinate for WSE, cross sections, centerline, as well as sheet stress, velocites, etc. Explanation of the headers in the SDF file can be found in this folder (RAS_GIS_Export_File_Explanation). It was downloaded from the HEC-RAS website. Note these shapefiles did not have projection information when exported, so a projection was assigned (ArcToolbox) using the projection from the AutoRAS. HEC-RAS version 4.0.1 (2015) was the original version used to create the files prj, geo, plan, etc.
5. UFOKN Inputs The actual files that will be needed for the UFK knowledge network are still being decided by the team.
Bear Creek, Indiana information: -Switzerland County -Pleasant Township -Length of Creek: 32859 feet (6.2 miles)
Hydrologic Units for Bear Creek:
HUC_8 05090203 Subbasin Middle Ohio-Laughery 515554.6 acres
HUC_10 0509020306 Watershed Hayes Branch-Laughery Creek 69538.4 acres
HUC_12 050902030602 Subwatershed Bear Creek 16349 acres
HUC_14 05090203070050 Subwatershed Bear Creek (Switzerland) 16371.9 acres
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) - 10-Digit Watershed Boundaries, 2009 - Shows the most recent revision of HUC10 watershed boundaries
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) - 12-Digit Subwatershed Boundaries, 2009 - Shows the most recent revision of HUC12 watershed boundaries
Subwatersheds - 14-digit Hydrologic Units, 1991 - Shows the boundaries of subwatersheds in Indiana (USGS, NRCS)
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) - 8-Digit Subbasin Watershed Boundaries, 2009 - Shows the most recent revision of HUC08 watershed boundaries
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